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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. And for this box set, I can't find The Complete On The Corner Sessions at a decent price, I didn't even see one at Amoeba's yesterday. I'm tempted to do a Amazon download for $40.00, though I would much prefer the real box -- I'm old and cranky, and don't like this new fangled computer stuff. I tried to get a physical copy last year but the order was cancelled after a couple of months looking. I got the download a couple of months back. Sounds great! I'm very tempted to go the download route. I might make one more Amoeba run, and if it's not there, download, here I come.
  2. Q. Why is Seattle so bad? A. Ryan Rowland-Smith 1-10 6.95 ERA. Ian Snell 0-5 6.41 ERA. David Aardsma 0-6 4.73 ERA (18 saves though) Garret Olson 0-3 4.96 ERA That is 1-24, a twenty-three game loss gap! Q. How many games are the Mariners under .500? A. 23 The four & five starters, plus Aardsma having a bad year, have killed the Mariners this year.
  3. And for this box set, I can't find The Complete On The Corner Sessions at a decent price, I didn't even see one at Amoeba's yesterday. I'm tempted to do a Amazon download for $40.00, though I would much prefer the real box -- I'm old and cranky, and don't like this new fangled computer stuff.
  4. Oh, that makes so much sense: Send Cliff Lee packing, but pick up Oswalt... yeah, right...
  5. The Complete Miles Davis at Montreux: 1973 - 1991. Disk one. The 1973 performance of the band, and it is blazing.
  6. Watched Tatum lay out Chargers many a time during his heyday. Too bad about "the hit" and his death. That Soul Patrol defensive backfield the Raiders had at the time was amazing, and amazingly brutal -- Jack Tatum, Willie Brown, George Atkinson, and Skip Thomas; I don't think too many others have ever surpassed it. Of course the rules on what the defense could do were a lot laxer at the time also.
  7. I think why it was Miles only that evening was that it was part of the "Jazz at the Bowl" series, and if I remember correctly (age tends to play ticks on me now), that series only had one performer on the bill.
  8. The Birth of Bebop: A Social and Musical History by Scott DeVeaux. Interesting read, even throws in some Marxist perspectives on the economics of the music business.
  9. The Phillies as your company's softball team.
  10. OH..... MY...... GOSH! I hope Dan isn't watching the game, he is going to be in bad shape.
  11. From the records I have, it's listed as just Miles. Here is a link to a Fusion website that has a personal account.
  12. Chewy, listen to Miles in Europe after Coletrane left, Miles had huge balls in his solos -- talk about power trumpet playing at its best. okay, you mean miles w/ sam rivers? I think he means Miles with Sonny (Stitt), then George. Don't believe Sam recorded with Miles in Europe. . . . Lon is correct. It just seems as if Miles stepped up the power in his solos. I started a topic on this very thing, but no matter how hard I look, I can't find the thread. Maybe it was on the old BNBB, but I don't think so. I'll keep looking because I'm sure everyone is so interested. PS: By topic I mean how Miles played on that European tour.
  13. Chewy, listen to Miles in Europe after Coletrane left, Miles had huge balls in his solos -- talk about power trumpet playing at its best.
  14. Yeah, that was a terrible error by Patterson. Seems like if that didn't happen, Lester would have gone the rest of the game, and the Mariners would still be looking for a hit. Just looked like Lester was thrown off stride by it all. Dug Wilson's suicide squeeze though, thought that was the best play of the year for the Mariners, a very tough pitch to bunt, and Bradley running out his triple was hilarious. I still don't think Boston is doomed, you never know, baseball is one strange game.
  15. This day in history. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrFzGbM_g4Y&feature=player_embedded#!
  16. Here's a link to see the "confrontation." Anyway, it just seems like 2008 all over again with the Mariners. THE PLAN™ was to have the Dynamic Duo of Hernandez & Lee pitch like heck, and have the back end of the rotation at least be close to .500; play out of this world defense; scratch together some runs, and then have Griffey sprinkle his magic pixie dust over everyone -- VIOLA! Division title! Needless to say, it's been even a huger disaster than 2008. The 4-5 starters have been bad, though Jason Vargas looks very good right now, with an ERA under 3.00. Doug Fister is also showing flashes of being very good. Still, the pitching has not been the real problem, Seattle has the fourth best team ERA in the AL. It's the offense that has let this team down big time. Jack Zduriencik & Don Wakamatsu fell in love with the ideal of the 1960's Dodger teams, all pitching and fielding, no hitting. Well that was then, this is now, and you have to score runs to win in the AL. Why they did not get a good offensive player in the off-season, I'll never know. Milton Bradley was not, is not, and will never be the answer to anything, and Russell Branyan isn't all that much, in fact the Mariners thought so little of him, they made no attempt to keep him during the off-season. No one can hit in the clutch, their team batting average is dead last, if you can believe this, .008 below Pittsburgh! In fact they are last in all of MLB in BA, home runs, RBIs, and hits! Heaven's above, we're on a street called love, but that is beyond bad, beyond any kind of suckitude, beyond gawd awful, in fact, beyond any description I can think of. This team was under a bad sign from the very start, nothing felt right since spring training opened: Lee gets hurt and suspended, Griffey made it very clear he didn't want to be there -- why he didn't retire last year, I don't understand. Think of it, the last image for Griffey in 2009 was him being carried off the field by his teammates, now that would have been a great way to end a career. Bradley, of course, is a mess, don't even mention Figgins! and I never thought Wakamatsu was all that, or even a bag of Doritos. Lopez runs the bases like he's on LSD, no one outside of Branyan has any power, and no one, absolutely no one, can hit in the clutch. But other than that, what a great year. Still, when it's all said and done, the building blocks are there for a turnaround in 2011; you have the pitching, and if they can get some bats, .500 is well within reach next year. So, as you can see, I'm still drinking the teal Kool-Aid, but I'm gagging on it this year, that's for sure. Heck, for old times sake, how about something that always brightens my mood and makes me think good thoughts: Edit: For spelling
  17. The Complete Dean Benedetti Recordings of Charlie Parker. I'm really loving Bird right now, and I need everything I can get... Edit: To add picture
  18. Dang!!! Do I ever love this video!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ5eGEest0g&NR=1
  19. Charlie Parker: Charlie Parker Byas A Drink. Not really a song, just Bird's solo. It's off The Complete Benedetti Recordings of Charlie Parker.
  20. Staying in the hunt quite nicely, and darn good starters 1 thru 4. But out of respect for the powerful reverse jinx, your next Giant post should be more negative. Posey has been even better than advertised. I still think if the Giants can just squeeze into the playoffs they have a chance to go all the way, that staff is that good, and in any series, Lincecum, Zito, and Cain can win four games against any team in the NL. Now, if the Giants could only get another bat in the lineup, maybe Derek Lee from the Cubs, or someone with some pop in the bat, they would be vastly improved, thought the "team chemistry" seems to be very good for the Giants, but I tend to think that's overrated in baseball.
  21. ...and yet again. Nice win for your Bosox, Dan--congrats. If they can stay 4-5 games back of NY and TB going into August, they'll be very much in contention, especially as some of the regulars start returning to the lineup. Very nice game to watch tonight, felt just a little bit bad for Lee though, I would have walked Youk to get to Beltre in that situation. And I agree with Ghosty, the Red Sox are a long way from being DONE! (sorry Dan, I just couldn't resist )
  22. Hey, Dan, They're not through yet, Youk came up big in the clutch...
  23. Is it just me, or does Beltre look out to lunch in terms of concentration?
  24. Looks like he's remembered--and so has John Lackey. Yeah, it's a nice, well pitched game so far -- just the kind I like to watch.
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