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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. I often wondered how in the world a pitcher can walk in the winning run....
  2. Rangers having an unbelievable streak of injuries. The Giants looked good once they woke up, Brandon Belt seems to be on the verge of a breakthrough season
  3. Is there any team under a darker cloud than the Angels? Really? Don Baylor breaks his leg catching a first pitch? What next?
  4. Prohibition by Ken Burns & Lynn Novick. Finished watching this one tonight. I thought it was a very good documentary on the forces that caused Prohibition, the effects, and repeal of the 18th Amendment. I actually learned a lot about its history.
  5. Hmmm....You callin' McCarthy Satan??? Of all the joke categories I can think of, Baseball Jokes may be the rarest. There are funny stories (Dizzy Dean, Garagiola, Uecker) but jokes? Thanks for these, Larry and Matthew. OMG! Didn't realize I made McCarthy out to be Satan. Of course, Red Sox fans never forgave him for starting Denny Galehouse in that 1948 playoff game.
  6. Reminds me of a story Joe McCarthy, the old Yankee, Red Sox manager use to tell. One day Satan and St. Peter got into an argument over who had the best baseball team, heaven or hell. St. Peter said: "It's not even close, I got Ruth, and all those other great players, and you got nothing!" McCarthy: "That might be true, but I got all the umps!"
  7. To help prepare for opening day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI-Ij5AQC9k
  8. Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindberg, and America's Fight Over World War II. 1939-1941 by Lynne Olson. Interesting account of the battle for, and against, intervention that took place in America.
  9. Am I crazy, or does "In My Room" owe a huge debt to A.A. Milne's "Solitude"? There's a world where I can go and tell my secrets to In my room, in my room In this world I lock out all my worries and my fears In my room, in my room Do my dreaming and my scheming Lie awake and pray Do my crying and my sighing Laugh at yesterday Now it's dark and I'm alone But I won't be afraid In my room, in my room In my room, in my room In my room, in my room Solitude I have a house where I go When there's too many people I have a house where I go Where no one can be; I have a house where I go Where nobady ever says "No" Where nobody says anything -- so There is no one but me I was reading Milne, and it just struck me how similar these two are.
  10. Hearing Secret Harmonies by Anthony Powell. Book twelve of the A Dance To The Music Of Time novel cycle. Critics tend to rate this one as the least of the twelve, but I like it a lot, despite the 1960s feel. I think that The Military Philosphers is the weakest link; it just didn't seem to move the story along. Other than to make sure everyone knew what a terrible person Pamala Widmerool is, not much happened that I found interesting. Still, the whole is a great work of art. PS: It looks like Kindle will have some of Powell's early novels available on March 26.
  11. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I have no idea what I just watched, but I liked it.
  12. I was at a meeting in Madagascar, and they served this local dish, it was green in color, and the pure fat of some unidentified animal -- everyone got sick from that meal, not just the Europeans & Americans, but even the Africans.
  13. Been going to games since 1969, and have never been close to a foul ball or home run, not even within hailing distance.
  14. A big smile that baseball is starting to play games again, even though it's only spring training, it's still baseball. I've gone from being a complete sports geek, to now only following baseball.
  15. Down Periscope. Does it make me a shallow person that I actually enjoy this movie? and that I've seen it many times?
  16. Holly Johnson looks like his a character out of an Evelyn Waugh novel, very distinguished and upper-crust.
  17. Without a doubt, Bob Dylan is the man for me. I often hear how people have come away from his concerts disappointed, but I've never had that feeling.
  18. Hershey's Chocolate Bar will forever be number one in my heart, and please, do not desecrate it with nuts -- nuts to that!
  19. I listen to Radio Classics on SiriusXM, and Gregg is all over those old radio shows. On her birthday, they play a lot of shows that feature her, and she's all over various shows throughout the year. A lot of Jack Webb actors made the change over from the radio show to tv, I always recognize their voices. I think she even appears in Webb's old radio show, Pat Novak For Hire, which is an unbelievable, over the top show, based in San Francisco.
  20. Game 3, 1969 World Series. Brings back a ton of memories. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHSksQbNZD4&list=PLBkSA1BJ9n4KNC1YYYRS2YUpV-eDrU79R
  21. I borrowed them and sort of skimmed them. I basically agree with the reviews that the first 3 sets are pretty good and the last one goes downhill pretty fast. Partly because some of the events in the downfall of Widmerpool just seem ludicrous when put on screen, but more critically some of the actors involved were replaced between these series. At least that's what I recall. Hated as much of it as I could bear to watch. While the actor who played the young Nick at school was nicely cast, James Purefoy as the adult Nick was a disaster IMO. The same qualities that made Purefoy such an enjoyable Marc Antony in "Rome" -- the muscular, simmering eroticism, the indefatigable air of recklessness and potentially extreme self-indulgence -- all of these are as anti-Nick as could be and are not really traits that Purefoy can significantly alter or suppress (especially if one has seen him in "Rome"), anymore than, say, Russell Crowe could significantly alter or suppress his inherent aura of threatening explosiveness. James Purefoy as the older Nick Jenkins???? What kind of messed up casting is that?? I always pictured Jenkins more of a tall, thin, person, more along the lines of Jeremy Irons. I wished Amazon Instant had the series.
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