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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. The question of the evening is: Who will appear first for his team, Andrew Bynum or Mike D'antoni? Geesh, what was the big hurry? D'antoni is recovering from knee replacement surgery, and he can't even coach for a couple of games -- it's not like the Lakers were in competition with anyone else over D'antoni's services....
  2. Maybe I should be thankful that DirectTV do not have the Lakers games right now...
  3. What next? Trading Paul Gasol for Amare Stoudemire? I guess Lakers fans got too used to Jerry West and well thought out decisions. Mitch Kupchak seems to be in over his head on these important decisions.
  4. Initial impression is good, looks "clean" to me. Just have to get my avatar back.
  5. Hey, thanks for ruining my morning! Really????? D'antoni????? WHAT. THE. HECK!!!!!!! The guy has done nothing, he couldn't win with the Suns (even with Nash a two time MVP) or the Knicks, and he's going to run his offense with a bunch of old timers???? Really???? I thought it was all about championships this year for the Lakers, and there is now way Showtime's going anywhere because to beat the Thunder or Heat, a team has to actually play defense. I don't care what their regular season record is, it'll be a second round exit for the Lakers -- a team cannot win come playoff time without any defense. What a freakin' mess.
  6. The Chargers are KILLING me today, Rivers plays great, then throws a stupid pass that gets picked off for a TD -- what a schizophrenic team.
  7. Might work, Derek has the respect and knowledge of the players, he also knows about the "Lakers Way" of doing things, if that means anything now-a-days. Though, I think that Nate McMillan is a very good coach, and would do well with the Lakers.
  8. Brian Shaw makes the most sense: He's Kobe's guy, he knows the players and front office (of course, they passed over him for Brown), so the adjustment time might be short. D'antoni has never won a thing, and the Lakers are not built for his system, it would pound these old geezers into the ground; I don't think Jackson and Kobe can coexist. Back in the day, in a situation like this, the Lakers use to promote from within, but that isn't going to happen with this group, there is huge pressure to win now. Sloan just doesn't seem right on a lot of levels -- if he thought Daron Williams was bad, just wait until he sees Kobe & Howard.
  9. Report say Jackson is "open" to coaching again -- though I wonder if Jeanie Buss is the source. I really don't like the idea of Jackson coming back, I don't think Nash would be happy with running a triangle offense, which has no need for a point guard.
  10. Mike Brown fired as Lakers coach -- no one survives Mamba's "Stare Of Death."
  11. Kobe give Mike Brown his "Death Stare"
  12. Lakers are very bad right now, I don't see how much longer Mike Brown can last, and of all people, there are calls for Mike D'antoni to take over the team -- Yikes.
  13. Yeah, it's pretty bad stuff right now, I don't know how many time I've read an account of a game and the score is buried a couple of paragraphs in the story. Another bad influence on sports writing has been Bill Simmons, now everyone has to get their cheesy cultural references in a story. I'm currently reading The Sweet Science by A. J. Liebling, now there's some graceful sports writing!
  14. I hope the Dodgers go after B.J. Upton instead of Hamilton, Upton is much younger and has more of a up side career wise, than Hamilton, who, to my mind, is on the downside of his career. Re: Rivera: From all that I've read, I guess that means that the Yankees will let Soriano go, though that is a tough one if Mo' doesn't make it all the way back. I wonder why teams let these Boras players have the "opt-out" year on their contracts? Doesn't make any sense to me, too often they leave a club in a lurch.
  15. Baseball uni's in the 1970s were the coolest ever! LONG LIVE 1970S BASEBALL UNIFORMS!!!!!
  16. I think you mean Brandon Rush of Golden State http://espn.go.com/n...acl-miss-season Yikes, you're right. Geesh, Roy has it tough enough without have me take him out for the year.. too bad about Rush also.
  17. The Curse of Greg Oden: Brandon Roy, after two games, torn ACL -- out for the year.
  18. Which a few years later morphed into: Not as good. Ya' know, as time has gone by, those look better and better...but never really good. I always think of Mike Scott pitching that no-hitter to clinch the division when I see the rainbow uni's
  19. The Mighty One replies on his Facebook page: PS: I wonder which one of the two, Miles or Kobe, has the biggest ego....
  20. All because Bud Selig, (who is neutral, of course ) didn't want his beloved Brewers to make the logical move to the American league. As we all know, having Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, and Milwaukee, in the same division just makes no geographical sense edit for spelling
  21. This "Princeton Offense" flat-out sucks, but as long as Kobe is on board, nothing is going to change. I does look like a Clippers vs OKC WCF right now, The Spurs might squeeze in there somehow, but we'll have to wait and see how the Durant & Westbrook tandem works itself out, I just have a bad feeling about that combo, Westbrook seems to lose it in tight games.
  22. James Harden scores 45 points; Lakers lose again; Kobe, was asked after the game when to push the panic button: "Now." Clippers are now the best basketball team in LA, who would have thought?
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