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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. A lot of announcers don't mention a no hitter while it's in progress. During Mr. 209's perfect game, the Oakland announcers made a point of not mentioning the words "no hitter" and "perfect game."
  2. Who is Gail A Goestenkors and why the heck is she making $1,040,000?
  3. A question after listening John Miller talking ad nauseum about Lilly pitching a possible no-hitter: In baseball, I make no bones about it, I am a traditionalist, and it bugs me to no end to have announcers talking about a no-hitter! I say: let tradition rule the airwaves! What does everyone else think?
  4. So is it fair to assume in general that you don't care for big greasy bluesy tenor sax? Or is Turrentine specifically? Just Turrentine. Love the Jug, now that is a big, greasy, bluesy tenor sax sound.
  5. He's looking very good indeed, had to fight a bit in the fourth, but was able to get the k. I'm impressed on how Strasburg goes about pitching, "has an idea out there" as the saying goes -- not pitching brain dead.
  6. I do not understand the worship of Stanley Turrentine, even though I have a ton of cds where he appears, I just don't like or get him. I don't like his tone, sound, what he plays, I just can't hear him.
  7. The worst game so far Let's hope it gets better because no match so far has been memorable. Well the US-England was entertaining and it provided a memorable moment, to say the least. I've been watching the games off ESPN3 (which does not carry games from ABC, which stinks), anyway, I thought Argentina, of all the teams, looked the best, very dangerous when on the attack, plus Messi looked like he's serious this time around. They're going to be tough to beat.
  8. It's not just talk - the SEC Commissioner was in College Station wooing the Aggies yesterday. All the reports I've read have the Aggies torn (very torn - supposedly there's a razor thin margin of votes leaning one way or the other within the A&M Board of Regents) between moving to the PAC 10 and the SEC. The PAC 10 Commissioner has also been in College Station this weekend - in addition to hitting the other "desirable" Big 12 South schools (Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, and Okie State). I'm sort of torn myself - there's alot of history and tradition between A&M and Texas - hell, even our fight song is essentially about our hate for the Longhorns), and would like to see that maintained on into the future, with conference implications (read - we should move with UT to the PAC 10). On the other hand, we've always been in Texas' shadow, save for a brief period in the 80's and 90's where we really dominated them in football. Moving on to the SEC would allow us to chart our own course, out of their shadow. It would be a tougher challenge, football-wise, moving to the SEC, but I think it may be the better choice. This *IS* all about football, not the other sports. That's why Kansas, despite being a powerhouse basketball program, isn't being pursued by either the PAC 10 or the SEC, but probably the Mountain West. Texas A & M to the SEC makes a whole lot of sense to me. I'm not dumping on the states of Texas or Oklahoma, but geesh, I've lived in Cali all my life, I could care less about Texas sports, in fact, I still think of the Arizona schools as "the new comers" to the PAC 8. Someone on ESPN was going on and on about how Austin is more culturally West Coast -- hey, it's in Texas, that's all we know out here. I'm all for the West Coast staying West Coast, but $$$$$$ rules college sports now (as if it didn't before)....
  9. Looking forward at seeing Strasburg tomorrow, as I missed his first start. Zito had a nice outing for the Giants tonight, and this Buster Posey guy looks very good, nice swing.
  10. Texas A & M seem to be between a rock and a hard place. I can see why they're balking at coming to the PAC 10 Conference, just doesn't seem to be a good fit. The stupidity of what's going on in college football is a joke, why Texas and Oklahoma schools are being yoked to the West Cost is beyond me, the only interest here is money. This has completely killed any interest in had in college sports -- at least with pro sports, no one pretends it's about anything but the money.
  11. Moyer's looking his age tonight... JM's final totals: 1 inn. 9 hits. 8 earned runs six of the hits were doubles and one home run. That was one ugly start.
  12. Mostly lame inter-league play this weekend, clearly the most interesting series will be Boston vs. Philadelphia -- think I'll listen to the Philly's (Phillies?) broadcast, I'm getting tired of the NESN announcers.
  13. I love how on ESPN 3, you can't hear the halftime analysis but the commercials come in loud and clear.
  14. It was a bad ten days for me not to be anywhere close to a television, stupid travel... Well, at least the Yankees look like they're going to third place in two weeks.
  15. Sometimes, the way managers keep "going by the book" drives me insane. Really, who would you rather face? Teixeira with two on, or ARod with the bases loaded? I would go with pitching to Teixeira every time. Managers always play CYA by making moves like these, that way, after it fails, they can always say: "Well, I went by the book and played the percentages..." In other words, don't blame me.
  16. I get misty just thinking of the beauty that is a Jeeter / ARod bromance....
  17. Game of the Day: Rockies vs. Giants: Ubaldo Jimenez goes against Tim Lincecum -- now that's a great pitching match up.
  18. ... and if Beckett gets healthy and finds his mojo, then yeah, I think the pitching could be good enough. Buckett, for me, is the key. If, (and that's a big if), he can come back in good form, then Boston has a chance, but there is something just flat-out wrong with him, he hasn't looked good since August of last year. Hopefully, he can get his act together, or Boston has wasted a ton of money. A Lackey / Beckett tandem, on top of their game, would be tough to beat down the stretch.
  19. As everyone knows, I'm not a fan of ARod at all, but props to ARod for making the effort to drive to the hospital to see Huff, not knowing Huff was back at Yankee Stadium. Arod even phoned him, so, a classy move on Arod's part.
  20. What a crazy day in baseball, Kendry Morales injured during a game winning, grand slam celebration, what the heck is going on today???? http://www.youtube.c...player_embedded
  21. 1880 was the last time for two perfect games in one season.
  22. Bottom of the 9th. Roy Halladay trying for a perfect game. He got it!!!!!
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