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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Made not one but two big orders today Well, the one good thing is that even when I was heavy into building up my jazz collection, I didn't get too many OJC's, so they're all new to me. But darn! that takes care of my cd money for a long, long, time -- I still can't believe it.
  2. Darn you guys, I just went over to the Darkside this morning and ordered all the K-2's they had on sale (except for the Chet Barker's, which are terrible) - Ouch!
  3. Great way to get some room in your warehouse, but the question about Concord is: What's going to replace those cds?
  4. Great news on the Coltrane box -- 18 cds at $69.00 + S/H is one great buy. I feel the need to start delving into Coltrane, who I've never really spent any time on over the years.
  5. Cut from The Mars Volta upcoming new cd Amputechture named Viscera Eyes. Go to their website, then click on the song.
  6. Well, I went through the back door to order the Coltrane box -- went to the artist page and it was still listed. Longshot, I know, but what the heck, it's worth a shot.
  7. Crap! I went to order it and it was off the site!
  8. I'm thinking of getting this, it's only $66.00 during this Concord sale. Is the any sound good? I always thought OJC cds sounded pretty good, even those from the '80s.
  9. Soory for your loss. Keeping your father and the family in my prayers.
  10. No, you forgot the question: McMaster or RVG, which is better?
  11. Andy Partridge lives under a black cloud. From his website... Andys Annus HORRIBILIS Date: 13/07/06 It never rains but it pours.The good news is that Andys broken tendon { in the all important guitar chord forming left hand } is slowly recovering.He's started to play again but says he feels like a beginner at the moment. Time will mend and strengthen. The bad news is that an accident during mixing the forthcoming improv album, has left Andy with damaged hearing and very bad TINNITUS.This is a crippling condition where a constant loud whistling is heard inside the head.He is currently undergoing hyperbaric oxygen treatment which can be beneficial in many cases.Lets all keep our fingers crossed. Get well Andy!
  12. I ordered Lightbulb Sun off of Amazon.com today since while I was in the Bay Area for my vacation I couldn't find it anywhere, so it'll be a couple of days before I can listen to it. With this order, and getting The Sky Moves Sideways, Warszawa, Voyage 34, Metanoia, and pre-ordering Stupid Dream from Deep Discount CD, I'm set (I think) for all the PT cds.
  13. Porcupine Tree: Lightbulb Sun. And it was a bear to find, and I still had to pay $34.00 for it.
  14. Looks like that's the trend (in fact, jazz is really looking bad right now), so I've been using Yourmusic mostly for Classical & Rock -- still good buys in these two areas.
  15. You know, I've often wondered if Fantasy jazz was doomed when that whole Fogarty song rights case was settled. It was always said that the CCR catalog kept a lot of jazz in print at Fantasy/OJC.
  16. Since I have zero classical music in my collection, and I happened to come into a little extra money, I went to Yourmusic.com to buy these SACDs (at $5.99 they're a good buy anyway): Seiji Ozawa Bartok: Concerto For Orchestra (SACD Hybrid) Fritz Reiner Bartók, Concerto For Orchestra (SACD Hybrid) Paul Paray Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique (SACD Hybrid) Bernard Haitink Brahms, Symphony No. 4 (SACD Hybrid) Arthur Rubinstein Chopin, Ballades & Scherzos (SACD Hybrid) Sir Colin Davis Dvorak, Symphony No. 6 (SACD Hybrid) Nikolaus Harnoncourt Mozart, Requiem (SACD Hybrid) Frederick Fennell Music Of Leroy Anderson (SACD Hybrid) Byron Janis Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition (SACD Hybrid) Charles Munch Saint-Saëns, Symphony No. 3 (SACD Hybrid) Janos Starker Schumann/ Lalo: Cello Concertos (SACD Hybrid) Mstislav Rostropovich Shostakovich, Symphony No. 5 (SACD Hybrid) Fritz Reiner Strauss, Also sprach Zarathustra (SACD Hybrid) Antal Doráti Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker/ Serenade For Strings (SACD Hybrid) Van Cliburn Tchaikovsky, Piano Concerto No. 1 (SACD Hybrid) I think all of these are from the "Living Stereo" series that I keep hearing good things about. Any standout in this mess of an order? edit: to take out the double-space
  17. Darn the Sal and his Flaming Lips thread; now I can't get the songs from The Soft Bulletin out of my head -- various songs will pop into my brain at the most unexpected times. Now, I can't get Feeling Yourself Disintegrate out of my mind...
  18. Finished Eric Ambler's The Light of Day, and again, I'm disappointed. Ambler is able to create great situations for a "thriller" novel, but he does nothing with the given situation. Maybe it's just his later novels, but it's beginning to get irratating.
  19. "...It's just too heavy for a superman to lift."
  20. VIDEO of one of my favorite Flaming Lips songs -- Do You Realize
  21. Finally got past the wonderfull disk 5, and now I'm on disk 6, which turns out to be just like the NBA -- fantastic! This JJ box is something special.
  22. I was living in Redlands the year the 7.1 & 6.9 quakes hit. Come to think of it, I was also in Berkeley when the "World Series Quake" hit. Come to think of it, you better stay away from me......
  23. Back to disk 5 today -- very groovy sessions on the disk There is really great music on this disk. Both versions of "Star Dust," "Bags' Goove," "God Bless the Child," "Speak Low," "Pennies From Heaven," etc. -- great music.
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