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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Yeah, me and my friends were the ones up top smoking a joint in preparation for the later innings. Apparently security was told to leave the few paying customers alone... So, you knew Tim Lincecum back then...
  2. I always feel that way after the World Series, I can't wait for spring training to begin!
  3. Per season, no. But you don't think he'd rather lock in 4/28 now then risk that he takes ten million but doesn't play as well next year or gets hurt and is one year older, trying to get another big contract? It went exactly as he and Boras planned it - play in a favorable ballpark, re-establish the potency of his bat, then go back out into free agency. Despite what you say is his established pattern, if his price doesn't get too high, I'd have no problem with the Sox re-signing him. So long as they get kevlar vests for the left fielders. I'm not a big fan of Beltre, and I think even 4//28 is way too much for him. Sox resign him, you get .270, 13hrs, 70rbi's. The guy's had two good years in his life, and has Boras as his agent -- think of Beltre as a poor man's Butch Hobson.
  4. I see where Adrian Bletre opted out of his $10,000,000 contract. If he thinks he getting more than that with some club, he's delusional. His pattern is established: Huge year before free-agency, mediocre after that.
  5. Sign of old age: The USB is a deal killer for me, I don't trust it.
  6. No better example of this came after hard-luck Pat Burrell struck out for like the 12th time this series and his teammates rallied around him, supported him, and even Edgar Renteria giving him a big hug after his HR as if to say, "We got your back, man. You helped get us here, we're all in this together." Now THAT'S class. Burrell flat-out stunk in the World Series, but still, I can't crack on him too hard, he carried the Giants for two weeks in September, so the Giants wouldn't even have been in the playoffs without him. Rangers fans can take heart, it looks like you're in a long run for the playoffs, I don't see anyone in the West challenging them next year, that's for sure. It will be interesting to see how they handle success.
  7. Great win for the Giants! Lincecum pitched outstanding, better than Cliff Lee (though he was good also), I also questioned pitching to Rentaria with first base open, and Arron Rowand (having a terrible night at the plate) coming up. I'll tell you one guy who was very happy they pitched to Edgar -- Pat Burrell, what a miserable Series he had, you could just tell he thought he blew it big-time when he stuck out in the 7th. Now only the Chicago Cubs & Cleveland Indians have major droughts going. It was a fun year watching the Giants play, the only down note to the whole thing -- no baseball until February, I really enjoyed this year of baseball.
  8. Pretty amazing performance tonight. Just think, the Giants have Posey, Lincecum, Cain, and Baumgartner, all about the same age on this team. It could be a very special Giants club for years to come.
  9. Lee vs. Lincecum tomorrow. TL better come up big...
  10. Tough break for Texas, Ogando was filthy nasty...
  11. Nah, it wasn't the bucks, not at all. Got them thru Stub Hub & as a "contingent event" would get a CC refund if Game 5 didn't get played...it was just the whole vibe of maybe being able taking my son to see our team play in the World Series. For a chance like that, money is a secondary consideration (but a consideration nevertheless, as any ticket for the game, even SRO, this evening was not even remotely practical for us, even with a credit card). Of course, the possibility exists that we'll be going to a game that could see the Rangers lose the Series, but either way....Lee vs Lincecum with high stakes on the table no matter what...wow... We'll both have memories of that that should last a lifetime. Money well spent, imho. I am so freaking envious. On a completely unrelated note: My mother's new heartthrob is Buster Posey, I mean, head-over-heals in love...
  12. Very good game, Rangers deserved the win all they way. Tomorrow's another day...
  13. Yeah, I meant the 8th. I just thought that Washington had to do anything possible to keep the lead to two runs. Theory is great is baseball, but you need outs, and Feliz hasn't pitched in a lot of days, so use him fer cryin' out loud! I mean, he gets the third out, and he can pitch the bottom of the 9th.
  14. Ron Washington did not manage the 9th well at all -- not even using Feliz?? They needed to keep it to a two run lead, and Ron was acting like it was the middle of July.
  15. I think going back to Texas will help the Rangers tremendously, the TLC of the fans, they get the DH back, but that bullpen -- they looked flat-out scared tonight, especially Holland.
  16. No, Lee goes to right field as a defensive replacement.
  17. Yes--didn't somebody upstream point out that Guerrero might be problematic for the Rangers in the road games? Those two plays reminded me of watching Marcus Thames this year for the Yankees whenever he took the field...a development that never failed to make Pinstripe Alley posters break out in hives. Giant radio announcers are saying one of the most important outcomes of this game could be Vlade not playing in games 6 & 7, because of no DH (if it comes to that), loosing Vlade for those two final games would be a big blow to the Rangers.
  18. Very sad seeing Vlade playing so bad in the outfield, he use to be good.
  19. The test is now going to be for the rest of the staff - now that Lee has not set the tone, which, if any of them, will? They all have greateness in them, but they also all harbor disaster. It's time to decide. Will the hitters bounce back? I like the way the came back for 2, even if that's all the more they get, a lot of teams, including the old Rangers, would not have mustered that. I like to win, obviously, but for me, sports are ultimately about character tests. And if is is the Rangers' fate to lose this series, I want them to lose it with character, not with shame. And if they win, same thing. Yeah, no one wants to go out like the 1985 St. Louis Cardinals.
  20. For some reason, I just didn't think Lee would be on tonight, those streaks can last only so long. Still, the Rangers are the kind of team that are dangerous every freakin' inning...
  21. Giants left their brains, not their hearts, in San Francisco
  22. Game 1 prediction: Giants 5 Rangers 2. Lee out by the 7th. Lincecum 8 innings. Wilson: Comes in to pitch the 9th for the save. World Series: Giants 4 games Rangers 2.
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