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Posts posted by Matthew

  1. 3 hours ago, Brad said:

    Baseball, in its infinite wisdom :wacko:, is thinking of a new playoff format that must have been designed in Romper Room:

    MLB weighing major changes to postseason, including growing number of teams to 14

    “MLB is considering a move in which each league would have three division winners and four wild-card teams making the postseason starting in 2022, sources said. The best team in the league would receive a bye into the division series. The two remaining division winners and the wild-card team with the best record of the four would each host all games of a best-of-three series in the opening round.“

    After the regular season ends,

    “The division winner with the second-best record would select its wild-card opponent from the three wild-card winners not hosting a series.

    The division winner with the worst record would then choose its opponent from the remaining two wild-card teams.

    The final matchup would pit the wild-card winner with the best record against the wild-card team not yet chosen.

    All of the selections, sources said, would be unveiled live on television the Sunday night of the final regular-season games.”

    Like most here, I've been a huge baseball fan all my life, but in the past couple of years, the way MLB has gone about its business, the hold the present game has on me is becoming very tenuous, to say the least. This present "idea being floated around" will kill the World Series, as it won't be close to the two best teams, but a tournament of survival. For me, if this happens... I'm out. My interest in the present game will end, I'll still read about the history of the game I love, but actually paying money for the present product, investing time and emotion in what's going on now, I'm done.

  2. 5 hours ago, BFrank said:

    I went to Giants Fan Fest on Saturday and was lucky enough to see Hunter Pence's first appearance after his signing on Friday.
    Here with Posey and Alex Dickerson

    Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling

    Good to have a upbeat person like Pence on the team. It will be interesting to see the kind of personality the Giants will have this year, it seemed like Bochy liked the low-key, subdued player, over the flashy, intense, gregarious type, eg. Posey, Belt, Panic, Duffy, Crawford, et.al. The last two season they've been a very dull team. Hopefully they'll liven up a bit this year.

  3. 1 hour ago, Marzz said:

    Just finished reading The Tempest from this new hernia inducing 'book'. It's a facsimile of Shakespeare's first folio (Norton). Definitely didn't need any more Shakespeare, but my wife knew I'd love it anyway and bought it for me for xmas! 


    Love the look of the book! I've always had trouble reading a facsimile of the first folio, I'm impressed you can make it through without any headaches!

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