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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. well... that sounds phenomenally interesting. i've heard much about Merton and have read snippets. what's the name of this book and would you think it an ok book for my 1st Merton? What I'm reading are the private journals (there are seven volumes) of Thomas Merton that he kept before and after he entered the Trappist monastery in Kentucky, and what you quoted are my thoughts for Volume Three. After Merton died, it was his expressed command in his will that these journals not be published until 25 years after his death. I can see why, a lot of forth-right comments about the situation and monks in Gethsemani Abby, where he spent most of his adult life. There is a lot of "inside" stuff about religious life and practices, and it is easy, if you don't have a good grasp of the context, to get lost. A good first book is either The Seven Story Mountain, which is Merton's autobiography of his life, of his conversion to Catholicism, and his entery into Gethsemani Abby a mere two/three years after his conversion. It is an interesting read, but as Merton himself acknowledges, a good bit of sanctimonious writing at times. It's a good book none the less. If you're interested in Merton's religious side, The Sign of Jonas is a very good start. This book takes you from Merton's study for the priesthood, to after ordination. Merton also struggles with a number personel and religious issues in this book. It is in a journal format, an easy read, but insightful at the same time. In fact, as I'm typing this, The Sign of Jonas might be the best way to be introduced to Merton, and after this, Seven Story Mountain as a way to get the basic outline of his life. Though, I must admit, the journals are very good, and if you like more immediate writing, and do not mind "monastic gossip," they are well worth reading. I keep on going back and forth on Merton, I've read him for a long time, and he was the one writer I read the most before my own conversion to Catholicism. I thought I had left him for good, but now, after many years, he coming back into my life. Strange, really, how that happens.... I can go on a whole lot more on Merton, but I better stop now, and in fact, I'm not sure I even answered your question!
  2. I'd never heard of it until this thread actually. Kobe apparently coined it himself. I don't like self generated nicknames - reminds me of Michael Jackson declaring himself "King of Pop"... which he is most certainly not. He lives in AZ. That address by his avatar is the address for Sanford & Son I believe. Boy, I never made the Sanford & Son connection!
  3. That is sad news, that Buffalo team wasn't too bad. One of my big Lakers memory as a kid is seeing Kermit Washington getting in a big fight with John Shumate(sp?). Buffalo was down by a ton when the fight happened, afterward, McAdoo and Smith went wild and they wound up winning the game. He must be from LA, he roots for out-of-town teams! I kid SS1, I kid...
  4. Finished volume three, and it is a scary volume for sure. The main problem Merton deals with is the need to leave his monastery and find real solitude. That dream, was of course, denied. The problem for Merton was not just going somewhere else, but it was with the Chamber of Commerce religion that was rampant in Gethsemani Abby, a shallow, formulistic religion that Merton felt was a lie, had no reality to it. This all showed itself in the great unrest that runs throughout this volume; Merton is all over the map in terms of his relationship with God, with the community, and with himself. A lot of sadness comes through on this volume, and it ends on a depressing note: Merton told to give up any thought of leaving; Merton stuck with a superior that does not understand him; his prayer life very much effected; his feeling of complete isolation from his brothers, with a decided turning to visits from artists and friends to fill the increasing emptiness he finds.
  5. It's scary indeed. I've been traveling a lot recently, and I always comforted myself saying: "Planes never go down in the ocean."
  6. I'm trying to make up my mind between Ran and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance... It'll be one of these two today.
  7. Followed by going on the DL sometime within the next two weeks. You know it's going to happen... it's been that kind of year for Cleveland
  8. Artie Shaw? Any idea what the proposed set would cover? Is it too much to ask that everything be in that one; the first big band, all the other big band sides, and the "final recordings." Probably would be ten or eleven cds? I would be so all over that it wouldn't be funny!!!!!!!!
  9. On the third volume of Thomas Merton’s journals now, and there continues to be a very scary undercurrent of deep psychological problems among the monks in Gethsemani – I mean people flat-out going crazy. And this is supposed to be the golden era of religious life too. Very sad.
  10. Seattle blows a 6-0 lead and lose in the bottom of the ninth. *Sigh* All I want is .500 baseball, throw me a bone guys!
  11. The Lakers will have problems with Howard, he seems too much for the Laker big guys. I wonder if Gasol will cover him? Van Gumby, winning a NBA title -- the horror!
  12. Almost done with volume two of Thomas Meton's journals Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and a Writer. About half of this volume appeared in Merton's book The Sign of Jonas. It is very interesting to see Merton struggling with so many aspects of his life; with silence, the other monks, himself, and his constant complaining; sometimes you just want to tell the guy to shut up. OTOH, it must have been difficult for Merton's superiors to figure out what to do with him, and he was overworked. I wonder how much the income producing aspect of Merton's life came into the decision making of his superiors. I wasn't like Merton was the cash cow, but he was one of the few monks there who could bring in extra money during a time when the money was needed. The writing and insights improve greatly after Merton's ordination, but you still can sense that his mind was struggling to break out on the confines of Gethsemane. Merton's journals are challenging, as I find myself struggling to come to grips with Merton. PS (very late edit for a question): Does anyone know if there is an english translation of La Mort de Jean Madec by Brian Parain? I've googled, and nothing? My french could never get through it
  13. I don't think I can take a Van Gundy final -- enough is enough!
  14. I like the Caped Crusader's line right now: 33 pts. 12 boards 4 assist.
  15. Look on the bright side, you always have the Indians..
  16. YIKES!!!! David Price: 5.1 innings 11 K's. He's pitched nine innings, 17(!!) K's.
  17. Orlando up by eighteen at the half. I don't think even LeBron can pull this one out.
  18. Agreed. Out here in Orygone, I have noticed the cops pulling over way more cars than I can ever recall and I've lived here all my life. I think the belt tightening in government and the need to develop alternative sources of income has something to do with this. As Bill Clinton used to say, "It's the economy, stupid." Up over and out. I've gotten three speeding tickets in my life, and my "favorite" is the one I got going through Portland. I was one of three cars waved over to the side. Now, I don't want to accuse the cop of having a prejudice, but I did notice something unusual about the three cars... we all had license plates from a certain state that's to the south of Oregon. I'm just saying.
  19. I would agree with you about MT & TTL, but "Love and Theft"? "L&T" for me, is a great cd that ranks with anything Dylan's ever done.
  20. Bedard keeps on pitching very well, won this afternoon's game against Oakland. Mariners are playing boring baseball right now though. Wonder when the trade rumors for Bedard will get starting...
  21. Herbie Hancock: I Have a Dream. I get goosebumps every time I hear it.
  22. The Complete Anita O'Day Verve/Clef Sessions: Disk five. Does it make me a bad person that I'm not digging how Jimmy Giuffre is presenting O'Day? seems very pedestrian to me. PS Edit: Exhibit A: Mack The Knife, I do not like what is going on at all.
  23. HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!! And thanks a 1,000,000 for the place also.
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