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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. I almost wonder if fans get more money's worth out of reading about the overpaid player having his likeness in centurion form or sleeping with Madonna or whatnot. I don't think Pujols has that in him as instead Angel fans are more likely to be stuck with stories about how fuggin' awful and painful planter fasciitis is. What a gip! With luck he'll get divorced, get freaky at Disneyland, and you know, give those Angel fans some entertainment value in the decline phase while the Seattle Mariners look down from atop the standings. Yesiree! You made one mistake: The Angles find it impossible to be entertaining -- ever! I have a group of teams that bore me to death: Toronto, Atlanta, Chicago White Sox, Miami, Colorado and the Angels, snoozeville, all of 'em, can't stand a one of 'em.
  2. Maybe he doesn't belong in a baseball town? Or maybe the Rangers let him walk just in time. I happen to think he's through as a player, way too much milage on his body to be the player he was even three years ago. Pujols isn't getting better with age either...
  3. Oh what a Lakers novela! Howard shows zero class or intelligence in getting thrown out of the game, then Kobe comes out in crutches to a standing ovation! I don't think Superman is coming back, to which I say: Good riddance, the guy just doesn't put the time in to improve his game.
  4. Losing three in San Diego was bad; terrible fielding last night caused a loss, and bad pitching today. Still, no one is going to pulling away in the NL West, all the teams look very average right now.
  5. The Annotated Sherlock Holmes. Edited by Williams Baring-Gould. Been reading this one for about thirty-years and I still enjoy it very much. I really do not like the new Annotated Sherlock Holmes that came out awhile ago, not as charming or witty as the Baring-Gould version. The English just have a great way of writing in a "serious/fun" manner that is a pleasure to read and that Americans cannot seem to capture.
  6. You know you're getting stomped when Duncan is outright laughing at Superman and the Lakers.
  7. Detail here: http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/mlb/story/_/id/9198218/dying-hurting-real-bad Pujols' quote makes sense, the Angels are where older players careers go the die -- just ask Hamilton about that also
  8. I thought he was some 28 year old, acting like a jerk, but 18? let the kid have his fun.
  9. He's in high school?? Seems as if he's been around since David Clyde's first start!
  10. My reaction is more of an irrational reaction -- the guy has always bugged the CRAP out of me. You know, emotion is lending its voice to me...
  11. Tim Lincecum had his best start in ages last night, he looked very sharp and crisp in his pitches -- 6.2 IP 2bb 8k. Very nice indeed. Typical Giants win, 2 runs off 3 hits, and shutdown pitching. I agree with Dan, this guy is out of control, and at the very minimum told to let the ball hit the grass first. In most other parks, he'd be sent packing. PS: Though, on the other hand, you have this: Wedge said that Gutierrez told him he thought he was going to make the catch, but he admitted that the play was not fan's interference.
  12. Sad tragedy for the families involved, that's for sure. A couple of months ago, I had to drive to San Antonio for a conference, and after I passed El Paso until I hit the edge of San Antonio -- NOTHING! I couldn't believe Texas had empty stretches like that.
  13. NBC for the 1975 & 1976 season. In fact, weren't they the announcers for the famous Oakland/Miami game, that ended the Dolphins winning streak?
  14. No one broadcasts in that minimal style anymore, and it's a great loss. Ray Scott, I haven't thought of him in years, but he was a great one. The one broadcasting that I thought was great, but no seems to even remember the tandem -- Curt Gowdy and Don Meredith, Gowdy was another great announcer. Geesh, I feel old remembering all these guys.
  15. PS: Off Mamba's Facebook page: This is what my friend/agent sends me this am. Shiesh! #kobe #motivationsunday I'm keeping track of all doubters and haters #mambamentality
  16. That's what happens when D'Antoni is more concerned about his career than Kobe's.
  17. Well, the Lakers stunk the whole season, I can't get too enthusiastic about a "playoff drive" for the eighth spot to play the one seed. You should check out Mamba's rant on his Facebook page.
  18. Scrubs: Season 5 - 9. I had some time on my hands this week, and so watched seasons 5 - 9, the ones everyone seems to dump on. I happened to enjoy them very much, it's interesting to see how the characters develop and mature in these seasons. I also came away with a renewed appreciation of just the basic humanness of the series. As I've said many a time -- I love Scrubs, it's my all-time favorite tv show.
  19. Useless trivia information for the day: One of Russell Martin's middle names is Coltrane, after John Coltrane -- his father is a sax player.
  20. Louis Prima Orchestra @ Midnight. Never realized Prima had a radio show.
  21. I would argue Becket needs it worse than Lincecum. He has been mediocre at best for quite awhile now. Neither one was all that great last night, Beckett got the loss, and Lincecum went five for the win, 0 runs, but 7 walks in 5 innings.
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