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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. P.S. -- I'll have to retire JuJu for good now.
  2. I never understood the extreme reaction that Blue Note had last week. I refuse to believe that it had anything to do with Norah Jones, or Politics, or even cdr's. I'm at a loss, maybe I just don't understand the mindset that went into the reaction, I mean, the flamewars on sportsboards are far worse than anything on the BNBB. So, who knows.
  3. Well, Blue Note did the right thing on this, they had so screwed things up they needed just to shut down and start over again. Well, it was truly fun for three years of daily visits, I learned tons about jazz. Too bad Blue Note never realized what they had in the board. Never to be JuJu again.
  4. Damn! You guys are NUTS! Here in L.A., we NEVER get out of our cars to confront someone, 'cause you don't know what's in their glove compartment. Live to drive another day, that's the only way.
  5. All depends on your price range. I have Dynaudio 52's on my rig, which cost $800.00, and they have a great sound to them. Very good detail. So, in terms of speakers, buy the best you can, and build around them.
  6. All that money might be going into A&R for the "NBFS" (Next Big Female Singer). It will really be a bad sign if we see a lot of vocals coming out on Blue Note later in the year -- not that there's anything wrong with that .
  7. What would help in your seach (hopefully) is something I finally did (I'm no computer genius either) : 1. Do a Google image search, click the "advanced image search" to the right of the empty box, and when that comes up: 2. In the line that says: Return images that are -- say "small", and that will return you images that are smaller that 100x100. 3. Isolate the image you want, than cut and paste the URL of the isolated image to the avatar box on this board, and viola! Hope this all makes sense.
  8. Outside of "The Maltese Falcon" I'm not a fan of Hemmett's writing, for some reason it just leaves me flat. Love Cain though, has a great sense of humor. I was deep into detective novels a couple of years ago, and I'm just starting to get the bug again. I think I'll buy the LOA anthology sometime soon.
  9. Pulp Stories of Raymond Chandler. Vol. 1 Library of America Edition. Great bedtime reading
  10. Add me to the list, I just placed my order today. It'll be interesting to give this a spin. I like the samples from the site.
  11. I must admit, I really like how this site is laid out, and the vibe seems to be great. Kudos to B-3er for the great job! I'll have to order that cd this week.
  12. Just saw the new look at AAJ. My comment: I'll be spending my time here.
  13. This weekend: "Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Night at the Vanguard" by Art Pepper. Very good playing by Pepper, and Elvin Jones is great as always.
  14. Turrentine just sounds "breathy" to me. You know how some tenors have a deep, solid bottom sound? I do not hear that with Stanley T, it sounds thin. These are just descriptions of something I cannot really put my finger on. I have about 10 recording that Turrentine shows up on, and it's an intriguing sound, and one that makes me listen hard to what he plays, I mean, he's great on the Parlan Mosaic.
  15. I have about 5 Sun Ra lp's unopened, and about 10 cds from "Sinatra: The Complete Columbia Recordings".
  16. I'm not too comfortable myself with the attempt going on at AAJ to recreate the BNBB. BNBB is over, it's time to create something new. I'm really starting to like the idea of this board as a voyage into the unknown. Besides, it's cool to have a low member number. B)
  17. I must admit, I've yet to become a full member of Stanlely T's fan club. I just find his playing so different, with his very short phrases, with his unusual timing. Not quite sure if I like him or not. I won't even mention his sound -- thin, but somehow thick. I just find that his style is so different when I listen to him, that I can't make up my mind. Even have the Mosaic, but I've only listened to it a couple of times.
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