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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Lakers stink.... thought you guys would like to know. Worse Lakers team that I can remember, that D'Antoni hire is really working well.
  2. New owners want to see what happens this year, probably get their own guy in there. I think I'm in the minority, but I've never been impressed with Danny Baseball as a manager, he's ruined Andre Ethier to my mind. Amazing how the whole "Mattingly played me when I was injured and never thought twice about it" thing was brushed under the carpet.
  3. 49ers listed -3.5, so someone believes in them. I'd take that now, unless a person feels the action will go the Raven's way, then I'd wait for the line to keep going down.
  4. And that is because the football programs brings in millions and millions of dollars, and to keep recruits coming to Notre Shame, they're backing Te'o 100% so a bunch of freekin' teenagers won't feel that ND throws players under the bus. Shameful...
  5. The more I read about this story, the more messed up it seems to me, but I don't think we will ever know the truth because Te'o is the property of CAA now, and no way they're going let his $$$$$$$ potential go down any further through any real interview/statement.
  6. And they'll have all those games against the M's & Astros to inflate their records. Man, 19 games against each division opponent. Remember that come October when we start comparing W-L records. I had completely forgotten about the Astros coming into the AL West -- Bud Selig strikes again.
  7. The AL West will be a very interesting division this season -- The A's, Angels and the Rangers should all be good teams this year, might even get a wild card team out of the West.
  8. It's the most bizarre sports stories I've ever heard. It just seems no way that Te'o wasn't involved, but who knows what's going to come out in the next couple of days.
  9. Former San Diego shortstop, Enzo Hernandez found dead. Talk about a name from the past, I remember watching him play with all those terrible Padre teams. The stadium announcer alway made a big deal introducing him: "Number 11, shortstop, Enzooooooo HerNANdezzzzzzzz." RIP
  10. Also "don't score too soon". Although 31 seconds left should have meant a Seattle win. My son always told me, "the prevent defense prevents you from winning"!! Yeah, that was a very easy move down the field for the Falcons.
  11. The NCAA & BCS are all about money, not about "student athletes". That's why I like pro sports, no one pretends it's other than the $$$$
  12. Jerry Jones has completely lost his mind by hiring Monte Kiffin defensive coordinator, what a stupid hire -- geesh, the USC defense was terrible under him. Maybe he thinks he hired Lane Kiffin, Jones is so totally out of it, it's amazing.
  13. The way he played and the blind eye to concussions made it inevitable that he would suffer. Same as Dave Duerson, etc. I've always wondered what Bret Farve will be like in 10 years, he took a lot of hits....
  14. It took forever to track these two down for a reasonable price, but the internet can be your friend at times. Gandalf Gandalf 2
  15. To which Tim Lincecum is eternally grateful for that CBA!
  16. Sorry Matthew but you are way off base on this. During that historic chase, a single solitary reporter took note of a bottle that was visible in McGuire's locker, I can't recall the name but I do remember that it was found to be a "steroid pre-cursor", adno something maybe? Anyway - McGuire got indignant about it and this writer got his ass handed to him by every other writer who said he was pissing on the parade. Also if McGuire was so open about 'what he was taking at the time' why did he essentially take the Fifth when he testified before Congress? According to Baseball's Steroid Era, the reason why McGwire "took the Fifth": Representative Tom Davis told the AP that McGwire admitted using steroids behind closed doors before the congressional hearing in 2005. McGwire tried to secure immunity, but after it was denied McGwire chose not to address "the past." Can't blame a guy for wanting to stay out of jail, and IMHO, the congressional hearing were a joke. Fine, how about my pointing out how off-base you are about McGuire acknowledging what he was taking during that memorable summer, or the incontrovertible fact that the one writer who took note of the bottle of steroid pre-cursor and wrote about it got viciously criticized for writing what he wrote? It wasn't just baseball that turned a blind eye - everybody did. And your assertion that McGuire was somehow up front about what he took or that what he took was public knowledge is laughable. Admittedly, I'm going off my memory, which at my age is dangerous, but it seems to me that I did read a number of articles where McGwire did talk about what he was using. I'm probably wrong, but I'm glad I can make you laugh though!
  17. Interesting article that brings up a number of points that I agree with. The voters have spoken: No living soul will be inducted into the Hall of Fame this year. The announcement that no players from this year's Hall of Fame ballot netted the 75 percent vote needed to gain enshrinement has triggered outrage in baseball circles, and will surely bring more of the same for the Hall and the people of Cooperstown. With the Pre-Integration Committee inducting three people into the Hall who've been dead for decades, upstate New York can look forward to something it hasn't seen in half a century: a Hall of Fame induction with no living inductees to honor. That's scary news for an institution that lost more than $2 million in 2011 and has posted losses in eight of the past 10 years. The voting members of the Baseball Writers Association of America's inability to elect even one player into the Hall has raised one big question: Should the BBWAA be stripped of its voting power? Go through the long list of flaws in the process, and you start to wonder.
  18. Sorry Matthew but you are way off base on this. During that historic chase, a single solitary reporter took note of a bottle that was visible in McGuire's locker, I can't recall the name but I do remember that it was found to be a "steroid pre-cursor", adno something maybe? Anyway - McGuire got indignant about it and this writer got his ass handed to him by every other writer who said he was pissing on the parade. Also if McGuire was so open about 'what he was taking at the time' why did he essentially take the Fifth when he testified before Congress? According to Baseball's Steroid Era, the reason why McGwire "took the Fifth": Representative Tom Davis told the AP that McGwire admitted using steroids behind closed doors before the congressional hearing in 2005. McGwire tried to secure immunity, but after it was denied McGwire chose not to address "the past." Can't blame a guy for wanting to stay out of jail, and IMHO, the congressional hearing were a joke.
  19. Why should Bonds, Clemens and Sosa be punished for something that MLB encouraged them to do? Even when Bonds was going after Aaron's homerun record, Selig did nothing, absolutely nothing about these players, other than to make sure the baseball made all the money it could off of them. When McGwire & Sosa were doing their homerun chase after the labor strike, they were commended and hailed for "saving baseball", and McGwire was very open about what he was taking at the time, I remember reading articles about it at the time. So, I'm sorry, but for me, it doesn't make any sense to punish players, especially when nothing has been prove through testing, or even in the courts. I'm not saying that these three and many others did not take PED's, I'm saying that MLB turned it's back on the problem, and did nothing. Or another way to say all this: If these three are out of the Hall of Fame, then MLB better make damn sure that Bud Selig doesn't get in either!
  20. The Lakers came soooooo close to pulling off a huge upset tonight, great effort, but just fell short. Amazing try though.
  21. It's strange after all these years of hating the Cowboys, I've gotten to where I look forward to watching all their games. I think Tony Romo is the reason, I like him -- there, I said it, I. Like. Tony. Romo. Seems like a classy guy, who has all this talent, and then at the end, something always happens, and it blows up in his face. Have zero use for Jerry Jones, Rob Ryan (good riddance), Des Bryant, or even DeMarcus Ware. Romo, I dig for some reason, and I dig the Cowboys now, which I never thought would happen in a million years.
  22. According to their Facebook page, My Bloody Valentine have finished mastering their new album, release date probably in the Spring. This could be very interesting and good, of course, it can turn out to be a total disaster also....
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