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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Waiting For The Sun: A Rock And Roll History Of Los Angeles by Barney Hoskyns. Spent a lot of time on planes this week, so I read this LA history. I found that this was not a very insightful book, and Hoskyns does not even understand the culture he is critiquing. A glaring example of this is his treatment of "Surf Music," which he cannot mention with adding adjectives like Aryan, Nazi, or racist. I have yet to read a good treatment of Los Angeles or the whole surf music phenomenon from someone who did not grow up in SoCal.
  2. Well, praise to the heavens, our long national nightmare is over: Not only did ARod hit 600, but Al Haynesworth passed his fitness test! Yikes, are the Mariners ever awful to watch now -- pathetic.
  3. See where ARod isn't in the starting lineup today. Hmmmmmmmmm.....
  4. Disk two this morning. As I mentioned, sound is much better than I expected. It's kind of hypnotic, one Bird solo after another.
  5. *Sigh* The way Miles treated women is not a stellar chapter in his biography. Anyway, thanks for the nice article on Southern.
  6. So...how'd the game turn out??? How about this one for tonight? This Garza looks terrible warming up, won't last an inning.
  7. You would have to talk Bud Selig off the ledge with a Texas or Tampa Bay vs. San Diego World Series....
  8. Um--did you happen to watch the 2009 postseason, by any chance? Against the Twins Against the Angels Against the Phillies Two good things for NY tonight--Hughes pitched really well, outside of the homer given up to Joyce, and Joba pitched like a demon. Tough one to lose, though. If the Phillies would have kept Lee and faced the Yanks again in the WS, the Phillies would have home field advantage and two pitchers that KILL the Yanks available to pitch 4-5 games of a 7 game series. Yep. That's pretty much what I've been saying since the day that boob traded Lee for 3 toilet flushes. THIS JUST IN: Phillies fans are now as obnoxious as Red Sox and Yankee fans! :lol: Whatever one thinks of fans of various teams, they're all trumped in obnoxiousness by Yankee haters--quite easily. Ghosty, I don't hate the Yankees, I despise them. I'll try to keep my Yankee hatred a little more in control...
  9. Way to come up clutch ARod -- loser
  10. I want the Rays to take three so bad this weekend.....
  11. Not impressed with this Davis guy pitching against the Yankees -- he'll be gone by the fourth.
  12. The Complete Dean Benedetti Recordings of Charlie Parker. I did not expect this set to be this good, great solos, and the sound is much better than I expected. Completely, totally, and without reservation, love this one. Edit: to add the word not
  13. If the Phillies would have kept Lee and faced the Yanks again in the WS, the Phillies would have home field advantage and two pitchers that KILL the Yanks available to pitch 4-5 games of a 7 game series. Yep. That's pretty much what I've been saying since the day that boob traded Lee for 3 toilet flushes. THIS JUST IN: Phillies fans are now as obnoxious as Red Sox and Yankee fans! :lol: But this Phillie is sooooooo cute!
  14. If you're a Bird fanatic, I would recommend the Bird In Time box set, especially at $30.00. It brings together a lot of interesting stuff, and it's nice to hear Parker's voice tell some of his story.
  15. For the past year, I can't seem to get myself to play anything by Bill Evans, and I have way too many cds by him. Strange how you can really dig someone for the longest time, then suddenly, its just not happening anymore...
  16. SEOUL—North Korea’s soccer team got an official reprimand for losing all three of its World Cup matches, and the national coach could now be in danger for “betraying” the Stalinist country’s heir apparent, knowledgeable sources have said. Very sad if true -- here's the article
  17. Breaking down the current Red Sox team by the Bill Simmons: On Tuesday night in Anaheim, with a teetering Red Sox season threatening to crumble, J.D. Drew saved Boston fans from another episode of "Papelbon, P.U." by walloping a timely double. The ball bounced off the right-field wall toward Bobby Abreu, who reacted to the carom like a ghost was clubbing him from behind with a two-by-four. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (Didn't we create the DH position for guys like Abreu? I'm almost positive we did.) Two runs scored, Boston's eighth-inning lead expanded to three and when the TV crew cut to the obligatory shot of Drew pumping his fist at second base ... Oh, wait ... I forgot. J.D. Drew never does things like that. Click here for the rest of the story.
  18. Matthew@Organissimo.org has been saying that also...
  19. Matthew

    Bob Dylan corner

    I'm a hopeless Dylan fan boy, so I'm interested in the mono box. I would love to have the first eight lps in mono, especially JWH, which sounds so much better in mono than stereo (though I would also love a Blue Trane mono cd, but that's another story). Even though I have all forty cds that would go into a Complete Album box, still, I would love just having nice, clean graphics of the original lps, all of them remastered. The Bootleg I can do without, I think Columbia has really missed the boat on that series, there are so many great Dylan concerts that should be released, there are just too much studio outtakes for my taste.
  20. Matthew

    Bob Dylan corner

    That will be the special Bootleg Editon, where all the cds of the Bootleg series will be housed in a boot made of Spanish leather -- cost $2,500
  21. Matthew

    Bob Dylan corner

    Interesting stuff in the Dylan Digest that was mentioned in the SH Forum. Looks like a mono box set for the first eight albums is in the works, with a new bootleg series, and most interesting, it looks like Dylan is going to get the full-blown Complete Album treatment -- forty albums. My wallet will be taking a major hit if this is all true, I would especially love a remastered Complete Album set. Click here for the article
  22. Not compared to George Atkinson, who went out of his way to hurt people. Anyone remember GA's forearm to Russ Francis' nose? Tatum just hit people hard, very hard, and that was common in those days, in some ways, the Steeler db's were just as bad as the Raiders.
  23. Philly fan thinking about Cliff Lee...
  24. Oh, the NFL cares a lot, their putting posters in locker rooms, this will, undoubtedly, make a huge difference!
  25. Not to mention one of the most anemic offenses in recent memory. Their suckitude has reached epic proportions this year.
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