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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. I now know where the band "Death Cab For Cutie" got its name.
  2. Magical Mystery Tour. Tremendous trifle of a film
  3. Roger Angell has a good account of that 1968 series in The Summer Game
  4. No charge y'all, no charge. :g Seriously - all the good feelings I had for the Tigers last year but hey, sorry 'bout that, I can go ahead and have them this year. NEver mind that their record was the worst of all the AL post-season teams. They qualified by any measure and carpe-diemed once there. So, if St. Louis wins, the two play-off teams with the worst records will meet in the "World Series." I'm starting to think the last real World Series was 1968, everything afterwards is the World Series Tournament.
  5. Bill Withers: Complete Sussex & Columbia Masters for $26.89
  6. Hunter Pence, is the most useless outfielder for the Giants since Fred Lewis, he's killing SF. He needs to find out that being the head cheerleader means nothing if you don't get a clutch hit. Please just stop the bs pre-game yelling and screaming, you look stupid doing that. On another note: Who would have imagined that the series now rests on Timmy's shoulders? Maybe being demoted to the bullpen was just the kick in the rear end he need to wake up and pitch good again. Notice Bumgarner is now in the pen, and Zito (!!!!!!!!!!!) is schedule for game 5, What. The. Heck??? just start the game by giving the Cardinals three runs, that way, we don't have to suffer from another gutless Zito start.
  7. Must be that philosophy degree you have, you create your own reality.
  8. The Shadow Over Santa Susana: Black Magic, Mind Control & The Manson Family by Adam Gorightly. Different and strange.
  9. Too bad there isn't a YouTube video that puts together sliding take-outs by Pete Rose, he was something else. I've always heard it said by just about every old time player that Frank Robinson was a absolute monster on the base paths, he had no conscious when it came to taking players out.
  10. I would have had a very nice week if it wasn't for those two teams that specialize in getting your hopes up, then kicking you in the head with hobed nailed boots: The Cowboys & Chargers. PS: I'm thinking of putting the Eagles in this dreaded group. I have no idea when to pick these three or when to walk away...
  11. Quite the strange sight a large empty section of the left field upper deck at the SF/Cards game tonight.... According to StubHub there are 5,442 tickets available for tonights game. Upper deck, left field going for $84.99 to $195.00. Field level behind the Giants dugout: $425.00 to $985.00. I'd stay home and watch it on tv.
  12. The second terrible start by Bumgarner in this post season -- who would have thought the two best pitchers for the Giants would be Sergio Romo and Tim Lincecum?
  13. As far as East Coast bias, Sports Illustrated had the Giants losing to the Angels in the World Series as their preseason pick. As the Irish say: Never let facts get in the way of a good story.
  14. If you take into account the ballparks (ERA+) the Cards had a better ERA since AT&T is a well know pitcher's park. As for saves, the Cardinals had a much higher run differential so their relievers didn't have as many save opportunities. This is a nice problem to have. And just like that the Giants are coming back. Hmm, Timmy warning up in the pen. Yeah, I thought Timmy was going to start either game 4 or 5 too.
  15. Reminds me a watching the Padres back in the 70s, all I hoped for was .500 baseball, and that took forever!
  16. I'M LISTENING TO THE CARDS CREW ON KMOX RADIO. That's the only way to do it with these clowns on Fox.
  17. Who gives a darn that Joe Buck is announcing both 49ers & Giants game. Such self-promoting bs. Thank goodness I have satellite radio and can listen to the KNBR Giants feed.
  18. Great! Not only is my memory gone, I can't even read anymore.... PS: And the Cowboys still stink
  19. I know, it's completely stupid how these experts go on about the Cardinals. You'd think they were the team that easily won their division, racked up 94 wins, had the better ERA, had more saves, more shut outs, gave up fewer earned runs. It's true, the West Coast teams never get the props the teams from East & Midwest do, and I don't care what you guys say, it's true.
  20. At least I made a comeback in the afternoon games. Two things: 1. Never, ever trust picking the Cowgirls. 2. Aggie: You were not supposed to pick the Giants.
  21. Man, I forgot that I switched teams at the last minute! I had the Raiders until this morning, so I was very dejected at the 55 yard field goal. Geesh, it's murder on the memory being over 50....
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