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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. I don't know... I ordered it a week ago and haven't received it yet; not even a shipping email has been sent Me neither, but reading others people's shipping experience, we should be getting notification either Tuesday or Wednesday -- I hope.....
  2. Think buying this set is a no-brainer. First: Sixteen cds at $4.00 a pop is a great price. Second: No one is sure what Concord is up to in terms of the OJC/Fantasy catalog, so some of the cds that appear in the Coltrane box might go OOP for good. Third: I had a friend play some cds off this box yesterday, and the sound is very good to my ears. Last, it's Coltrane -- 'nuff said.
  3. It's only as a lover of irony that I point out that it's grammar What can I say -- California public education at work again!
  4. Doing some research on John Coltrane and I came across this interview with Lewis Porter, and he says toward the end of the interview regarding unreleased Coltrane: First, there's Alice Coltrane's collection. Now that's the source of the two things you just mentioned. Alice has agreed to issue the rest of her collection, which by the way comes to about another 15 or 20 CD's worth, over the course - and this is the bad news - over the course of the next fifteen or twenty years. She doesn't want to do it very quickly but at least eventually that stuff will come out. Other than Stellar Regions and Living Space, has some of this stuff come out? Or have I missed some of the cds? Can't seem to find a hint of these on any Coltrane discography that I'm using? edit: for spelling and grammer
  5. There will be a whole mess of stuff on ebay for months to come... I'm up to 86 + The Coltrane box. If I can cover my next credit card bill, and if the sale is still going on, I'm thinking of getting more . Anyone know when the sale will end?
  6. I'm just hoping to get an email today telling me my order has been shipped.
  7. Bad news for Landis... LONDON (AP) -- Tour de France champion Floyd Landis tested positive for high levels of testosterone during the race, his Phonak team said Thursday on its Web site. The statement came a day after cycling's world governing body said an unidentified rider had failed a drug test during the Tour.
  8. Sometimes I just wonder at people. I'm an employer, and the rule is the same no matter who you are -- a person does not hug, or touch, anyone outside of a handshake, and I'm sure most businesses are the same. This stuff of "I gave a woman a hug and I felt like it was misinterpreted" doesn't wash. It's not what the intention is that counts, it's what the other person thinks that's important. Reynolds' employer does not have a choice in this matter: unwanted touches are grounds for immediate dismissal -- case closed.
  9. Thelonious Monk Quartet With John Coltrane At Carnegie Hall. Time for me to get serious about Coltrane.
  10. Espn did single out ARod during the Tronto series, which is interesting because, say what you want about ARod, he does go all out in his playing. I mean, why can't someone just have a bad series, it happens. This stuff of just picking ARod apart is just feeding into some kind of bias, and ESPN doesn't subject any other player to that amount of focus. Barry Bonds doesn't seem to the equal amount of grief from ESPN... couldn't have to do with BB having a "Reality Show" with ESPN? While I'm ranting against ESPN -- what's the deal with every decent baseball article is in the Insider section; I not paying money for that.
  11. Chet terrible?? Just don't like the ones offered here, there are other Bakers which I enjoy very much..
  12. It would be interesting to know what the average order is, has to be 30+
  13. I do a lot of public speaking, and so the one dream I have all the time is this: I'm in front of a crowd and I've lost my place during my talk, so I'm just stumbling around trying to find something to say, or I'm flipping through the pages of a book trying to find my words. I understand this is a common dream for people who are in front of people a lot.
  14. At the end of the world only cockroaches and Tino will survive.....
  15. take out the spaces and add .org Thanks a 1,000,000. I was doing .com, so it wasn't showing.
  16. I know I'm going to regret this, but: What's the web address for "Dime a Dozen?" it's not coming up when I "googled" it.
  17. Doh! I completely forgot about those two. I guess it's true that the "Blue Train" is one to stay away from; must say ALS sounds very good. I'm still waiting for "April in Paris" that Verve promised months ago. Thanks for the responses.
