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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Paul Motian Trio: --- Sound of Love --- Bill Evans
  2. Doh! If I was thinking I would have done that. Thanks Hans!
  3. It's a great set to my ears, I can say that I've enjoyed each cd immensely, especially the Steve Lacy cds. There has been some discussion of it, but it's taken place in the Funny Rat thread, so it's rather difficult to find. You have hours of great jazz to look forward too
  4. Catesta: "You are a very bad man..."
  5. The Complete Glenn Miller And His Orchestra 1938 - 1942. Disk ten. Have I ever mentioned how much I love this set? It was also my best bargain ever: $36.00 off ebay.
  6. I want to get the Bill Evans: Complete Fantasy Recordings box set, and I'm wondering if it has ever been released in a Japanese K-2 version like the Riverside set. I've looked at all the Evans' discographies and no mention of the K-2 angle. Also did the google thing, no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. JSngry on Sonny Rollins. Believe me, it's a very interesting read.
  8. Eddie Costa: The House of Blue Lights.
  9. And that's only going to be half the amount by the time it's done...
  10. Disk four this morning. What a great way to start the day.
  11. Johnny Hodges: Disk three. This is still my all-time favorite Mosaic.
  12. Edwin O'Conner's book The Edge of Sadness. Story about a recovering alcoholic priest set in Boston. Written in 1961, is really is a story of days-gone-by, and the life of the Irish-Americans that were a part of the fabric of the Catholic Church of that era. O'Conner has the whole story and talk based Irish/American culture down, and writes in a traditional style narrative. Enjoyable, though the depiction of the priesthood is a little off -- J.F Powers' book Morte D'Urban is still the most realistic look at the priesthood IMHO, even though it's a comedy/farce, he's dead on about what priests are like. edit: for clarity
  13. Anyone get the Charlap trio album? How is it? This might sound strange coming from someone who loves Bill Evans, but I hope Charlap is doing something other than standards on this one.
  14. I remember when this show was on in prime time (1972 or so). It was mildly entertaining for the time, but with all the animated series that have come since I'm not so sure it has aged well. It might be interesting as a reflection of social/political topics (and stereotypes) of that period, but I really don't remember it being that good. I am interested in some of the other 70s TV shows, not so much this one. I thought I'd seen at least an episode or two of almost every obscure H-B cartoon series in existence, but I'd never even heard of this one before. Like everyone else, I was glued to the tv as a kid, and I must admit, I've never heard of it either.
  15. I think....think ...that I may have stumbled into a good deal over at Amazon Canada yesterday and snagged the Consecration box for a darned nice price -- CDN$ 12.72 ($11 US?? ). With an $8 shipping charge my guess is that it's the 8-disc box. Is this possible??? Have received a confirmation notice so we'll see what happens. Sounds like a great deal if everything holds together. I'm saving money for a big splurge in January to get the Last Waltz/Consecration/Secret Sessions sets. I'm not sure about the Complete Fantasy, I'm wondering if the sound is any good on those cds; whether to go for Japanese K-2 imports for the individual sessions; wait to see if Concord puts the box on sale during another blow-out sale; or wait for whatever else they have in mind regarding the Evans catalog. Decisions, decisions..... Would anyone like to chime in on the sound quality of the Complete Fantasy box? This is the last piece of the Bill Evans box set puzzle for me, and I'm just wondering if the sound is muddy or nice.
  16. Change of Season: The Music of Herbie Nichols. Big thanks to Paul Secor for bringing this to my attention.
  17. Her handlers can make age a selling point; her being only 18 yo and sell her stuff to the younger and "senile" sets. And that worked so well during the "Young Lions" movement in the 80s....
  18. This is just plain dumb, this worship of DCCs has gotten out of hand. Really, beginning bid @ $249.00?
  19. I noticed this one also. How do I order this (sorry I'm so out of the loop on this )?
  20. Just my opinion but I thought it was terrible. No individuality to it, but I guess she's eighteen, so what did I expect. No wonder EMI is going under wasting $1.5 million on her. Whose going to buy her cd? There's so many female vocalist that sound just like her, nothing stands out in her singing. Oh well, she'll be marketed as the jazz saviour, first cd out on Blue Note no doubt...
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