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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Dumb question: Could someone list the solo cds for Bill Evans? I'm having trouble figuring out which ones I don't have. I should mention that I have the complete Verve & Fantasy boxes, so what, outside of these boxes are there? Thanks.
  2. Now that postal service is back in England, it'll be interesting to see if anything will be shipped this week.
  3. It must be the wet weather up here, but my box is turning to pure rust, and I've had it for about a year -- yuck!
  4. Well, not me, but my parents are buying this for my birthday: THE VANDERMARK 5: Alchemia. Should be great music in this 12 cd monster.
  5. It is the wood one. I was also thinking of the MMF-5. I used to have the MMF-7.1 (had to sell it when I moved) but it wasn't a stupendous upgrade from the 2.1 that was my first tt. It seems that if I get the MMF-5, and can use the money saved for a decent phono pre-amp; that package should come out to +/- $800, with good sound.
  6. I'm thinking of getting back into lps and the Music Hall mmf-5SE turntable looks good to me. Any feedback on this turntable?
  7. Sorry I missed this earlier. Not being a betting man nor a collector of RVGs, I think I'll pass. the tribe in 6 games That'll be tough for the Tribe, means they have to take one of the Boston games. I'd kind of like to see Cleveland win, Red Sox fans have worn out their welcome the past two years -- EXCEPT for Dan, of course.
  8. I wonder if LaBron will show up at the game tomorrow rocking a Red Sox lid?
  9. Disk three this morning. Great box set, the music being very minimalistic. Disk four now.
  10. I had to look twice to make sure but it appears that Garnett only had 9 points. ...and Paul Pierce only had 8 points. The Celtics look good on paper but I'm still not completely convinced that Garnett, Allen, and Pierce will mesh all that well together.
  11. Disk three this morning. Great box set, the music being very minimalistic.
  12. I see where Ray Allen dropped 28 point in 27 minutes against Minnesota last night. Celtics might, just might, have a good team this year. Honestly, if everyone stays healthy, a 50 win season is in the offing.
  13. Received word that I'm getting a copy -- good thing for Aggie, now I don't have to go postal on him...
  14. I wonder if they would even televise a Cleveland vs. Colorado World Series?
  15. Not for Cleveland fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And were we watching the same series, except for the Game 1 massacre, the games have been close. Congrats on the win. If you don't mind, I will now jump on the Indians bandwagon. I realize some of the games were close, maybe it was just Tony Gwynn getting under my skin. Hey, don't worry about the Yankees next year, they'll be getting Carl Pavano back!
  16. Are you completely ignorant of what has been talked about all season long? Here's a clue: its called an opt-out clause, and Scott Boras doesn't put it into his client's contracts unless he expects them to exercise it. The possibilities are these: A-Rod signs an extension with the Yankees without actually exercising the opt-out clause. It has the advantage for the Yankees of keeping the Texas owner on the hook for his share of A-Rod's salary for the next three years. A-Rod ignores the money that is on the table and simply chooses not to use the clause, plays out the remaining three years of his deal, and becomes a free agent at 35. This makes zero sense because right now his value is the highest it will ever be. There is more money in the game, and more teams that would bid on him, and he is only 32 and is coming off one of the greatest offensive seasons in this or any era. Being a free agent at 35 would make it tougher to get a big money, long contract. A-Rod opts out, and then the Yankees have to decide whether to stick to their guns and refuse to join the bidding, or realize that they desperately need his right handed bat, and do what it takes to re-sign him, knowing that the Red Sox, Angels, and possibly Mariners, Giants and Cubs will be in on the bidding and they won't have Texas' money to defray the cost. I agree with the points Dan lists here, I don't see any Boras client not opting out. Besides, why should ARod stay with the Yankees? unless a really major overhaul takes place, I don't see the Yankees getting any better next year, in fact, they'll probably struggle even to get into the playoff in 2008. Can you imagine the treatment ARod would get in that situation? All of New York booing your every move? I wouldn't be surprised to see ARod wind up with the Cubs.
  17. Since the Funny Rat thread doesn't seem to get too many looks, I'm going to again recommend this box set, which I absolutely love. My post from Funny Rat: For the past couple of months I've been listening to Andrea Centazzo / Mitteleuropa Orchestra: The Complete Recordings, and it is a very interesting listen. Counter to, for want of a better term I would call, "The New York School of Large Groups," the Mitteleuropa Orchestra has a much more composed feel to it, and I'm becoming convinced that Andrea Centazzo is very much an underrated musician/composer in todays music world. There are such artists as Franz Koglmann, Theo Jorgensmann, Gino Commisso, and a host of others. If you like large group music, that has a free jazz/composed feel to them, this box set is worth checking out. One word of warning: It is very poorly packaged, the cds come in a six-pack dvd case, and the liners look like the secretary went to the back room copier and then put them in the case. When it came to my home, the interior of the box was all broken up, so I had to buy a new, sturdier box for the cds. Given that though, I really enjoy the music.
  18. Great, the Yankees are out. Probably Arod's last at bat for the Yanks in the ninth, too bad it was a fly-out.
  19. Thanks for the heads up. Just re-ordered, fingers crossed!~ Dude, you better not be getting mine!
  20. I put in an order, what the heck, if I get this and the Monk box, I'm set for some great music at a steal.
  21. Can anyone imagine what a Cleveland vs. Colorado World Series would be like? In late October?? Almost makes me glad that I have to go to Rome on business and will be missing the whole thing. On the bright side, it might get snowed out...
  22. It's still up at the cheap price, so it might be for real after all. You'd think if it was wrong it would be pulled down by now....
  23. Dang, I really hate it when the Yankees get some wiggle room like this. I hope Cleveland can close it out tonight, but I don't have great confidence in Byrd though.... .
  24. Not quite sure if I agree with that, but I've come to believe that Clark's solo work is a fantastic gold mine of great music, he is still so underrated, most of his solo work you can only get import.
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