  18. Going back to the original article quoted: “John Coltrane in Rudy Van Gelder's Studio" Names & Numbers, no.33 (April 2005): 2–7; no.34 (July 2005): 3–9, errata 14–15 Introduction. In September 2004 the New York City auction house Guernsey’s asked me to serve as a historical consultant, cataloguer, and writer in preparation for its first jazz auction, to be held February 20, 2005, at the new jazz venue at Lincoln Center. The auction embraced materials from the estates of John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, Benny Goodman, Eric Dolphy, and Gerry Mulligan, as well as items from Louis Armstrong in the possession of his manager Oscar Cohen (who became president of Associated Booking Corporation following Joe Glaser’s death in 1969), and various images and a trumpet from a living musician, Clark Terry. Early in December 2004, as Guernsey’s head Arlan Ettinger related it to me, Naima Coltrane’s daughter Saida* (also known as Antonia Andrews) and Saida’s brother Jamail Dennis were delivering paper items to the auction house: musical manuscripts in John Coltrane’s own hand; a letter from Bill Evans to John Coltrane just after Evans quit Miles Davis’s sextet; a postcard from Wayne Shorter, in Marseilles, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Coltrane (“Europe is a drag. I mean really. Just another gig and a place to practise and/or rehearse.”); Shorter’s hand-drawn portrait of Davis; and so forth. At this point, Jamail said to Arlan, “Oh, we have some tapes. Would you be interested in them?” “TAPES?!,” replied Arlan. During the last three weeks of 2004 I had the unbelievable privilege of identifying and cataloguing the contents of digital copies of 35 reel-to-reel tapes, the contents of which proved to be mainly unreleased recordings by John Coltrane for Impulse! Records at Rudy Van Gelder’s studio in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, from 1962 to 1964. I submitted my essay to Guernsey’s the evening of January 2, 2005. Coincidentally the following morning Guernsey’s phoned to report that attorneys for the Impulse! label had just threatened a lawsuit if the reels were not withdrawn from the auction. This was done, and accordingly the essay that appears below was withdrawn from the auction catalogue. Two home-made tapes, respectively of Ornette Coleman (tape AA28) and Bill Henderson (AA32), remained in the auction, since both were private recordings and hence neither evoked a contractual dispute. Hopefully Arlan Ettinger can broker some sort of deal that eventually will lead to these recordings becoming available to the jazz public. In the meantime I find myself in a position to make rather monumental additions and corrections to existing Coltrane discographies. The tapes were badly disordered, with wrong reels in the wrong boxes, misidentification in listings of contents on the tape boxes, and mislabeling of the boxes. In the essay that follows, “AA” refers to Guernsey’s arbitrary in-house cataloguing of materials received from Saida (i.e., Antonia Andrews). “JD” refers to materials received from Jamail Dennis. Headings such as “Tape 7 of 1962” refer to labels that Saida put on the tape boxes. These labels proved often to be incorrect or out of order, but I have given them nonetheless, because they are attached to the artifacts. In nearly all instances, Rudy Van Gelder may be heard giving tape master numbers, titles, and take numbers. Of course his announcements from the control booth take precedence over any other sort of ad hoc cataloguing of these materials. In numerous instances where variant titles occur or where an entirely unreleased session has now emerged, Van Gelder’s numbering accords with tape master numbers given in David Wild, The Recordings of John Coltrane (Ann Arbor, MI: 2nd. ed., 1979). Consequently I am deeply indebted to David for the extent to which his work has enabled me to sort out these tapes. Does anyone know what's going on with these tapes? I'd be interested to find out if these are ever going to see the light of day.
  19. Listening to the SACD of A Love Supreme I noticed that RVG did the mastering for this. My question, (and I can't find an answer from any of the standard sources) is this: What other SACDs has RVG mastered?
  20. Hey, I've never been able to understand that "Three Names" thread!
  21. I'm also adding a for JJ's rendition of I Waited For You -- just beautiful playing by a master.
  22. The Complete Columbia J.J. Johnson Small Group Sessions. Disk seven. I really dig some of the song titles on this disk: Turnpike, Mohawk, Flat Rock, Bloozineff, and my favorite -- Full Moon and Empty Arms . On the edit: JJ's solo on the Bloozineff master take -- wow
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