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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Been traveling a lot lately, so I took the whole series with me to watch. Very enjoyable, and funny in an unique way. The final episode was very sad, but hopeful at the same time.
  2. I also liked the book, although I felt everything fell apart at the end, which with the way it was written, I was not a fan of by any means, However, Malone redeemed himself with an amazing closing paragraph describing the wedding -- all was forgiven after that one.
  3. Put this in the "Just How Dumb Do You Think I am?" file: Jeffrey Loria says: "I'm interested in making this successful"
  4. Cool article. I just linked to the website. Thanks, Matthew! It is nice. I tend to downplay Ivan Rodriguez, but maybe I shouldn't......
  5. Nice article on the best defense seasons and players in the modern era.
  6. It looks a lot like Griffith Park to me. A lot of covers were taken there and I still see photo-shoots there from time to time.
  7. Didn't someone have a comment from YouTube as their signature, something about "If you think Monk was the greatest piano player ever, you never heard the GREAT LIBERACE PLAY!" With misspelling and all? I always loved reading that one.
  8. It's really the end of an era for the Lakers. RIP Jerry
  9. Q: When is a Trout as big as a whale? A: When it's Mike Trout! Bawahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  10. 100-1 he does the dance when his number is retired, we're not out of the woods yet....
  11. Memo To Dwight: Just shut the F' up.....
  12. Home Movies. Season One. For some reason, I find this series one of the funnest that I've seen -- don't know why either.
  13. Wasn't the right fit because he's a crappy coach, who is more into self promotion than coaching. Have I mentioned before I have no use for either of the Ryan brothers?
  14. I always believed he was still on PEDs. When you look at who is getting suspended for PED use, it's amazing how often the road leads back to people and doctors connected with ARod. I would love to see the Yankees try at some point to get his contract declared void.
  15. I believe that, why else would ARod take freakin' forever to have the surgery? He must have know no matter when he had it, it was going to be a lost season. He waited to have the surgery in order to reduce his recovery time. By strengthening the area around the hip his recovery after surgery would be lessened. I saw a story about it in the NY Daily News and IIRC it has also been reported in other outlets. I never let facts get in the way of a good story..... PS: Especially a good anti-ARod rant, which I haven't been able to do in awhile.
  16. I single out ESPN because when Gene Wojciechowski interviews Te'o, gets nothing Te'o about the girlfriend, does not bother to contact the family, and engages in shoddy journalism by not doing any kind of background work -- and that is not my opinion, but the judgement of his peers, they deserve to be singled out. There's no way that someone can expect good reporting out of ESPN or the major networks, they just have way too much money invested in the "sports product". When's the last time ESPN broke any recruiting scandal? or take a deep look into college football programs? They can't and won't, they have too much of a monetary interest in the status quo. The money is unbelievable right now, the LA Dodgers just inked a 7 BILLION DOLLAR tv deal. 7 Billion dollars???? That's crazy. What reporter on the new Comcast RSN is going really go after any story that makes the Dodgers look bad? No one is, that's who. I love sports, but it's really becoming a cesspool right now -- both college and pro.
  17. Well, it got him closer than any defensive player ever has gone before. And part of the justification was how good his character and leadership was. Hell, he wasn't even the best defensive player in college football this past season - not by a long shot. That suggests to me the voters looked further than just what his play on the field was, when they cast their votes for him. Heck, Te'o had both NBC and The Mouse backing him to the limit, with that kind of "help", you knew he was going finish way up there. And maybe that was the whole problem, NBC & ESPN took a story, and ran with it all the way to the bank, Te'o couldn't back out even if he wanted to, given the blanket coverage they gave him, especially in the run-up for the BCS Championship game. The NCAA & BCS are all about $$$, the story made them money, and they could give a darn about whether it's true or not -- they got their ratings. On to the next story that pulls in the numbers, and the networks don't care how it damages some teenager. It'll be interesting to see what happens to Johnny Manzie this year, he seems to be headed for the media meat grinder.
  18. I believe that, why else would ARod take freakin' forever to have the surgery? He must have know no matter when he had it, it was going to be a lost season.
  19. Brothers. I've always liked Justin Upton for some reason, think he as a ton of talent, good outfielder, I felt that the D'Backs asked him to do too much at the plate. Now in Atlanta, I see him having a great year. Braves are going to be a dangerous team.
  20. Braves get Justin Upton. I might be in the minority, but I really like J. Upton, has a high upside IMHO, and I think Atlanta will be good for his career. Braves now have a very nice outfield, J. Upton, BJ Upton, and Jason Heyward, very nice indeed.
  21. Quote of the article: Here's a good rule of thumb: If you're a professional basketball coach and your system is telling you, "I should play Earl Clark more than Pau Gasol," you need a new system. Amen! This one is money also: Guess what? If those are your weaknesses, you shouldn't be playing at the second-fastest pace in the league (which is what they're doing right now). The Lakers should be playing at such a slow pace, we should be having 'Nam-like flashbacks to Mike Fratello's excruciating Cavaliers teams. Instead, they swung the other way because I'M MIKE D'ANTONI AND THIS IS HOW I COACH BASKETBALL! It's seriously one of the dumbest things I've ever watched. I hate the Lakers and even I'm offended by this — purely as a basketball fan, it's insulting to watch good players being criminally misused like this. Yes, a million times yes on this...
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