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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. No, I haven't. I'll have to put that on my ever expanding list for my next Amoeba run.
  2. Agree on all counts, I use to agonize over what books to bring on a trip, now, no agony. I read tons of pre-1900 stuff so I've been able to get a lot of writers for free, or $0.99 and $1.99, some of the buys are just plan fantastic. I'm a big booster of Kindle now. Why publishers are keeping the price of newer books high, I don't know, it seems self defeating, I would buy a lot of newer book at $9.00.
  3. Oh, and now they're saying May for a deluxe. Uh huh, sure... I definitely would be on board for a deluxe edition of Loveless, what would they add for the second disk? A concert? Demos?
  4. I ask a million pardons, I was a fool about Loveless! I've been listening to it lately and it is a stone-cold classic, maybe I wasn't playing it loud enough. I will hang my head in shame now. Kevin Shields, I'm sorry!
  5. I'm a UT alum and I too was disappointed at the outcome. So, is the four count thing a rule that was improperly enforced? Also, it looked to me like the foul at the end happened after the clock ran out. Believe me, I wish things had turned out differently, and I'm not saying there hasn't been some poor officiating. I'm just tying to understand what went wrong with those particular calls. There is no such thing as "no time-outs after four seconds," that was just made up by the referee, even the head of NCAA admitted that. ESPN put a stopwatch on the play, and time-out was called 3.9 seconds. This quote from the ref is ridiculous: However, referee Richard Cartmell called Joseph for a five-second violation, though replays showed he appeared to make the call before reaching five. "I had five seconds before the kid turned and signaled a timeout," Cartmell said in a statement. "I had to make a decision whether it was five seconds or a timeout, and I made the decision it was five seconds because I had counted five seconds before he called timeout." 99.9999% of the referees in the world would have chosen to call a time-out given the situation, I've must have watched a million basketball games in my life, and I've never seen that call made at the end of a game. Not calling a foul on the last shot was just a ref swallowing the whistle, the dude didn't have the nerve to make the call. Why these refs don't us sports common sense is beyond me. In the Butler game, calling a foul on a defensive rebound, under the opposite basket, while the player even had his back to the basket with 0.9 seconds to go, it also way beyond common sense to me. Abysmal refereeing in my book.
  6. What I would love to know is how the crew that made a shambles of the end of the notorious St. John's Big East Tournament game, gets into the NCAA Tournament, and AGAIN, completely screws up end of game calls like they did in the AZ / TX game? Their "explanation" that you can't call a time-out after the four count is complete bs. The game would have been better off if they would have walked off the floor early again. I have no love for UT, but they really go hosed on this one -- and I haven't even mentioned the lack of a call on the final play either. The refs just choked this game away, and I hope they are asked to go home again..
  7. Unfortunately, the demise of the Yankees has been overstated -- not the least of whom, by me.... Anyway, I think Hughes will have a great year, my prediction is he will win the Cy Young; CC will be CC; ARod, now that Jeter is in a steep decline, will probably have a great year, since he will be the focus of attention, the Drama Queen. Cano is looking good, Nick Johnson is off the team, to go back on the DL. wherever he may be. I would love to shovel dirt on the Yankee grave, but this looks like their last shot to me. The team that should be really worried is the Phillies, where's their offense? I keep hearing the they will trade Blanton, maybe that will bring them something, but missing Utley, that has to hurt.
  8. I've again been reading, in a hit-and-miss-manner, the two volume book, The Annotated Sherlock Holmes by William S. Baring-Gould, which I vastly prefer to the American annotated version done by Leslie S. Klinger that came out awhile back. I just think the one by Baring-Gould has a much better feel to it, the "tone" is more alive and correct. The Klinger version tries to be way too hip for my taste. When I first read it, there was a footnote that referenced the Seinfeld Show, and I hated that. Maybe I'm just too use to Baring-Gould, or too old fashioned, but give me British restraint and understatement anytime. This is a Desert Island book for me.
  9. I've been reading the Average Jones stories by Samuel Hopkins Adams, very nice short tales of Average Jones, rich guy turned "ad-visor." Never heard of of these before, but I was able to get eleven stories for $0.99 for my Kindle. Harmless fun, that will help pass the time on a plane.
  10. I agree. However, it was a great reading with lots of poets in attendance. Eventually, an audio will be streaming on Moe's website. Moe's always was a poetry center for the Bay Area, along with City Lights. I remember when I became very interested in Robert Duncan, the only places that even heard of him were these two stores. I checked Moe's website, and David is not up yet. Robert Duncan and George Oppen are two poets I miss (always expect to see them at readings). Now my friends and I are 'elders.' Duncan, Oppen, Olson; you've been very fortunate in the people you have known. I remember how blown away I was when I first read Call Me Ishmael.
  11. I noticed where Wounded Bird will be reissuing Akiyoshi's Last Live in Blue Note Tokyo, which is hard to find, and very good.
  12. I agree. However, it was a great reading with lots of poets in attendance. Eventually, an audio will be streaming on Moe's website. Moe's always was a poetry center for the Bay Area, along with City Lights. I remember when I became very interested in Robert Duncan, the only places that even heard of him were these two stores. I checked Moe's website, and David is not up yet.
  13. No worries, I don't think anyone under the age of 30 can spell at this point anyway. They just make up their own words. MAN, I got so hammered last night...I was OBLEVIATED! It wouldn't be so bad, but I find I leave suffixes off all the time, my syntax stinks, I type like I'm OBLEVIATE!
  14. Matthew

    Billy Joel

    Billy Joel was the disease, the Sex Pistols were the cure. I thought that then, and I think that now.
  15. The Benson should be good. I have a major LOVE / HATE relationship going on with Benson right now. He's a great talent, and when put in the right environment, creates great jazz, and I get excited about him. Then he does a piece of pure crap like I Got A Woman And Some Blues, and I want to throw every cds of his in the trash.
  16. Looks like there are four new releases: In Stores April 12 George Benson: Beyond the Blue Horizon Freddie Hubbard: First LightDon Sebesky: Giant BoxStanley Turrentine: Salt SongGreat news for us CTI lovers.
  17. Of course, I found out this information a week after I bought the King Japan version of this cd. Hopefully, the mastering will be as good as the King, I was mightily impressed with the sound quality.
  18. "Loudness War" is pure bs cooked up by an "recording engineer" to boost his business.
  19. I know the Phillies have the great starting rotation, but are they really going to be that much better than the Braves? I think the Braves are going to have a very good team this year, so it's not going to be a cakewalk for the Phillies this year.
  20. In season, out of season, no matter what mood I'm in, when I get discouraged, when I want to express happiness, get over sorrow, start to feel good about life again, get over tragedy, celebrate good times, there is one recording throughout my life that I have returned to again, and again, and again, and again,.... Marvin Gaye: What's Going On.
  21. Moe's is a great place, though, it's not the same without the stench of cigar smoke since Moe died.
  22. I just got an iPhone last week, and the site looked and worked great off it also, what wonders I've been missing. However, no matter what I use, I still can't spell worth a darn.
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