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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Bitching! I did it, and I'm listening to a CDR of Miles' concert from Denmark 11-04-69. Mega cool, thanks a lot US and Dan. Sound's not too bad either!
  2. Love the internet. Don't have, don't want, never will have, a cell-phone. Bah humbug!
  3. Thanks for the replies , have to go out and buy some blank cds to give it a dry-run...
  4. You don't want to extract an MP3 to a wav file. MP3s are condensed and lossy formats that can't be saved by returning them to wav. Your CD burner should recognize MP3 files and you can just burn them direct to disc. That looks easy to do, the My Music file has a button to click for that very thing. Two more questions, if people don't mind. 1. I keep reading there can be a loss of sound quality when you transfer to cd, something about a loss of numbers, any reason to be concerned about that? 2. Am I correct, to use an example, that I wanted to download the new Sonny Rollins cd off of his site, same procedures as all the above?
  5. Thanks, that seems to be working. I'm saving it to My Muisc file. How do I do the wav. thingy, I'd love to have stuff on cd. Thanks a 1,000,000,000,00,!
  6. Dumb question: How do I save music files to my hard drive? Example: I would love to save the Miles Davis concerts that appear on Darkfunk.com, but I can't figure out how. Some with Gratefull Dead downloads, I can stream all these but I can't figure out how to get them to my hard drive to save. I know, hopeless.....
  7. I'm thinking of picking up chess again. What are some good websties for chess?
  8. I am, in a very twisted way, laughing at how the jazz gods are toying with me. My Coltrane box arrived at the Fed Ex depot, fifteen miles from my home, Friday, and it's still hasn't been delivered. I could drive there and pick it up in twenty minutes. Amazing how slow Fed Ex is.
  9. For all you XTC fans out there, me, and maybe two others . Here's the latest from the boys.. The Ultimate Fuzzy Warble Date: 16/08/06 'The Fuzzy Warbles Collectors Album' brings together over 100 songs from XTC frontman Andy Partridges' songwriting archive. Recorded over the years, whilst Andy and XTC were signed to Virgin Records and later to the Idea and Ape labels, the material is spread across Eight Volumes featuring songs and alternate versions of many XTC favorites that never made it onto the respective final albums or never made the cut when the final tracklistings were decided. There are also songs Andy never got to complete that he’s re-visited and finished off especially for this Fuzzy Warbles Series. Each disc has a unique Fuzzy Warbles stamp cover artwork and the collectors box to keep them all in is designed to imitate a stamp album. There is even a bonus CD, Hinges, which features 9 extra tracks only available with this set. Inside each box is a landscape oversized booklet, in which Andy gives a fascinating insight to his recording process with 'A Brief History of Home Taping. Describing his earliest experiences of recording music at home and the excitement of those first recording sessions it all makes fascinating reading, tinged with just a hint of regret as to how the songwriting process has become so bland as recording technology makes things easier and easier. The final piece of the Fuzzy Warbles Collectors Album jigsaw is your own sheet of Fuzzy Warbles stamps to play with, if, anyone could ever dare to part with them! Release date for the Collectors Album is 16/10/06 Of course, the question for those of us who have all six FW's right now is: WTH? Does this mean we have to shell out big bucks to get two cds & ep worth of stuff we don't have? The boys says it's all going to be straightened out -- it better be or I will be royally pissed-off!
