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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Yeah, I have one too -- it'll haunt me to the day I die....
  2. IIRC Porter's book has a good discography. Doesn't it? It does, but, as even Porter admits, it needs to be updated and with some corrections.
  3. I'd definitely would wait for feedback until I'd part with any money....
  4. Besides, I'm totally sure the Chuck Nessa would endorse buying a discography -- but then again, I'm sure he would be happy to look up any questions we have.
  5. Despite clem's poo-pooing , I'm seriously thinking of buying this. I just like sitting in my chair and browsing through a book at random. Plus, I really need a good Coltrane discography and this looks like the one to get.
  6. It's worth the money. You get a clear picture of the later Prez in the set, and that in itself, is well worth the money. It's all there, the good, the bad, and the heartbreaking. Also need the D.C. recordings for the later Prez.
  7. Has anyone here downloaded the flac/mp3s off the PT website? How's the quality? Some of the stuff looks interesting.
  8. Yeah, Wesley is part of the touring band, had some very nice solos when Wilson was on the keyboards (Wilson spent too much time there IMHO). He does add a lot to the sound. I agree that the set list was geared too much to the recent stuff, but from what I can see, sales of this cd is very important to Wilson and he's doing everything in his power to pump up the sales. Supposedly there's going to be another tour in the Fall/Winter, in fact, rumor is that they'll be back in Seattle in September, hopefully at a better location. If true, that set list might be more of an career overview thing. I'm going to see if I can figure out how to transfer the pictures I took with my cell-phone and upload them here. 3 was the opening band, and I didn't like them a bit; I don't mind loud and fast, but it was one musical idea done to death. It was a cool show but man-o-man, this old-timer is still dog tired from standing for six hours straight. Can't do that too many more times at my age!
  9. For those interested, or going to a later concert, here's the set list from last night: Fear of a Blank Planet Lightbulb Sun My Ashes Anesthetize *technical malfunction* Trains *end technical malfunction* Open Car Gravity Eyelids Sentimental Blackest Eyes Half Light Sever Way Out of Here Sleep Together - Even Less <-- Dropped due to technical delay Mother and Child Divided Halo Trains was the acoustic filler while waiting for the computer malfunction.
  10. Report from last night: Great show! Technical sanfu (computer troubles) causes Wilson to launch an impromptu acoustic set, causing Steve to quote from Spinal Tap: "It's not funny being part of the comedy on stage." Music was very good, emphasis is now on the Hard Rock side, when Wilson played "Sever," after the song is over he says: "For those of you with blank looks on your faces, that was from our "Psychedelic Phase" -- he even did the rabbit ear thing when he said "psychedelic phase," not quite sure how to take that. Anyway, nice vibe from the crowd, and best of all, I was about six feet from the stage for the show, and what was perfect, the people in front of me were shorter, so I had an uninterrupted view of the stage, I was about eight feet from Wilson. Very cool when he would come to the edge of the stage in front of me, rocking with his guitar, if I wanted to, I could almost touch him (hope I'm not sounding too girlie here ). The music was primo, but the music form FoaBP was uneven: Anesthetize was fantastic, Way Out Of Here and Sleep Together were the set closers, and sounded much better live than on the cd. Ashes however, is just a terrible song, and nothing can save, even live it stunk. Overall, it was a wonderful concert, even with the technical problems, PT were pros about it and did what was needed to keep the show going. PS: I thought 3 stunk....
  11. Bought the first season of The Odd Couple, and it's done perfectly. Nice clear picture, writing and pace pitch perfect. I admit, I'm starting to develop a thing for 1970s television.
  12. I'm going to see Porcupine Tree tomorrow in Seattle @ the Showbox. It should be a great show, I think the max is 700 people, if even that. Very excited about it. The downer though is that you have to stand the whole time -- Yikes! I'm 48, and I can't do that too many more times.
  13. Disk five this morning -- loud. I can't seem to listen to just one cd for this box set, I always wind up going through about ten in-a-row; it really does have fantastic music.
