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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Judging by what he did during the Italian campaign, he's looking for his brain....
  2. Put me down as one of those who really like The Man in the High Castle. I always found Nobusuke Tagomi's character heartbreaking. Just a great novel.
  3. I for one am glad that Theo isn't biting on that kind of demand. Yeah I'd like to get a good young catcher, but not at that cost. While I don't want Pudge, I could see Benjie Molina as a fair alternative. The Giants have a lot of holes so it should be easier to get a deal done, and Molina brings excellent D and a little pop in his bat. He'd be fine as a stop-gap if Tek goes elsewhere and the Rangers demands don't come down. Then they can see how Kottaras and the other catching prospects develop. Have to agree with you on this one; Benji would be a very good one-year guy for the Red Sox, plus, he's supposed to be a good clubhouse guy also. I'm als very interested in the Manny saga, it would be nice if he re-signed with the Dodgers, but I still think the Blue can take the West without him, and I also think that there's a chance that CC winds up in Chevez Ravine in a long term deal.
  4. The Pistons just flat out played the Lakers last night, in every aspect of the game. Anyone catch the Hawks/Celtic game? Great game for November, the East have some very good teams this year.
  5. I'm very bummed that XM Radio took off Beyond Jazz, it was a great place for fusion, soul jazz, etc. Real Jazz is ok though.
  6. Have a friend who, every time he hears AI he says: "AI: Another Idiot." No a fan of AI, to say the least.
  7. It's no coincidence that the Nuggets are undefeated so far with Billups on the floor, he's one of those players that makes everyone better, which AI is unable to do.
  8. Lakers look like the team to beat right now, they have a great bench that can take over the game, plus a great defense. Just ask Dirk about that, he was shut down completely last night. Who would have thought that the Hawks, of all teams, would also be undefeated along with the Lakers. I was able to save money to get the NBA League Pass from DTV this year, and I'm digging it very much. The NBA... fantastic.
  9. My all time favorite box set. You'll have hours of wonderful music, some of it hard to get also.
  10. Tim Lincecum wins the National League Cy Young Award. Only bright spot for the Giants all year.
  11. Wish baseball would forget about this World Championship bs in March and open the season earlier, gosh, the season almost went into November! What a waste of time. I'm already looking forward to new season -- football stinks.
  12. The reason for starting this thread was twofold: 1) Some people on the other thread were bothered by criticism there of a recently dead artist, so here we are now; those who don't want to hear this kind of talk have an easy option 2) Trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff among jazz artists, and within the career of a single jazz artist, seems like a fairly natural and arguably necessary thing to do, unless you're one of those "It's all good" people. Don't we all do a lot of that sorting out in the course of our lives as jazz fans? Now doing that in a public forum does add some stress and suggests that mere name-calling might be not a great idea. But are you suggesting that doubts about the value of OP's playing should now never be expressed, or that the subject of what his flaws as a jazz musician might be is of absolutely of no interest? I'm all for critical discernment when it comes to musicians, and, like many here, I have my questions about Peterson's artistic choices in his career. What I trying to say is something that's hard to put into words, but it goes something like this, and it's just my opinion: I feels like people are using the death of Peterson to let loose negative emotions on a person they never knew. Maybe the point people bring up about this forum becoming more negative over the years is valid, it's not feeling right to me what's going on. I really can't express it more than that, but there it is. I wish I could be more articulate of what I'm seeing and experiencing here the past couple of weeks, but the OP thread is part of a trend where if you don't join in thinking the same way as some of the "inner circle" about an artist, you are made to feel like you know jack about music, and are pretty much forced to remain quiet. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm thinking, but this is the best I can do know.
  13. Geesh, is it that important for people to dump on a dead artist? Amazing. to start a thread for the sole purpose of telling us that you don't like OP. I just don't get this in the least...
  14. Thanks Lon. Nice to see the comment about Marshall Allen getting paid for this. I pre-ordered through DMG, so I should be in good shape.
  15. Does Transparency have a website? I've Googled it, but came up with nothing. Email address to be put on a mailing list? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  16. Up to disk four this evening, and it's great music to my ears. Had to happen, someone is selling this set on ebay for $300.00. I'm up to the middle. I just saw he now has a10 cdr set from 1978! Thanks for the heads-up Lon. Put in my pre-order tonight.
  17. Up to disk four this evening, and it's great music to my ears. Had to happen, someone is selling this set on ebay for $300.00.
  18. Took all my Christmas money, plus credit I had on trade-ins, went into Seattle and bought: Sun Ra: --- Jazz in Silhoutte --- Alantis --- Space Is The Place --- The Night Of The Purple Moon --- Heliocentric Worlds vol. 1 & 2 --- Love in Outer Space --- Angels And Demons At Play / The Nubians of Plutonia --- Cosmic Tones For Mental Therapy / Art Forms Of Dimension Tomorrow Frank Zappa: --- Freak Out! --- Absolutely Free --- We're Only In It For The Money --- Just Another Band From L.A. --- Hot Rats --- Burnt Weeny Sandwich --- Waka/Jawaka --- The Grand Wazoo For some reason, I really want to listen to these two artists in 2008.
  19. That's kinda how I roll. Ditto here. I'm going into Seattle today for a major buying spree with my Christmas money.
  20. SUN RA: Complete Detroit Jazz Center Residency. Disk one. Just arrived today, and it's one monster of a box set, but I'm digging what I'm hearing. Don't know if they're selling these in order but mine is #246 for a 400 copy set.
  21. The Complete Glenn Miller and His Orchestra (1938-1942). Disk five. I never tire of this set, absolutely love it.
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