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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Off Hulu: A bunch of episodes of The Dick Van Dyke Show, The one where Big Max Calvata's nephew wants to get into show business -- hilarious! Now Rob and Jerry are buying a boat together, the Betty Lou, geesh, this is a great show...
  2. Well, this is the thing Ghostie, after the top six, seven players, the Yankees are a mediocre team, if ARod goes down, it's free-fall time. I still don't think they're making the playoffs, Boston's pitching will win out at the end.
  3. All I could think of at some of the fly-byes was Catch-22.
  4. No. 3 is just ridiculous http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkEq72djE7I
  5. Bud Shank played a lot of flute, and interestingly enough, later on in life, he regretted it. To my taste, I just don't like how it sounds.
  6. I had for first watermelon of the year today, and put a ton of salt on it too.
  7. I always felt that Miller's AAFB was one of the greatest big bands for popular music ever. I say popular music because the whole purpose of that band was entertainment of the troops, so it concentrated on music that everyone knew, and was not concerned with innovation, or even in creative jazz music, it was more "stick to the chart" kind of music, and boy, from all I've read, Miller was a great stickler about playing the charts. Given that, what they produced really rates them as a great band, and the ability to incorporate a string section added to their sound. They were an unique band, that only could have been created in that unique time of WWII, where Miller had his pick of some outstanding musicians. I've always been a big fan of Miller, and the AAFB. I would definitely suggest the pain of getting the 13 cd set of the Complete Blue Bird Recordings (I lucked out and got it for $40.00 off Ebay about seven years ago), which is still my favorite box set of all time.
  8. Call me shallow but I never listen to alternate takes, thank heaven for the ability to program the cd player. I think adding alt. takes is a scam to get people to buy a new version of a cd.
  9. I just wished that they would do away with inter-league play, it was a terrible idea (along with the DH) to begin with, and now it has outlived it usefulness. Old fogey talk here, but go back to the way baseball was before the DH & inter-league play, and I would be very happy.
  10. Who they? Joe and Nick Jonas. Who they? 2/3rds of the Jonas Brothers.
  11. Reason # 42 on why I hate the Yankees....
  12. Okay, give the Mariners Hughes....
  13. I know you Mariner-types will show us no mercy! Yeah, cry me a river about a team with problems. Very good article on Ken Griffey and what he's doing to the Mariners
  14. Total scam: Believe me, I have to sponsor people with Home Land Security for work visas, green cards, and citizenship, and the idea that you just give information over the internet, and HLS accepts that is.... well, if you believe that, there's a bridge in San Francisco that I own that I can sell you.
  15. Just my experience: Never had any trouble with UPS, I love them. I absolutely, totally, completely, utterly, detest FedEx -- I hate them! Everything they touch of mine turns to crap.
  16. Feedback huh?? Nothing that Thurston Moore, Kim Gordon, and Lee Ranaldo weren't doing fifteen years ago.... T
  17. Craig Ferguson is a genius! http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
  18. They might want to rethink that Delonte West / LBJ's mom rumor though.... ... I also don't get how the chance to play for Calipari is going to be an incentive to Labron -- what the heck? JC has won jackstuff as a coach.
  19. They might want to rethink that Delonte West / LBJ's mom rumor though....
  20. Mariners are playing depressing baseball right now, it's like the pitcher has to throw a shutout just to have a chance to win -- just look at the Tampa Bay series, great pitching, but lost the series. There are definite roster problems right now, with Mike Sweeney & Ken Griffey being their for their supposed leadership, though how two bench players can be leaders on a "contender" -- I don't know. One of them has to go, just taking a roster position for a playing to could add something to the mix. Jermaine Dye could really help this club, but I doubt the Mariners will even try. Luckily, the West is awful, and it looks like 85 wins could take the division.
  21. Heard this about a week ago, and now I can't get it out of my stupid head. Elvis Presley: Rubberneckin' Paul Oakenfold Re-mix. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=pC7-NzEK9xY
  22. Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley by Peter Guralnick. Strangely enough, for the first time ever in my life, I'm becoming interested in Elvis, even going so far as listening to the Elvis station on XM Satellite Radio. This book is turing out to be a good introduction to his early life, stopping at Elvis' induction into the Army. An interesting read on someone I never had any interest in before.
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