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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Duke vs. UConn. Nice college basketball game today from the Garden.
  2. Hall Of Fame Eligible Players: Roberto Alomar Kevin Appier Harold Baines Bert Blyleven Ellis Burks Andre Dawson Andres Galarraga Pat Hentgen Mike Jackson Eric Karros Ray Lankford Barry Larkin Edgar Martinez Don Mattingly Fred McGriff Mark McGwire Jack Morris Dale Murphy Dave Parker Tim Raines Shane Reynolds David Segui Lee Smith Alan Trammell Robin Ventura Todd Zeile Actually, there are some really quality players in this group. Right off the bat, I'd vote for Tim Raines, Lee Smith, and maybe Roberto Alomar. That's the problem with this group -- very good players, but most, I feel, don't cross the line to Hall of Fame level.
  3. Great one Shawn. I hope you enjoyed the Arriving Somewhere DVD that you watched with Lon, it's a good one.
  4. Porcupine Tree: Arriving Somewhere. Very good dvd of the Tree in concert. I'm still trying to make up my mind about PT, there are some things I really don't like about the music, but, who knows? in a couple of months I could love them again.
  5. Beautiful! Because of my respect for Ghostie, I'll just say this and keep it civil: I continue to have ZERO respect for ARod, and nothing he has done, or will do, will EVER change my mind.
  6. I mean Holliday, not Halladay. Stupid names are too close in spelling for me. Cabrara would be a great pick up for the Mariners. With the dumping of some high salaries this off season (Beltre & Bedard, plus others), the Mariners can afford him.
  7. The Giants are in the same boat as the Mariners: They both need a strong power bat in the line up if they want to go anywhere. Halladay would be a perfect fit with the Giants, after the black hole that was left field last year. Bay would be okay, but he really tailed off toward the end of last year. You can't keep living off Panda and Lincecum forever.
  8. I don't think there will be any free agent signing for awhile. Seems like the same thing will happen as the last off season -- late signings, and a whole mess on one year contracts.
  9. Halladay to Boston would be a good pick up, but Boston seems to have a lot of "issues" for their team, after all, they were not playing scintillating baseball toward the end of the season. Plus, they're getting old, and it doesn't look like Bay will be coming back, so things are not looking all that good in Boston right now (with all due respect to Dangerous Dan ).
  10. Uh oh...once again Matthew runs me off the site to Hulu! It really is a great site. Since I travel so much now, I canceled my Direct TV subscription, so I watch Hulu for tv shows that I enjoy, which are mostly from the 1970's. And I really can't believe that Suzanne Pleshette has passed away -- for some reason I still find that very depressing.
  11. Congratulations, and welcome to the confusing world of apps. I would suggest that you take it slow in adding apps, because so many sound cool, but once you add them, you never use them. I must admit though, I love these high tech phones. I have a Blackberry Curve 8900, and it does the techie stuff so well, that like FFA, I no longer have to take my laptop with me when I travel.
  12. Lyons' birthday is coming up, so I've been listening to this great player who I absolutely love. So, to help bring in his birthday in ten days or so, I'll post these You Tube links: Jimmy Lyons Quartet
  13. Off Hulu: The Bob Newhart Show -- and I STILL cannot believe that Suzanne Pleshette is no longer with us.
  14. Just finished reading (again!) James McMichael's Each In A Place Apart, and again I came away thinking that it was the best American poem in the last fifty years, a work of poetic genius IMHO.
  15. Mariners took Brad Morrow over Lincecum, said TL's arm action would be trouble after a couple of years. Imagine, Lincecum & Hernandez in the same rotation....
  16. My favorite passage so far: September 1, 1839 I never feel that I am inspired unless my body is also -- It too spurns a tame and commonplace life. They are fatally mistaken who think while they strive with their minds, that they may suffer their bodies to stagnate in luxury or sloth. The body is the first proselyte the Soul makes. Our life is but the Soul made known by its fruits -- the body. The whole duty of man may be expressed in one line -- Make to yourself a perfect body.
  17. Nice tour of the new Minneapolis stadium. Some aspects I don't like, and why can't these new stadiums get the bleacher seats right? Seems like a lot of these new places have obstructed views.
  18. Will and Grace: Season one. Enjoyable, harmless fun.
  19. Turn off the sound and listen to Dark Side Of The Moon with the movie playing.
  20. Griffey was a major presence for Seattle, both on and off the field. Stats didn't look that great, but he got some very key hits in games, and his plain having fun with the Mariners made the clubhouse go from toxic in 2008, to being great in 2009. I would have preferred that he retire, but I'm not complaining about having him there for one more year.
  21. For the past ten days, the whole world has been in mono for me, my right ear is completely gone. Stupid ear! At least I was able to get an ENT to see me late next week. I don't even bother to listen to music when my ears suck so bad.
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