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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Young But Daily Growing is one of my favorite Dylan cuts.
  2. Thanks Tom for the info. I'll get the FLAC thingy, and try jumping in. The Vine has interesting shows that I want to record. Thanks again, and I'll keep in touch if I have any questions.
  3. Oh man! Me and torrents/shn files, don't get along!
  4. Or else tell them that this year we're giving them the gift of music, i.e., that we're going to let them listen to our new Concord CDs. Our buy 100+, and give out two or three as presents. "See, I did spend that money on presents."
  5. yeah, I meant copy the cd. Though the last time I tried that, I made a complete hash of it. I think Lon is still waiting for those Bob Dylan cdr's I promised eighteen months ago.
  6. Hmm...I see Ballads By Five, Meets the Rhythm Section and Winter Moon, all of which were offered up when I ordered in July. Though I know from past reports, especially in the Coltrane section, discs come & go repeatedly. Are there more than 3 Pepper discs that you're seeing? And what on earth I am doing looking at the Concord sale again! Darn! I ordered three time, and never saw "Ballads By Five" or "Winter Moon." Maybe old age played its part, and you're right, I, too, should just keep far away from that site.
  7. I've joined the Yahoo Jazz Vine group and I haven't gotten the courage to leap in yet. Does it work like this: Get the email notification, and you respond with your Yahoo I.D. name, hopefully you get on the vine; receive the cd; download, copy cd, and then I reopen the vine and send the original cd to the next person? Anyone else on the vine -- it really as easy as it looks? Signed: 2Chicken
  8. Interesting, looking at the sale today, they have added some new titles -- at least two new Art Peppers and some others.
  9. Sounds like the best way to go is to use them for box sets only. Thanks for the input.
  10. Can't "Gold Wave" do that? When I download a file, some kind of graph comes up.
  11. Looking at the 2001, the prices are great. For shipping to USA, does that add a lot to the cost?
  12. Just this year I've come to my senses and began to listen to Rollins. My loss for ignoring such a great player for so long. May Sonny have many more years of happiness! Happy Birthday!
  13. Bob Dylan: Time Out Of Mind. I've spent the better part of yesterday and today looking for this in my room: I've lost it
  14. Welcome back! Hope the health keeps getting better.
  15. Agreed, Ain't Talking is the best song Dylan has wrote since Blood On The Tracks; it has a lot of different levels of meaning. This verse reminds me of Mary Magdalene meeting Jesus in the garden from the Gospel of John. As I walked out in the mystic garden On a hot summer day, a hot summer lawn Excuse me, ma'am, I beg your pardon There's no one here, the gardener is gone
  16. Crap! I want the GMCJB in the worst way. Darn that Concord. I'll have to ask for this as a birthday present next month.
  17. Glad to hear "Last Waltz" & "Consecration" are still in print, I'll be able to take my time with those at least. Ron: you snooze, you loose!
  18. Secret Sessions is still listed HERE, in fact, it's at a nice sale price. If it wasn't for the Concord sale, I would be buying it.
  19. Someday Baby is the song based upon Trouble No More. Quite clear what's its based on. I have no idea about the legal issue, or moral issues regarding what Dylan is doing. I think what is happening is that we hear what the song is based on, and hearing that, think that the orignal writer needs to be acknowledged. It kind of seems in the same league as Page/Plant/Trad, if you know what I mean.
  20. Then Dylan is a very mature poet. I often wonder if this is one of the reasons why Dylan dosen't win the Nobel Prize.
  21. Are you sure about Last Waltz and Consecration? It seems like they're available on most of the websites I've checked. I'd prefer to not have to spend the money right now, but I will if I "have to." Both are no longer on the Concord site (whether that means anything at this point, I don't know), as for me and my house, I plan on getting all the box sets by the end of the year. They're both still on the Concord site--under "Bill Evans TRIO" (and not just "Bill Evans"). By the way, what's "Consecration part II"? Unless you mean "The Last Waltz" part II, which is sorta what "Consecration" is. Your right, it is Last Waltz, I was just copying off of Amazon, and for some reason, the have Last Waltz as Final Recordings part 2. My bad for not noticing that.
  22. I love how the trombone player behind Gonsalves is pointing his bell right at Paul trying to wake him up.
  23. I also wondered about this. Have the publishing rights timed out or something? Even if they did, fact is that the music in not all originals by Dylan and it should be acknowledged in some way. Dylan has yet to acknowledge that he's stolen from anyone, ever, not even Henry Timrod, who Dylan has lifted whole lines from. I'm a huge Dylan fan, but I don't understand this part of his personality, at all.
  24. Are you sure about Last Waltz and Consecration? It seems like they're available on most of the websites I've checked. I'd prefer to not have to spend the money right now, but I will if I "have to." Both are no longer on the Concord site (whether that means anything at this point, I don't know), as for me and my house, I plan on getting all the box sets by the end of the year.
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