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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Most positive review I've seen... Might have to give in. On the Ep collection I didn't notice much difference between the tracks on my tremelo cd single and on the new issue but most of the rest was unfamiliar and sounded great. A great value 2 disc set makes up for the 2 discs of the same music of Loveless, maybe? In no way is the new remaster a sonic revelation, after all "Loveless" is not one of those albums where you're listening to the individual instruments, so to my mind, it's more of a fine-tuning of the album. As long as the overall sound and feel of the album is there, it's all good. If someone is happy with the original cd, and doesn't want to pay the money for a sonic fine-tuning of the album, I don't think they will be missing out on anything. From all that I have read, the EP disk is definitely the one that is a must have, given the added cd, so I'm interested in what that will be sounding like. No one seems to be saying too much about "Isn't Anything," so I have a feeling my reaction will be the same as with "Loveless."
  2. Listened to the remastered original tape version of Loveless tonight (at least that's what it is listed as on the cd), and had to use my headphones, as I'm away from my stereo for awhile. Anyway, there is a lot more depth to the remaster then the original cd, I can hear and feel the base (especially on "Soon"). The instrumentation is clearer, with guitars & synths being more easily recognized, and I was actually able to understand some, just some, mind you, of the lyrics now. Overall, there's a lot more definition to the music, but you still have that glorious sheen of pure, beautiful noise. I'm reminded what Albert Ayler said about his music: Don't listen for the instruments, listen to the sound. Whether a person wants to spend $24.00 for what is essentially two versions of the same cd... YMMV.
  3. Starting to read The Library of America two volume set Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1930s & 1940s, starting off with Horace McCoy's They Shoot Horses, Don't They? Interesting novel, I'll have to watch the movie sometime, I've never seen it.
  4. SS, yep! .338 for him, Rod Carew and Wade Boggs both ended up with a career .328 BA. Come on, someone must know some interesting baseball trivia! Quincy????? I wonder if Cardinal announcer Mike Shannon has set a record for most games over 18 innings. For once the Braves or Mets weren't involved too. I wonder how many times he said, Abner Doubleday, you've done it again! (Probably hasn't said that in a decade or three...) Wait a minute... wasn't the question for 1960 - 1969? As usual, I'm confused We've moved on, answered here Once you hit 50, your attention begins to wonder......
  5. I bought all the My Bloody Valentine remasters today, and the first one I opened was (of course) Loveless. I looked all over the internet while I was in the store trying to find out what was on the second disk -- no luck, so I decided to go ahead and buy the album. I open it up, and what do I discover? CD 1. Remastered from original tape. CD 2: Remastered from the original 1/2 inch analogue tapes. IMHO, that is pure bull****! Remaster one version, but not both, and certainly don't put it out in a two cd "Expanded Edition," charging extra money for pure bs, and not add a darn thing to the album!
  6. Roger must given up on the Hall of Fame in 2012, if he plays, he's intelligible for the HofF
  7. SS, yep! .338 for him, Rod Carew and Wade Boggs both ended up with a career .328 BA. Come on, someone must know some interesting baseball trivia! Quincy????? I wonder if Cardinal announcer Mike Shannon has set a record for most games over 18 innings. For once the Braves or Mets weren't involved too. I wonder how many times he said, Abner Doubleday, you've done it again! (Probably hasn't said that in a decade or three...) Wait a minute... wasn't the question for 1960 - 1969? As usual, I'm confused
  8. I've read that about three times, and each time I've come away thinking about the characters completely different.
  9. lucky phew!!!!! My worse experience involves leaving my iPhone in the washer: The night before I left for overseas, I washed my clothes, and as I took my pants out, I said to myself -- "Gee, these feel heavy..." Looked, and found my iPhone, and it was completely dead. So I couldn't take it with me, but I was told to leave it submerged in rice, and it would be fine. Did that for the three weeks I was gone; came back, and it's still dead, also, I had no protection plan to cover this mishap. My cost for a new "upgraded" iPhone (they said the iPhone3 were no longer being sold) -- $425. It's expensive being dumb....
  10. I'm making my way through the Dave Brubeck Columbia Album Collection, very good afternoon resting music
  11. I'm in the small town of Stanwood, WA, doing some "fill-in" work. There was a Heat Advisory issued yesterday, the temperature? 81. Same for today.
  12. I'm always amazed at how little musician received for their sessions, an extra $50 for Elvin Jones! How were musicians ever able to have families with that kind of money? I find it interesting how haphazard musicians were/are about credits on a album, as I said, for writers of films, "on screen" credit is a MAJOR issue, with lawsuits being common.
  13. I was listening to the album Weather Report recently, and on the listing for musicians in the discography, it had Don Alias & Barbara Burton as uncredited. Thinking about this, I have some questions: 1. What does a musician need to do to be credited on a record? 2. If you're credited, do you get paid? 3. What does a musician do if he wants to be credited on a album? Are there Union rules about listing musicians on a record? I know in the movie industry that writers sue production companies to get listed "on screen," do musicians take getting listed on a album with the same kind of seriousness?
  14. You would think in this day and age of photoshop, that campaign managers would avoid these situations where you can put any word you want on that line-up...
  15. Only one I can recommend is Space Ritual, all their other albums, I'm
  16. Ask Ed Freeman. http://www.edfreeman.com/ef8.html I just did. Talk about good karma! Mr. Freeman was at his computer and answered back, like, immediately: So there you have it - it's a SAMMICH! I was reading this thread while listening to Weather Report just now, and I kept looking at the cover, wondering: "What the **** is this?" Then, KISMIT! I come across the answer. Life is easy sometimes....
  17. Interesting. I knew Saul/Paul was a Farisee and proud of it; and a member of the ruling classes; and a Roman Citizen not above pulling rank when accused of sedition. All that stuff in his writings about 'being a new creature' was hype, because you can see that he remained what he was; someone who really thought that the Government should be obeyed, that slaves should obey their masters, and hadn't much conception of what people (even now) had/have to do to get by. MG I think the reality of Paul is WAY more complicated than what you suggest, but that's what makes him such an interesting figure.
  18. Eric Ambler???? I never knew this, I'm going have to get the DVDs.
  19. In my, not so humble opinion, PT's last good album was Fear Of A Blank Planet, which from the interviews that Wilson gave at the time, was a album he felt compelled to make (compelled in a good, creative way). Wilson tried very hard to make FOABP a hit record, but it mostly got overlooked. After that, I felt the albums had their moments, but the spark was gone. I would not be troubled if PT called it a day, besides, my favorite PT era ends with Deadwing, which was a departure from the more prog-rock style, moving toward the Opeth thing that Wilson got obsessed with.
  20. The Dave Brubeck Quartet: The Columbia Studio Albums Collection 1955 -- 1966. I'm really enjoying this one and very happy I finally bought it. Paul Desmond is fast becoming a favorite of mine now, he reminds me of Johnny Hodges, in that when his solo is over, you get a tremendous sense of completion, that it couldn't be done any better by anyone else.
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