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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Honestly, I been watching/listening to surfing music & the Beach Boys for the past hour on You Tube, and it is the happiest music ever made, THANK YOU BRIAN WILSON!!!!
  2. One more and then I'll stop... http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
  3. The Fendertones are so cool.... http://www.youtube.c...feature=related http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
  4. Dan's retro-curse upon the O's: O's pitcher injured filming commerical!
  5. Review on Amazon site mentions this issue, among others. Disappointed by the review, which, if true, makes this less than a complete recordings cd that I hoped for. I still might get it as Amazon is showing a seller at $23.70, which is a good buy -- PLUS, it is Artie Shaw after all. I'm still thinking about getting the Mosaic also, but I need a little more convincing.
  6. I'm finding that these stories contain a great sense of isolation, with the characters locked inside their heads, and have no ability to reach out and connect with others. Short stories of isolation, yet of people wondering how to break out of that loneliness. Kind of a downer in some ways, but I'm 2/3 the way through, so I'll keep on going -- supposedly the last collection of stories in this book is very good.
  7. The only forum that has banned me, just because I called out Hoffman because he said that Monk played the way he did because of his "mental illness." Anyway, I'm back on, and I do go there for rock information for bands until 1976, for rock after that, it gets rather contentious. I have to admit, the whole "I can't listen to A Hard Day's Night because of the first six seconds" thread is a little much. Caveat Emptor applies in this case...
  8. Granted, that is an unspoken worry for the Mariners, everyone just assumes he's going to be lights-out, but my two worries are these: 1. It's much easier to be the closer on a team with zero expectations, just throw free and easy, and let the chips fall where they may (what's that? three cliches in one sentence?). 2. There have been way too many one year wonders when it comes to closers -- that's the scary part. If Aardsma falters, probably Mark Lowe will be given a chance, he was very good at times last year, and he did have three saves. The Mariners seem to be hopelessly in love with Brandon League, so maybe he's Plan B. This whole question is the reason I did not like the Morrow trade, which I think will come back to bite the Mariners in the rear end when it's all said and done. Edit: PS -- Article "whistling-past-the-graveyard" on Aardsma
  9. According to my Mariners Home Page: 4 day 5 hours 31 minutes until pitchers and catchers report. Good, it really been a sports vacuum for me since the World Series ended.
  10. Shout! Factory issued the first season of Parker Lewis on DVD last year, and the second season just came out a couple of weeks ago: Season One Season Two Thanks. Bought & bought!! I loved that show for some reason...
  11. Love this video of the Beach Boys from the T.A.M.I Show. Dennis Wilson is rocking the drums, and Mike Love is breaking out the most awkward dance moves ever. Has there ever been a nerdier band than the pre-Pet Sounds 'Boys?
  12. Isn't the story that the Rolling Stones were petrified to come on after James Brown, and there was a convenient 45 minute "technical malfunction," that delayed the taping, after which, they got the nerve to go on?
  13. All I want on dvd is the series Parker Lewis Can't Lose and the first season of the John Larroquette Show.
  14. Okay, you convinced me: OP disk two. I really enjoy this set...
  15. Heard the title track on Sirius today myself. Very cool. Sounds like they have added "Darn That Dream" to the play list also -- which I happen to prefer.
  16. After I read Roughing It, I'm always tempted to jump in my car and recreate the journey (that would be a good idea for a book also!).
  17. Amazon has it for pre-order also Prestige Box
  18. Got your message clocked at 5:26 p.m. So something is working.
  19. Seattle Mariners vs. New York Yankees, September 18, 2009. Ghost of Miles: I don't think this is going to come out good for the Yankees...
  20. You must love vocals and inaudible instruments. I recall when looking at the post release mayhem on the SH board that this title was the unanimous best of all the lot re: stereo vs mono. hmmm. I believe TTK has stated he hasn't hear any of the 09 remasters yet. His comment is correct regarding previous stereo versions of For Sale however I agree with you and the posters on the Hoffman forums that the 09 Stereo of For Sale is spectacular. Having spent time with both the mono and stereo boxes there are only two slam dunks as far as one album only sounds best in only one format all the way through re: stereo vs mono. Those are For Sale in Stereo and Rubber Soul in Mono. Even Peppers as mind blowing as the Mono is I still prefer Within Without You and Day In The Life in Stereo, The remastered cd is a vast improvement over the '89 version. What I really like about BFS is that it has a unique sound to it, it's just has a different feel to it then other Beatles' albums.
  21. Looks like Griffey is getting ready for a good season. Think it will be his last, and he wants to go out having a good year. I see .275 25 hrs 80 rbi in 2010. I would really like to see him go out healthy, happy, with a great season on a good team. The full story. Ken Griffey Jr. is "ripped" and ready to go for spring training. Baseball's active home run leader had his second arthroscopic knee surgery in 12 months in October, to remove a bone spur. And Seattle Mariners trainer Rick Griffin says Griffey is "better now than he was at any time last year."Griffin spent a few days with Griffey at his home in Florida this winter. The trainer said Thursday the slugger who turned 40 on Nov. 21 has lost about 7 pounds. Griffey's even bragging about his new physique. "He told our general manager that he's going to be ripped. We'll see," Griffin said, smiling three weeks before the Mariners begin spring training.
  22. Listened to Beatles For Sale last night, and the stereo version is spectacular. Loved the album also, like a lot of others said already, the songs on it have not been played to death over the years. It sounded very fresh.
  23. 91!!??!! It doesn't seem possible. Anyway, a great talent. RIP
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