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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Clemens has elbow inflammation and blisters on his push-off foot. He's due to get whipped, just as the M's bats are due to wake up. Then you've got two lefties against a team that scuffles against them. I see a sweep! Go Mariners! The other good side of a below par Clemens is if Clemens can't go, the replacement is Mussina. I just don't see how the Mariners can lose today -- so that means they'll probably get blown out 11-0. Baseball, what a game.... I don't want to jinx it, Matthew but its going perfectly to plan - Clemens out, Mussina in, and King Felix doing the job. 6-1 through six. We'll see if the bullpen can hold on for the last two innings....
  2. Clemens has elbow inflammation and blisters on his push-off foot. He's due to get whipped, just as the M's bats are due to wake up. Then you've got two lefties against a team that scuffles against them. I see a sweep! Go Mariners! The other good side of a below par Clemens is if Clemens can't go, the replacement is Mussina. I just don't see how the Mariners can lose today -- so that means they'll probably get blown out 11-0. Baseball, what a game....
  3. If Felix Hernandez doesn't come up big today against that jerk Clemens, I'm going to be one majorly pissed-off Mariner fan. You've been warned "King Felix".....
  4. Made the plunge bought this hardware NAD integrated amps are very good IMHO. I have a C 320BEE and works perfectly with my set-up.
  5. Be careful or I'll sick Kevin Elster on the Giants... So, Matthew, do the M's have one more run left in them or has this latest lengthy losing streak put an end to the magic carpet ride? We need King Felix to come up big but if the M's can't help us, at least they'll keep falling out of the WC and give the Sox a nice cushion when they fail to keep the Yanks at bay. I have to say it was funny watching Sportscenter this morning and seeing Steve Phillips continue to stick to his guns that the Yankees will miss the playoffs. He's certain that the Mariners will now heat up again, but I have a feeling that the Yanks could build a 5+ game lead in the wild card and he'd declare the Yanks eliminated from the post-season hunt. He must figure its better to never admit you were wrong, just stick to your guns because no one will revisit your predictions when they go splat. IMHO the Mariners are dead-in-the-water, with weak pitching, an overused bullpen failing, and an offense in a slump. It was fun while it lasted, maybe they can put it together to sweep Boston. Sweep Boston? Its sweep New York! Nine straight is crushing, but the way I look it is that they've got to start winning soon. Losing that many in a row probably actually improves the odds of taking two of three in the Bronx. My bad. For some reason, it was in my head that it was off to New York, and then to Boston. Only the Yankees. Well, to win two out of three would be nice --- so would peace on earth.
  6. Be careful or I'll sick Kevin Elster on the Giants... So, Matthew, do the M's have one more run left in them or has this latest lengthy losing streak put an end to the magic carpet ride? We need King Felix to come up big but if the M's can't help us, at least they'll keep falling out of the WC and give the Sox a nice cushion when they fail to keep the Yanks at bay. I have to say it was funny watching Sportscenter this morning and seeing Steve Phillips continue to stick to his guns that the Yankees will miss the playoffs. He's certain that the Mariners will now heat up again, but I have a feeling that the Yanks could build a 5+ game lead in the wild card and he'd declare the Yanks eliminated from the post-season hunt. He must figure its better to never admit you were wrong, just stick to your guns because no one will revisit your predictions when they go splat. IMHO the Mariners are dead-in-the-water, with weak pitching, an overused bullpen failing, and an offense in a slump. It was fun while it lasted, maybe they can put it together to sweep Boston.
  7. Be careful or I'll sick Kevin Elster on the Giants...
  8. Typical Mariner free-fall right now, their seventh straight loss last night to the Bluejays. Well, this is what happens when Hernandez is supposed to be your stopper, he doesn't stop anything.
  9. Dan, If the Sox fall apart, well...I don't know what to say. They looked like a team that was going to make for a boring post season, winning series in 3, 4, and 4 games. Best starting pitching by far, but it does look like you are still short an offensive player or two(Don't you wish the Sox braintrust had listened to folks like me that said run as fast as you can from J.D. Drew? ) I wonder if some team like the Diamondbacks will end up winning it all this year??? What?? JD Drew not coming through when it counts? Just no way that happens.... The thing that gets me about JD is that his suckitude in the clutch doesn't bother him in the least.
  10. Been reading the First Volume of Henry David Thoreau's Journal: 1837 - 1844. Very interesting and has some great writing in it. One of my favorite quotes so far: Nov. 12th 1837 Discipline I yet lack discernment to distinguish the whole lesson of to-day: but it is not lost - it will come to me at last. My desire is to know what I have lived, that I may know how to live henceforth.
  11. Decided that I need to make my way through Classic Capitol Jazz Sessions since I haven't listened to it in a long time. Disk one right now, Paul Whitman is blasting as I type.
  12. Looking out my window, sky is covered with clouds, temp is 66.
  13. I also like the Futurama commentaries, though on the very last episode, some idiot talks over the final lines of the series -- :rmad: . Other than Futurama, I also found the commentary by Frank Sinatra Jr. for Ocean's 11 interesting, especially about the downfall of the Vegas lounge.
  14. Disk two this morning. On to disk three. I'm finding this box set very enjoyable. Disk four. Very nice music. Disk five tonight. Interesting music, very organized yet has a sense of freedom to it.
  15. I've been jonesin' for this for awhile (though I have many of these on CD already) and when I read your post I decided to go for it. Thanks a lot, Matthew........ Interesting price variation among the various sources: Amazon (used, independent seller): $199.00 (yeah, right!!!) CDUniverse: $121.65 Overstock: $95.21 Needless to say I went for the latter, seemed like a good deal, especially not knowing if this box is going to disappear soon. (Interesting, I also got the Evans Verve "Tetanus" box from Overstock some time ago....) I'm sure someone else found it for 50 bucks or something, though...... Your welcome! I bought the Fantasy Evans because I think this box will disappear very soon (I have a hunch that Concord isn't making anymore of these -- no proof, just a gut feeling). I was tracking the price the past couple of months and it kept going up and up. Great music though, and the sound is very good. My one mistake is that I didn't buy the Milestone solo cds because I thought they would be on this set. Turns out they're in the Riverside box set --my bad. I don't want to tell you have much I paid for the Verve box -- Yikes! I've taken all the cds out of that dangerous box, and put them is three 6 cd cases.
  16. Excuse me, it was six F's and one MF. You know, baseball is all about the stats.
  17. Is Leeway the ebay seller Lee5555? I just bought a cd from him last week....
  18. I wonder if Selig has any idea what a hypocritical piece-of-crap he looks doing things like this. I'm not a Bonds apologist but this just plays into what his defenders are saying. Bonds: African-American and Selig treats him with utter disdain. Giambi: White and gets a free pass. Selig doesn't have a clue on anything.
  19. Heaven help me, I bought this today, and I've never seen an episode all the way through in my life. Arrived a couple of days ago, and I'm still on season one. I must admit that I'm really enjoying the series so far. Very relaxing just to watch an episode or two a day.
  20. Bill Evans: Complete Fantasy Recordings. Disk one. Arrived in the mail today and I'm listening to Evans/Gomez/Morell at Yubin Chokin Hall, Tokyo. Very nice concert and the sound is also good. Glad I finally got this.
  21. disc 2 now, once again leaving out the McFarland - don't feel like more than a trio right now... Go ahead, put me out of my misery. The McFarland session is one of the tops in terms of my favorite Evans session.
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