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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Agree, but Chuck brings up a good point. I'm not knocking the Beatles, but they have become little more than nostalgia for me. I have moved on to other things also. Some people may want to buy this stuff for purely musical reasons, but there is definitely a shred or two of nostalgia involved for many buyers. If I were buying any of these reissues - and I'm not - it would be out ofnostalgia. 90% of jazz cds, and most of the jazz talk here, centers around nostalgia for a jazz style that is long gone, and now resides in that fuzzy feeling for "days gone by." There would be no jazz market at all, if it wasn't for the longed for past.
  2. Oh yes, Chuck pure nostalgia on our part, listening to the music of our youth. Nothing like when you listen to Duke Ellington, nothing like that at all... Yes, nothing like that at all. FWIW, the music of my youth was Little Richard, Elvis, Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis and Gene Vincent. I still enjoy those memories but have moved on to other things. edit for typo Just my worthless opinion: It's not the artists fault, and should not affect their worth, or how we see them, that we were young when they were alive and creating great music.
  3. Oh yes, Chuck pure nostalgia on our part, listening to the music of our youth. Nothing like when you listen to Duke Ellington, nothing like that at all...
  4. MO-NO BOX! MO-NO BOX! MO-NO BOX! Er, sorry what was the question again? *Sigh* I have a four week wait for the MO-NO BOX!
  5. File this under: Dude! What were you thinking???? A D.C. area native-turned-NBA player was arrested in Prince George's County on Thursday after a police officer who pulled him over on the Beltway found that he was carrying three loaded guns, authorities said. Delonte West, 26, a graduate of Greenbelt's Eleanor Roosevelt High School and a guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers, was traveling north on the Beltway in a three-wheeled motorcycle called a Can-Am Spyder when he cut off a Prince George's canine officer near Route 214, authorities said. The officer pulled over West for making an "unsafe lane change," police said, and when the officer approached the motorcycle, West told him he had a handgun in his waistband. That prompted the officer to call for backup and search West's vehicle. He found three guns -- a Beretta 9mm in West's waistband, a Ruger .357 magnum strapped to his leg and a shotgun in a guitar case slung over his back, said Maj. Andy Ellis, a spokesman for the Prince George's police. Rest of the story
  6. Not completely off topic, just a slant pattern: I'm thinking of getting the George Harrison Dark Horse Box Set, is it worth the $$$?
  7. The only thing I can think of is that maybe Bill's career was starting to take off at that point, and as a result, he had less time available for "sideman" duties. Evans was a regular member of the working sextet, remember. All involved, including Evans, felt that the more aggressive, uptempo approach of the live band was not his true "comfort zone", although he was certainly adept doing that. I agree with the "comfort zone" observation, as Miles progressed, I do not think that Evans would have "fit in" in any real manner, especially if you consider the Miles/Shorter/Hancock incarnation. As Evens himself states, he felt that his musical vision was exploring deeply the more traditional jazz songs, just look at what songs Evans covered after he left Davis, finding new songs that were edgy in terms of composition was not what he was interested in.
  8. Does this help your appreciation any? I don't know why but I have grown to love that song over the years, I don't know many people that like it though, even the other Beatles hated it. It might have something to do with "Abbey Road" becoming a firm favorite of these re-masters. It's just sooooooooo Beatle-y. I know you're joking but that will actually happen. I really am looking forward to the mono versions of the earlier albums. I've been listening to a lot of Beatles lately, and I think they reached their highpoint with Revolver, and after that, I see a decline in the songwriting, with the production overwhelming the music at times. I know that goes counter to what the vast majority of Beatles fans feel, but there is something so attractive to the Beatles up to Revolver, that it fully holds my attention. For me, something gets lost after Revolver, and what that "something" is, I cannot put my finger on, but their music looses some of its attraction for me.
  9. No, he's going to be like Nixon in Futurama!
  10. My notice has November 5-9, which is okay with me, I can listen to the stereo mix, get use to them, and then bitch how bad they sound next to the mono's! I have to admit, I'm very excited about getting these.
  11. Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains The Same. Honestly, John Bonham is the oldest looking 28 year old ever --he looks 40 here. Plus, I don't get John Paul Jones' haircut, yuck!
  12. I do not know a thing about running a record company, and maybe Chuck would know the answer to this, but would not Mosaic have insurance to cover all the lost tapes and the lost business?
  13. Mosaic owns outright the Benedetti Parker Tapes, so I think you can safely assume there will be another run.
  14. I'll give it a try. What are the match-ups for the playoffs? I can't seem to find the set up anywhere on the net.
  15. 81st. win by the Mariners tonight, so it is officially a .500 year. Also with the win, Felix Hernandez is now 18-5. Great comeback year for the Mariners!
  16. Funny and true story from the Sunday Mariners game. No one could believe it when it happened.
  17. Nice, close game between Detroit & Minnesota, had a nice play off atmosphere. Twins win 3-2, and are one game out of first, they play again tonight.
  18. Hey, we're a Oprah Reading Group™ now!
  19. I don't get Bobby Cox either -- never have, never will. It's like he's asleep in the dugout, only popping up to yell and screamm at an umpire, and then get thrown out of the game. I still can't get use to the fact that Rockin' Lee Mazzilli is not sitting next to him either. Just knowing he's dead in the dugout, managing the Braves, it enough for me never to watch the Braves at all. Leo Mazzone, but you knew that. I'm trying to remember though I think they missed each other by a year or 3 with the O's, but just think if manager Lee Mazzilli had hired Leo Mazzone as his pitching coach? I doubt Dave Niehaus could have handled it when the M's played the O's. *edited to add I would hope that they would open a restaurant together given the naming possibilities. Mazzilli - Mazzone, toe-may-toe, toe-mah-to....
  20. I don't get Bobby Cox either -- never have, never will. It's like he's asleep in the dugout, only popping up to yell and screamm at an umpire, and then get thrown out of the game. I still can't get use to the fact that Rockin' Lee Mazzilli is not sitting next to him either. Just knowing he's dead in the dugout, managing the Braves, it enough for me never to watch the Braves at all.
  21. Don't worry, we're just warming up for the playoffs, where our Yankee hatred will really come out....
  22. Wow! I love this news! Pre-order is right.
  23. Great celebration! Did you see the fans leave for the exits the second the last out was made! Great fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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