  10. No shit! Now here's a surprise -- and to think the idiots behind this told Mrs. Ramsey before she died that there was a suspect! What a fiasco... BOULDER, Colo. - Prosecutors decided not to charge John Mark Karr in the slaying of JonBenet Ramsey, his lawyers said Monday after a TV station reported that the schoolteacher's DNA failed to match genetic material on the 6-year-old girl's body. "The warrant on Mr. Karr has been dropped by the district attorney," public defender Seth Temin said outside the jail. "They are not proceeding with the case." Boulder County District Attorney Mary Lacy's office did not return repeated calls from The Associated Press. "We're deeply distressed by the fact that they took this man and dragged him here from Bangkok, Thailand, with no forensic evidence confirming the allegations against him and no independent factors leading to a presumption that he did anything wrong," Temin said. Earlier in the day, Denver's KUSA, citing two sources close to the investigation, said that hair and saliva from Karr were tested over the weekend at the Denver police crime lab and that he was ruled out as the source of the DNA taken from the crime scene. Investigators have said male DNA was found in blood spots on JonBenet's underwear. Other physical evidence in the case includes a ransom note, the garrote used to strangle the girl, a boot print found outside the Ramsey house and some indications an intruder could have entered through a basement window. The schoolteacher's arrest in Thailand a week and a half ago was seen a surprise break in the decade-old murder mystery that had cast suspicion over JonBenet's parents. But Karr's bizarre account — and his apparent fascination with the little girl's death — immediately raised suspicions that he might be an obsessed follower of the case who confessed to a crime he didn't commit. Among other things, Karr's relatives insisted that he was with them, celebrating Christmas in Georgia and Alabama, around the time the child beauty queen was found strangled and beaten at her Boulder home on Dec. 26, 1996. They said that if Karr had not been with his family at Christmas, they would have certainly remembered it. In an interview with the media in Thailand, Karr said that he was with JonBenet when she died and that her death was an accident. Asked if he was innocent, he said no. In an interview Monday with MSNBC, Gary Harris, who had been spokesman for the Karr family, said of the DNA: "I knew it wouldn't match." Karr has been "obsessed with this case for a long time. He may have some personality problems, but he's not a killer," Harris said. "He obsesses. He wanted to be a rock star one time. ... He's a dreamer. He's the kind of guy who wants to be famous. Ramsey family attorney Lin Wood had no immediate comment.
  11. Sonny Rollins plays Kim. Dig the Converse High Tops.
  12. I'm still trying the internet to find out the order, no luck though, but thanks to all for looking. No big deal if it's not out there, it's a great album as is and Mr. Sangrey has a great post on the sequencing of the lp. It's one of those session that would have been great to put out as a whole, kind of like what Verve was doing a couple of years back. It's one of the few sessions that I would be interested in hearing the whole tape; the musicians working things out, etc. Just a side note, but I also think a mono mix would improve things a bit, it just seems that the music is a little too spread out.
  13. As always nowadays, YOU TUBE have a lot of these on their site. Enjoy the dirty old man!
  14. I've been listening to Way Out West a lot recently, and I was wondering in what order the songs were recorded during this early morning session. Looked at the usual sources but can't seem to find anything. Here's the session: Sonny Rollins Trio Sonny Rollins (ts) Ray Brown (b) Shelly Manne (d) Los Angeles, CA, March 7, 1957 I'm an Old Cowhand Contemporary C 3530 Solitude - Come, Gone - Wagon Wheels - There Is No Greater Love - Way Out West - I'm an Old Cowhand (alt. take) Contemporary C 7651; Fantasy OJCCD 337-2 Way Out West (alt. take) - Come, Gone (alt. take) Anyone have a listing for this? Thanks for any help.
  15. Camano Island Coffee. It's a new company that's local to where I live, not too bad. I make strong and drink it black (sugar and cream is for wimps!).
  16. Man, that's pretty twisted. What? You guys never read The Grapes of Wrath?
  17. Hey MG: We're still waiting on you to buy that record store -- then give us big discounts!
  18. ** Pulling pants up to arm pits** I really miss the days of free-form fm radio.
  19. Rod: YOU'RE THE MAN! (excuse the caps ) That is what I was looking for -- unbelievable. I have been racking my brain for months on this question, even asking people I knew from San Diego if they remember this series. Is it as good as I remember? The website looks great, I'm going have to buy this.
  20. This question goes back to my teen-age years in San Diego. Does anyone remember a radio series that was on FM radio in the late 60s early 70s that centered around a castle and had wizards, time travel, all the usual hippy, sci-fi, fantasy stuff. I really enjoyed it and I want to find if it's possible to track down a recording of the series. I know it's not too much to go on -- if it's any help for old-time San Diegans, if my memory is correct, the series ran on KPRI on a Saturday/Sunday evening. PS: Just to be explicit, I'm looking for the title...
  21. Could you imagine being behind the board at the studio with Buckethead & Axel Rose?
  22. I'm one of those who never "got" Buckethead at all. Just some guy wanking away on the guitar *yawn*.
  23. Can I borrow that as my new signature for the MLB thread? Dan: It works great in all areas of life.
  24. From the track listing for Fearless Leader on the site, it seems as if the cds are in chronological order, not lp order. Which, for Coltrane during these years, is the way to go.
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