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Neal Pomea

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Everything posted by Neal Pomea

  1. Thanks! The 2 cd outtakes option would suit me.
  2. Major exception in the French music. Aks Bruce Daigrepont.
  3. You've been blessed, as you have blessed so many people yourself.
  4. Thanks! That never gets old.
  5. Got me right in the feels.
  6. Who are the strongest, most deserving candidates for the All Star team from YOUR team? For Washington it's Jordan Zimmermann and Ian Desmond. I would also say Gio Gonzalez who has really been very good but hasn't gotten winning decisions. Still the team usually wins when he pitches.
  7. Complex actor! Two recent Soprano episodes I have seen are the one in which he kills Ralphie over the horse and one in which he shows a tender side to Uncle Junior for his Alzheimer's. ("Believe me, there's a lot I'd rather forget!" "Me too.")
  8. Sam Morgan's Jazz Band: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mKd_MaSprk
  9. He was Miffed because a Mole turned him in.
  10. I don't think that is correct. See this about "ownership:" http://www.marketwatch.com/story/who-inherits-your-itunes-library-2012-08-23 "According to Amazon’s terms of use, “You do not acquire any ownership rights in the software or music content.” Apple limits the use of digital files to Apple devices used by the account holder."
  11. Not sure I even really own the files I think I am buying from Itunes or Amazon Cloud. I think they just lease them to me to use with their programs. So I could not pass them along to heirs.
  12. Nationals drop below .500. Need to get a few players healthy and on board!
  13. What a slugfest in Baltimore! Both teams had 4 home runs last night, and though Ryan Zimmerman had 3 for the Nationals, it was small consolation for the Orioles winning 9-6!
  14. "Modern" began in the 1600s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_philosophy
  15. Shoot, try "early" jazz like from the 20s and 30s! This kid might be open minded enough for that, sounds like. Who knows what he'll warm up to.
  16. Does Butch Wax count? Even I had a flat top in the 4th grade.
  17. One zen master was Richie Allen, who never complained to umpires, I remember reading stories about this as a kid. Steve Garvey was pretty mellow. The one player I always admired, and who carried himself in a classy way, was Johnny Bench -- in fact, I rate Bench as one of the best players I ever watched, and his fellow catchers always said that, by far, he had the best technique behind the plate. Current player: Buster Posey seems like a guy that won't ever get thrown out of a game. Nice point about Bench! He pretty much broke the mold for catchers! That's remarkable about Richie (Dick) Allen since he had to endure a lot of terrible racism from fans!
  18. Bryce Harper was ejected by Umpire Hirschbeck in the first inning of today's game in Pittsburgh. I think the ump missed the check swing call. Whatever Harper said pulled the trigger. Not bringing it up to argue about the right or wrong. It just reminds me, weren't they saying when Stan Musial died that he was NEVER ejected from a game? I find that incredible for someone with such a long career! Who are the Zen masters of MLB history?
  19. You Ought to Be Here with Me was a 1990 cd that was his last collaboration with Billy Sherrill, his producer on He Stopped Loving Her Today. Not heavily promoted, and out of print for a long time, this one is a favorite of mine. http://www.amazon.com/You-Ought-Here-George-Jones/dp/B000008H4I Fine voice!
  20. Sadly missed! (You Ought to be Here with Me)
  21. Excellent resource, Allen! Chuck!
  22. American music is all kinds of things, including ethnic American music. This is why I find the very concept "Great American Songbook" to be prejudicial as I understand it to be used. My website has been used to supplement college courses on American and ethnic folk music. It focuses on Cajun music. Some Creole. http://npmusic.org/artists.html
  23. He did a great version of Vigilante Man at the Carnegie Hall Tribute to Woody Guthrie concert but it's not on the CD version, just the lp. I am lucky to have that one.
  24. I was initially disappointed when they broke up the Summerall-Brookshier combo and paired Pat with my old Raider coach. I wasn't sure that guy would amount to anything as a color guy with his "boom" and all that. I remember that too. He and Brookshier were the top pair, but few of the obits I've been reading have even mentioned that.
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