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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. On The Road With St. Augustine: A Real-World Spirituality for Restless Hearts. by James K. A. Smith.
  2. I always loved Astoria - Portrait of the Artist, thought it was a high quality album.
  3. For what it's worth Dan, I have similar symptoms (though my public speaking it still there, which is good since that's basically my job!), and last week underwent an Dementia test, and fully passed. To say I'm relived is an understatement! My father had Dementia (the violent kind), my maternal uncle has it, and I'm very concerned about the present and future -- I'm 62. It can seem to us that we're losing it, but sometimes we're the worst judge of these things. Praying for the best for you.
  4. Derek Webb: Stockholm Syndrome - Live in Texas
  5. I haven't read most of the listed books / writers either, especially the Israeli one's, they're a blank to me. I'll be buying this one in the next couple of weeks, hopefully, there will a Kindle sale and I can snatch it for $2.99. Thanks.
  6. Velvet Crush: Teenage Symphonies to God
  7. How are you finding this? The table of contents looks fascinating.
  8. Roman Holliday: Cookin' On The Roof. Love it! I'm getting my haircut tomorrow, not enough frosted tips...
  9. Tommy Tutone S/T. His debut, not the one with "The Telephone Song". I think it's a very good album, gets a solid 7 from the Matt-O-Meter.
  10. Bram Tchaikovsky: Strange Man Changed Man. I love all the albums.
  11. What your wine preference reveals about your personality
  12. Polo Grounds: July 5, 1963
  13. Very envious that you saw the Polo Grounds. I read a lot of baseball history, especially growing up, and I also thought "how foreign those stadiums back east are." Fenway, Yankee Stadium, Polo Grounds, Ebbets Field, Shibe Park, et. al., they were so different than the modern world, I loved it whenever I could see a picture of them (this was way back in the pre-computer Stone Age), always blank-and-white, always mysterious. I still love to look at pictures of them.
  14. I am insanely, and I mean INSANELY, jealous that you saw a game at the Polo Grounds. Just bury me now and tell me you also went to Ebbets Field.
  15. It's confusing here in NoCal, I keep hearing two age limits: +65 go first. And reports that anyone +55 can get a shot. Either way, the latest word I received from John Muir Medical is +65 and three weeks are already booked. So this 62 year old has no idea when I'm getting the call, I figure toward summer. I was hesitant, but I just read the Boris Johnson says the new strain is 30% more lethal, that's scary.
  16. Sad day. Aaron was a classy understated player, with a quick, short swing, never seeming to be off balance. I was able to see homeruns 707 & 708 in San Diego and it is a memory I treasure. Kind of amazing, Aaron was chasing Ruth's record and only a little over 8,000 came to the game, but that was Padres' baseball back then. Box Score
  17. Been thinking of giving Williams a shot, last year I read a good book on the Inklings.
  18. Yeah, that's for sure. I remember what a big deal it was when Sutton got into a fight with Steve Garvey, heaven's above, we're on a street called love, you'd think the world had come to an end in Dodgersland.
  19. Phil Spector has died
  20. Theo Epstein to MLB was not on my card. It seems like a placeholder job to me. This way, he can get a good look at all the teams, and maybe invest in a group to take over a franchise. If before that, he can help speed up games and add some common sense to things, good for him.
  21. The Wayward Bus by John Steinbeck
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