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Neal Pomea

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Everything posted by Neal Pomea

  1. My Astros are 36-73, dead last in Major League Baseball. For the second year in a row. There's maybe one player on the team that would even be tradeable at this point (Jose Altuve), but I believe he's who they're hoping to build around. It's gonna be 3-4 years before they're even competitive if they're lucky, and oh by the way they're also switching to the AL, involuntarily. So the need a DH. Don't really have any bats on the team. Nor any decent pitchers. Baseball isn't much fun to watch for an Astros fan. Hope to catch 'em at Camden Yards in the future! I've got an old cap with the H and star on it. They were my team before the Expos came to town.
  2. That seems to have done the trick for me too. I use Google Chrome and I was getting the warning in the MLB thread, then in the thread ABOUT the warning in the MLB thread!
  3. That 10,000 meter race was one of the highlights of the Olympics so far! Loved it!
  4. Crazy win over the Brewers in 11! Clutch hitting again by Michael Morse, and stellar defense by Espinosa covering for Desmond at ss, and Ryan Zimmerman again at 3b. Player of the game for me was Jesus Flores, who really took a beating at catcher. A couple of nasty foul tips hit his right collarbone, then the next inning his left collarbone! Hope he's going to be ok! Ineffective Brewer bullpen killed them.
  5. What about top sports moments in memory? I would even venture to guess Miracle on Ice and Nadia Comenici's 10s should be up there in Olympics history. And Jim McKay reporting on the Israeli athletes gone to terrorists. And Tommy Smith, John Carlos in Mexico City, of course.
  6. Missed Made in America originally, and now that I see it on reruns they always ruin it. They NEVER let the screen stay blank as long as originally for effect. They rush to credits and commercials. I've seen it ruined twice that way lately. Thanks for this clip!
  7. You won't believe this list that was on the Washington Post earlier this summer. Wow! Of course this raised a lot of protests of ageism. http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/top-20-all-time-tv-moments/2012/07/11/gJQA4b19cW_gallery.html Funny you begin with LBJ's speech declining to run for president. Made a big impression on me. I was pretty young (born in '55) and was not too skeptical of politicians yet. He was bigger than life, probably the biggest president of my lifetime. I remember his speech before Congress asking the country to help him in the days shortly after JFK was shot. Strange that the country hated him because of the war, so to spite him it elected and re-elected a man who escalated it to a far greater degree. Strange times!
  8. The opening ceremonies are usually preceded by some early-round competition.
  9. http://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/tv/2012/07/24/gJQA1hWV7W_story.html?hpid=z5 Loved The Jeffersons, and he was a riot recently in Nelly's Batter Up video
  10. that was an amazing game, wasn't it? That was October in July!
  11. Woo! 9-0, then we lost 11-10! and they say baseball is boring!!
  12. Nutty game! 4 on tap this weekend.
  13. It's going to be hard to get 4 games in with the Braves in DC, given the weather forecast this weekend. But this will be a good series between 2 teams that are pretty evenly matched. Lots of respect for the Braves here!
  14. Mets paid us back today with a blowout, 9-5. Should have been 9-1 but for their bullpen failing to hold us late in the game. Don't forget that the Nationals had two blown saves (well, one save, and one tie) that Tuesday night game too!
  15. Exciting game. A touch of Enos Slaughter's mad dash when Harper took third base in the last inning.
  16. Pepper and Amy Adams
  17. I will be at Thursday's day game against DC this week. Gio Gonzalez is the probable starter unless there's a rain out between now and then. Love weekday day games!
  18. I don't see why the university wouldn't make the players "free agents," free to go to other football programs on scholarships if possible, or else honor their scholarships and let them attend Penn State like non-athlete students. I don't know how well they'll do without the help they would have gotten through the football program, but that's another issue. They cannot just go back to business as usual because of their commitments to the current players, imo.
  19. Thanks. I will give that a try, if I can understand the video. It sort of assumes I have more knowledge of the starting point than I really do, as is often the case with technical manuals. I might try a DOS command, ren (for rename).
  20. Thanks! That's what I did, but there are hundreds of songs now with .ptl. I wonder if there is a way to delete .ptl in a batch rather than one by one. (Enjoyed your recent picture of what makes you smile)
  21. When I bought a new computer and transferred Amazon mp3 files from the old one to the new, it looks like many, but not all, of those songs now end with a .ptl extension and iTunes cannot play them. Files end with .mp3.ptl, that is. I found that if I renamed those files to have a .mp3 extension by deleting the .ptl extension, iItunes was able to play them. Is there a way to rename all the files I have that now have the .ptl extention? And by the way, what does .ptl mean? All I can find through Google searches is Path Too Long.
  22. Civil suits against the university for neglectfully endangering those victims?
  23. New Orleans Wanderers, Perdido Street Blues http://npmusic.org/PerdidoStBluesRingtone.mp3 New Orleans Bootblacks, Mad Dog http://npmusic.org/MadDogRingtone.mp3
  24. Richard M. Jones, Good Stuff http://www.npmusic.org/GoodStuffRingtone.mp3
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