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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. I think this year, for both AL & NL, if you're above .500, you have a great shot at the playoffs, there doesn't seem to be any great teams out there right now. Now, if the Rangers had stayed healthy, they would be ten games in front by now, they were red hot at the start.
  2. 3 hours and 41 minutes to complete a nine inning game. These Yankee / Red Sox games are boring as heck to the rest of the non-East Coast world, thank goodness for basketball being on at the same time...
  3. The Heat received a flat-out beatdown last night by the Bulls -- I loved every minute of it!
  4. We have the Dodger / DBack game out here, in an empty Dodger Stadium *Yawn* I thank the heavens that I was able to miss Sarah Silverman & Joe Buck because the game out here was the Dodgers/DBacks. I don't even want to go to You Tube to hear how bad that must have been. I feel your pain for those who endured it -- now you know why the West Coast is the best coast, we miss stuff like that.
  5. The Yankees are in bad shape, it doesn't look that anything is going to improve this season -- just my 2cents on your list: Managerial: I don't think anyone can do a better job than Girardi for the Yankees right now, I don't see how an ass kicker is going to improve anything, and on a veteran team, it usually counter productive; plus, I'm not a Valentine fan, at all. Position players: I don't see how ARod or Jeter can be bought out, the money for that would be staggering. It's obvious that Jeter has lost it, but still, let him get his 3,000 hit, and hope for a graceful retirement announcement at the end of the season. I agree that Jesus Montero needs to be called, the minors can do nothing for him now, so bring him up and see what he can do. Pitching: Agree on that. I don't see Garcia, Colon, Nova, or Chamberlin being in any future plans for the Yankees. Bite the bullet now, and get the younger pitchers some experience. As to the other aspects of your post: I would say it's obvious at this point that Cashman is out after this year, especially now that Posada basically said that Cashman threw him under the bus yesterday by making a statement during the game. In this, I would agree with Posada -- GM's should not do that to players, especially someone like Posada. There are two issues about the furture of the Yankees that will hold them back. First, the Steinbrenner's do not look like they're going to be patient about building up the Yankees through a farm system approach, and it will be interesting to see who they hire for a GM; whether it will be some puppet, or someone who will actually take charge of the origination. Secondly, and this might be the biggest problem for the Yankees, is that the practice now is for teams is to lock up their younger players for the last arbitration-years, and a for couple of years past. So, there will be less younger players that the Yankees can grab up in the next couple of years because the better players will be signed past their initial years. Still , money can cover up a multitude of mistakes, and with Pujols becoming a free agent next year, you just never know. It's clear that while Teixeira is a nice player, he's not one a team can hitch their wagon to, but if the Yankees could get him, you'd have an Pujols, Teixeira, ARod, batting order, and that might be very effective. How the Yankees will address their pitching problem is anyone's guess, but they're not going anywhere until they do.
  6. We have the Dodger / DBack game out here, in an empty Dodger Stadium *Yawn*
  7. Guess Posada threw a hissy fit when he found out he was batting ninth, was insulted -- sad when players can't see they're done. Press conference after the game should be interesting.
  8. Bummer: No night game for the West Coast, latest game today starts at 4:30 PST. Dodgers look like they are slowly moving closer to the top, they're only 2.5 out. Since McCourt was kicked out, I'm actually enjoying Dodger baseball again; the Giants return to Dodger Stadium this week for a quick two-game series, should be interesting.
  9. Even if the OKC Thunder win game seven Sunday, I think this whole Westbrook / Durant , whose-the-top-dog thing, is going to be their undoing, and I would not be surprised to see the Thunder implode Sunday either. Unfortunately, it looks like OKC will have to choose between Westbrook or Durant at some point.
  10. I'd say Da Bulls are taking this in six. They have the better defense, bench, and home court. Don't see the Heat winning it this year.
  11. There's one comment there that I want to set straight: Joe West, has been, is now, and always will be, the worst umpire in baseball!
  12. Vin Scully is great, but the announcers the Dodgers have on tv when he's not there are terrible --
  13. What's the BFD anyway here? If you like the cd, post a good review, if not, pan it. People are losing the forest from the trees here -- among other things.
  14. :g:g:g:g (it's a running joke in some circles....) Oops! I did it again...
  15. My two cents after reading this the first time: 1. There are only ten reviews of the cd up -- that's hardly overwhelming the cd with positive reviews. 2. Darn, Chuck is putting his hard earned money into this, and other reissues, we should support him. I mean, if jazz lovers can't get behind him and Wayne Marsh, what are we supposed to get behind? Another Kind Of Blue reissue? Flame away...
  16. The fourth clip has the Playboy Club. Here's how it looks today. PS: A lot of the buildings are still there also, I recognized a lot of them, most of them are about a mile or so west of Amoeba Records.
  17. But will he need them in prison? Okay, that was a little extreme on my part. So where is Matthew? Still celebrating the news and too drunk to post? I've been in meetings for the past week, but I was very happy to hear the news, though Bradley should never have been traded for in the first place, however, the long national nightmare is over. It is a sad journey for Bradley, and he will probably have regrets in his later years, the bottom line though is that he has no one but himself to blame.
  18. I'm obsessed with Roman Holiday's Cookin' On The Roof album. Speaking of Roman Holiday, I always think of this band too, part of that whole Sailor/Dockside band thing England had going on at the time.
  19. Leaving for a trip tomorrow, so I am thinking how much I hate to travel.
  20. Andre Ethier is out of the starting line up for this afternoon's game. I know "officially" that doesn't break the streak, but still, play the game guy! Jonathan Broxton supposedly has a bad elbow, he looked terrible last night against the Cubs, and Frank McCourt is shooting his mouth off all over L.A. sports radio -- The Blue is in bad shape right now.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WIoFiOnGvc
  22. It's great that the reissues keep coming, I'll preorder all four, as I said before, I think Turrentine did his best work for CTI, and the rest look very good also.
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