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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. I thought I knew 1960s pop pretty good, but for the life of me (and I've been trying for the past couple of weeks), I can't make out this song. Anyone know the name and the band? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9RAC_Vdk_g&feature=fvwrel
  2. The world would be a much happier place with a show like Hollywood A Go - Go around... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGaKjrQxlVU
  3. No, it doesn't sound that much better to my ears (I don't think any cd is worth $160.00, but YMMV). If your stereo has the capability, get the SACD, which is very good, and you can get it for $140.00 cheaper.
  4. Hey-Oh! I really, really, really, miss Johnny Carson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKMYQf2ZOZM
  5. You have to love Hunt's 1968 stats: 529 ab 28 rbi. It was a whole different game back then.
  6. Well, yes, I have been nailed by a hard thrower, but he only made it to AAA, so you have me beat, AND, it hurt like hell. What gets me about ARod was all these other Yankees getting hit, and they're not rolling around in the dirt (BTW, ARod was hit on the non-operated hip), but the Yankees moan-and-groaned so much, that the pitcher got thrown out of the game on some weak excuse that he was gunning after ARod. Any other team or player, nothing would have happened. The Yankees roll over and play dead against the Red Sox, then all of a sudden, they start acting like bad asses against Cleveland? What the heck, that's a day late, and ten dollars short. I think ARod just needed some more face time on tv, just to remind people he's still alive -- as if that 460 foot bomb wasn't enough to remind everyone what a great player he is. Edit: For Spelling
  7. All the announcers for ESPN & FOX are terrible. And they wonder why the causal fan doesn't watch.
  8. Yankee fans be worried: Colon goes out of the game with a leg injury. You can't lose him, he's looking great so far this year.
  9. ARod is such a freaking Drama Queen™, he gets hit by a pitch on the thigh and he acts likes he's been hit by a car.
  10. Dislocated right shoulder. This is not good, if it wasn't for the pitching, the Giants would be out of it. On the bright side: Pablo Sandoval will be back in a week, none too soon. Giants baseball continues to be Torture! PS: On the Panda: "Bochy said he and his staff are kicking around the idea of Pablo Sandoval catching a couple of times a week when he returns from the disabled list to help fill Buster Posey's void. Sandoval has not caught since 2009, and not regularly since he was a rookie in 2008." Yikes!
  11. I seem to remember that a sentence or two were written about LaBron's elbow last year -- he milked that one forever.
  12. Freddie Sanchez goes out hurt for the Giants. It doesn't look good.
  13. We don't want no stinkin' NFL team... Interesting that three of the five teams used to be located in LA. Tim Leiweke has been running the same jive for years about a NFL team. Everyone knows that before a team can come, there has to be a commitment to build a stadium, and the in no way, absolutely no way, that public money will be used -- LA, like all of Cali, is a financial mess, and cannot afford to spend any money on something as bs as the NFL. Besides, we get three or four games on tv every Sunday, who wants to take that away to watch a relocated Jacksonville Jaguars team? heck, they don't even want that team in Jacksonville! Another basketball team in the area, I can see, not the NFL, no one wants the NFL here.
  14. "I heard they were fantastic! " Ah, the pride of Davis, CA. Thanks for the video.
  15. They do excellent work. It's a good check on the home plate ump. Mike Krukow, the Giants announcer, goes on ad nauseum about the home plate ump's strike zone. It can be overdone at times though...
  16. This is what getting hit by a Adrian Gonzalez line drive gets you -- pic of Jesse Crain's torso.
  17. They asked LaBron tonight if he had change for a dollar, and LBJ said no, he only had three quarters on him.
  18. Maybe Wade & James can't coexist. It's like James is afraid to take the game over from Wade. I thought LBJ would go Godzilla on the Mavs while Wade was in the locker room - instead, nothing.
  19. And this was a game that LBJ needed to take over and make a major statement about himself as a player. Wade played through pain, but James disappeared completely in the fourth quarter. That flushing sound you hear is LBJ's rep going down the drain.
  20. The Jet took off at the end. LBJ: weakest triple double in playoff history.
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