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About BruceW

  • Birthday 02/11/1936

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  • Location
    San Bernardino, Calif.
  • Interests
    Vibes, the computer and bowling

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  1. Bracing for another week of triple digit heat in San Bernardino.
  2. Yeah, we in San Bernardino, were supposed to have thunderstorms and rain, but no way, only a few drops and that was it. Next 7 days in 100"s.
  3. Tain't Necessarily So my friend...... A few days ago I needed the heat on in the mornings and late at night and now it is hot as hell (San Bernardino, Calif.) and I am not British...
  4. I'm not in the pool, however because I am paying enough for cable itself. But I would like to say "Hello guys, I'm back, still kicking and alive and still (at this point in time) beating the cancer. If I had to pick a team to win it all it would be Denver as long as Payton is healthy and playing. BruceW
  5. Well, here in San Bernardino, California, it has been in the 100's where I live, for the last 3-4 weeks. It gets no ink because the temp predictions for San B are from a lower location in the city. But,up here it is sweltering every day. And, there is no relief in sight. The ONLY good thing is that it is a dry heat and very little humidity; some but very little. Be cool, Bruce
  6. When I posted I was trying to get the attention of the monitors. I have an Avatar (profle picture) but it does not show up. Does anyone know why, that is the question. I had posted in another forum but they never answered. In reply to your post, I was posting a lot with the old format (the bulletin board with the color background). When they went to the white background with pastel color prints, I lost interest. It was harder on the eyes. I personally think the Forums was a lot more successful and fun with the old format. But whatever works for the boss.
  7. I've posted before, WHY is my profile avatar not showing? I have been a member for years.
  8. I think it is ridiculous how everyone downplays the genius of Pat Riley. LeBron is going nowhere. Also Lakers are going nowhere, they are not even developing a viable replacement for Kobe. Kobe will not last forever just like everyone else. Right now, Kobe cannot accept a secondary role on the court; if he can't return and be the #1 guy, then he is through, he will come to realize the effects the injury will have on his health. and face it, the CLIPPERS ARE IN TOWN!! :-) hey hey! Comon, don't tell me you cannot see the smile on Billy Crystal's face......:-)
  9. Yeah I remember Newhouser, Trucks, Trout, Houttermann. Not to mention Greenberg. Evers, Wertz, Groth, Kell.... and Vico the first guy I ever saw catch a ball at first base doing the splits.
  10. I was having problems months and months ago. Could not determine what was wrong of if anyone else was having problems. I left the board for quite awhile. I see now, there were others having problems. I'm glad to be back. How do I get my picture back on display???? It is in my profile info.
  11. ATTENTION EVERYONE, ANYONE. A couple of weeks ago I was receiving email notices as usual of new postings. Then all of a sudden I opened one and the screen partially "blacked out" (almost whole screen) as if someone had posted a video that would not completely load. I was looking at either the NBA 2012 or the one about The Weather. I never could get that posting to open. Today I tried opening just any posting and I get the same blackout. So, something is terribly wrong and I didn't do it because I didn't post. I merely tried to open a post notification. And it is strange because my email protection also did not pick up anything like a virus. So I'm left with "What happened"???? Bruce
  12. Before the season starts, it's just on paper. You have to play the games. And there are a lot of them.
  13. Same here in San Bernardino at the Foothills.
  14. Well how about that.....
  15. Rotasi Where are you located? Info would help. Me, I am in San Bernardino, Calif. and for the last three days it has been over 100 degrees F also.
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