  14. J.J. Johnson: Disk one. I love this set soooooo much.
  15. Interesting article about Bond's off of ESPN: Racial issues hover over the chase Stark By Jayson Stark ESPN.com Archive We keep trying to envision the scene when the Greatest Record in Sports goes tumbling down. We keep trying to envision all the emotions Barry Bonds will unleash as he makes that historic tour of the bases. We knew this moment would be complicated. Awkward. Uncomfortable. But until we saw the results of this ESPN/ABC News poll, we hadn't fully digested just how complicated, how awkward, how uncomfortable. Love him or hate him, Barry Bonds will be the home run king before long. We knew most fans didn't like this man, wouldn't root for this man, wouldn't cheer for this man on what should be the most joyous occasion of his career. But would you have known, from the way this issue has been portrayed by all of us in the media biz, that the percentage of fans who wish this moment wasn't happening would be only 52 percent? Would you have guessed that three fans out of every eight actually want Barry Bonds to break this record? If those percentages are accurate, many of us have misread the mood of the nation on this. And in more ways than one. Until now, we haven't spent much time talking about the racial issues that hover over this man and this event. But this poll tells us we need to do more of that, too. Look at these numbers. The poll says 74 percent of black fans want Bonds to break this record. And nearly half of all black fans think Bonds has been given a raw deal. And a quarter of those fans think that raw deal is all about race -- not steroids or anything else. We're not so sure they're right in attributing the alleged mistreatment of this particular historical figure to racially charged motives. But for nearly all white fans who think Bonds has been treated unfairly to say race has nothing to do with it is stunning. We say to those fans: You're kidding yourselves if that's what you truly think. We hear all the time from African-American readers who are outraged over the coverage of Bonds and his pursuit of history. We don't agree with all of their complaints. But we know, from those e-mails, that their passion is real, and often raw. All of us need to keep that in mind as we chronicle this story, wherever it leads. Even many years down the road, when -- or if -- it leads to Cooperstown. We'd bet most Hall voters think it's the will of the citizens that they should rise up to keep Barry Bonds out of the Hall of Fame. But those voters had better look again at these poll results. If 58 percent of all fans, and 53 percent of white fans, and 85 percent -- yes, 85 -- of black fans think Bonds should be elected to the Hall, then the voters who vote against him someday may have to reexamine their belief that theirs is an overwhelmingly popular stand to take. If you look carefully at these poll numbers, they tell you just how conflicted America truly is about what's going to unfold. When that day finally comes, one of these weeks, and Barry Bonds is out there making the trot of a lifetime, it clearly won't be the euphoric moment we all once would have imagined it would be if someone ever broke Hank Aaron's record. If 73 percent of these fans think Barry Bonds used steroids -- but 58 percent still want him in the Hall of Fame, and just 52 percent are openly rooting against him -- it tells you something. It tells you it isn't as simple as we often assume it is to connect the dots between cause and effect. Between "cheating" and shame. Between the suspicions people may have about Bonds and the way those suspicions have colored their appreciation of how great a baseball player he has been for the last 22 years. So when that day finally comes, one of these weeks, and Barry Bonds is out there making the trot of a lifetime, it clearly won't be the euphoric moment we all once would have imagined it would be if someone ever broke Hank Aaron's record. But we have a greater feel now for all of the powerful elements that will collide when that historic baseball takes its fateful ride through the sky. And they won't be colliding quite the way most of us suspected before these poll results knocked on the door to our brains. Jayson Stark is a senior writer for ESPN.com.
  16. Just speaking for myself, I would prefer a CDR.
  17. I love it! What pitcher other than Jeff Weaver can go 5.2 innings, give up 6 ERs, and lower his ERA by more than 2.00?? You gotta love this game.
  18. That sounds like a band that Steven Wilson should check out for the next edition in his Cover Series. You never know. Fear of a Blank Planet is turning into a bummer for me, the more I listen to it, the less I like it. Seems as if PT is in a holding pattern. Maybe seeing them Tuesday will change my mind about it.
  19. Opened the Arts & Entertainment pull-out of the local rag, The Seattle Post-Intelligence this morning, expecting some kind of mention of the Porcupine Tree concert this Tuesday -- nada; didn't even have a check mark of recommendation next to the listing. However, they had a nice, long article on the Sippy Cups, who turn out to be a band that focuses on children's music. Good thing I live to close to hip 'n happening Seattle, where we pat ourselves on the back about how cool we are or I might have missed out on the Sippy Cups, heaven forbid!. Imagine expecting something about one the best rock bands playing now, what was I thinking....
  20. Beny More Y Su Banda Gigante Grabaciones: Completas 1953-1960. The third time I've bought this, each previous time, I've given this box set to friends who heard it, and then, had to have it. It's that good.
  21. Bill Evans: The Complete Verve Recordings Disk three. Mostly the Stan Getz/Evans sessions.
  22. Those first three certainly aren't essential, but they are fun for the most part. If nothing else, snag DANCE TO THE MUSIC, as it lives up to its title in spades. Small Talk.... yer not missing anything, trust me on this one. We'll just have to agree to disagree on Small Talk, I happen to think it's a nice hidden gem of an album -- which seem to be the definite minority view on this cd.
  23. I think Mike Hampton is also in the running for the worst free agent deal ever. Jeff Weaver is also making a very good run at the title also -- 0-4, ERA. 18.26, all that for eight million a year!
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