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Neal Pomea

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Everything posted by Neal Pomea

  1. The opening of New Orleans Wanderers, Perdido Street Blues!
  2. Where did you hear that Ruiz is going to catch R.A. Dickey? Yadier Molina is the best catcher in baseball today, so I thought he would be the one.
  3. Much preferred the throwback 1924 uniforms we wore Thursday night to the current one! The thing is, in Washington, the loudest mouths are the few fans of the 1960s second franchise Senators. Their nostalgia is for THAT team. So they argue that we in 2012 should be remembering and paying homage to DC's baseball history with the curly W and stuff I really can't stand, yet they invariably exclude the original Nationals and especially the Washington (Homestead) Grays, our greatest baseball history! For the likes of Jim French, Eddie Brinkman, and Ron Hansen! Pitiful!
  4. People will be mortified that they ever used a lower case i before a capital letter as in iPhone, iPod, iPad, iMac, and the newest substitute for library school, the iSchool. Oh, and CNN's iReporters!
  5. Bunk Johnson Baby Dodds Cab Calloway Miff Mole
  6. A Face in the Crowd!
  7. Shazam! What a career! Loved his storytelling for Opie, like Romeo and Juliet, or his little chats with Barney. (Winkin'll tell Blinkin', and Blinkin'll tell Nod, and Nod'll tell Barney, and Barney'll tell you!)
  8. I like this group, too, the Foghorn String Band. They play "both" kinds of music: AM and FM (American music and French music!) http://foghornstringband.com/2010/11/16/foghorn-trio-tours-alaska/foghorntrio-3428-3/ I caught them backing up Jesse Lege and Joel Savoy doing Cajun music! Red Stick Ramblers. More swing country, less Cajun than you would think. My Suitcase is Always Packed. http://www.redstickramblers.com/music.html (The leader, Linzay Young, even played a prominent role in the boucherie that Tony Bourdain visited on the Travel Network food show, No Reservations!)
  9. Oh God, the family around the dinner table! That was hilarious!
  10. South Carolina Broadcasters are three people playing guitars, fiddle, and banjo. Great old time singing! (Great name, reminding me of Da Costa Walz' Southern Broadcasters) This is how they do the Delmore Brothers' Take Away This Lonesome Day. I had to play it over and over again! http://scbroadcaster.bandcamp.com/track/take-away-this-lonesome-day This one is a duet of David Sheppard and Ivy Lindley Sheppard.
  11. I liked both Jerry Lewis and Eddie Murphy in The Nutty Professor. Trading Places was another good Murphy movie.
  12. Glad to see that Ian Desmond, DC shortstop, was named as a reserve to the NL All Star team. Very deserving.
  13. I am still partial to 1960s slapstick like Flim-Flam Man and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Just about anything with Peter Sellers. More recent movies I thought were funny include Groundhog Day and The Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou. The Crimson Permanent Assurance short.
  14. Jimmy Reed? Big influence in Louisiana. Paul "Little Buck" Sinegal with Clifton Chenier's band and later C.J. Chenier.
  15. No. 959 came in this week! Glad to see that quite a few of the Fletcher Henderson titles do not match my Hendersons from Joe Bussard 78s. Somebody said sound reduction can be overdone, which is true, but my Joe B stuff is pretty mossy at times. I appreciate the remastering on the Henderson tunes I have heard before.
  16. Things you could say about your political opponent that sounded scandalous but really weren't (outdated) "His sister is a well-known thespian."
  17. Marie is only six years old Information please Help them put me through to her In Memphis Tennessee http://npmusic.org/Robert_Bertrand_Joel_Sonnier_Memphis.mp3 Jo-El Sonnier with Robert Bertrand's band.
  18. Too bad Webster didn't go even further and try to straighten out our o vowel and words with "ough" pronounced so many different ways! Though it be rough to go through a cough, I thought ...
  19. He's having a fine season! Hope we don't have to face him many times this year.
  20. Never mind! I figured out where to plug the cable I was using with the old computer into the new one.
  21. "By year’s end a paper version of the Times-Pic will be available only on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. No more Monday recaps of Saints games in print. And let’s imagine the frantic raids on recycling bins next crawfish season in the metro area. Can you even have a crawfish boil and not cover the table with newspaper?" http://www.theind.com/re/10610-the-digitally-divided
  22. You might enjoy Maddox's take on the word "epic." http://thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=epic
  23. La Misère à Mon Beau-Pére (My Father-in-law's Misery). Bingo! (Sidney Brown & His French Accordion, on the 10th anniversary of my Cajun French music website!) http://npmusic.org/05Sidney_Brown_and_his_French_Accordion_La_Misere_de_Mon_Beau_Pere.mp3
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