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Everything posted by Quasimado

  1. Seems the video has been taken down... too bad. Q
  2. Didn't sound much like "used to be jazz" to me ... Q
  3. The comments to this article are sad, to say the least. Q
  4. There are hints of something (Milestones), but on the whole Mile's playing with Bird was pretty raw - nowhere near Fats or Diz. In fact judging from his early playing, as a horn player it's remarkable he became as great as the critics said he did. Q
  5. Quasimado

    Tony Fruscella

    Saxypete - That was wild! That's one great site. The Warne Marsh "Yardbird Suite" and the recommended video are something else! Q
  6. Your wife has GREAT taste! Q
  7. The '53 band that toured Europe had that great sax section - Konitz, Schildkraut, Zoot, Bill Holman. CDs are: Munich 9/16/1953 on "Sounds of Yester Year" Paris 9/18/1953 on "Jasmine" There's also an interesting one from the Chicago Blue Note in 1952/3 where they do Graettinger's "Thermopylae" live. It gets a bit ragged ... Q
  8. Whatever - seems like Jim wants to stick with the "monstrous" label... Q
  9. It's not about liking him, it's about liking the music of the band. And that gets pretty hard sometimes...often...usually... I do know that Konitz has been open in his thankfulness for the gig and the financial needs it met for him and his family at the time, probably the same for Schildkraut.. So, yeah, nice guy, don't know of anybody who disliked him as a leader and no doubt he was quite the hands-on type! As more and more recordings of the live dates become available from that period (I have about 8, and there are more) it's obvious how well Lee adapted to the Kenton environment, resulting in some of the greatest alto features for big band that I have had the pleasure of hearing. I'm extremely grateful to Stanley for that. Q
  10. A moronic article, full of bile and hate. You would think a magazine like this would employ editors or sub editors to oversee their riffraff contributors. Stan certainly had his weak moments, but on the other hand he made some excellent recordings and employed some superb musicians. And, the musicians respected him. He does not deserve this. The writer would not know jazz or decency if it was approaching his navel from way down on the inside. I wanted to reply direct, but it seems to comment one has to sign up for a lifetime - of this crap? No Way. Never. Monstrous article. Q
  11. You're way ahead of me. You do great Bird (right!), great Warne Marsh (right!). Now you do this (???). Q
  12. And here I thought swing was passe on this board! Nice to hear that it's not! Just a nice even 4 ... and a fine soloist. What more could one ask... Q
  13. Nice underwear. Q
  14. Allen you keep repeating your thing on Tristano based on some interview you did when you were a teenager... well, whatever, his music speaks for itself - check out the Jazz Records catalogue - not to mention the many who, contrary to you, knew him well and admired him greatly. Q
  15. Buddy was always a swinger - the great bebop musicians were swingers (check out Bird with Big Sid on Uptown). He drives Eager and Fats to their best on the WNEW jam session of '47. Q
  16. Including the unreleased sessions ... Q
  17. Warne Marsh - Live in Las Vegas (I think you know it) - and/or Look Up & Live 1964 Tristano Quintet on Jazz Records. Q
  18. After the put-downs I listened to some Sonny (Sittin' in with the OP Trio ) and I'm sorry Clem/ Brian /Mom etc, but that is some heavy alto shit, and demands Respect at least (which I thought was valued in Your Culture) ... Q
  19. Was it for a "tribute" type program? That usually accentuates the positive, so to speak ... Truth can get in the way. Q
  20. My favorite tenor saxophone taxonomy: DAVE PELL Nino Tempo arthur rollini ziggy vines You have to guess who this is. You've got me. Who? (Anyway, nice to see Ziggy there, although for what obscure reason I don't know ... but he could play!) Q
  21. Stuart Varden and Fat's daughter arranged a head stone for Fats in Linden NJ a few years ago. If I recall correctly the Rasey interview is on Stuart's page on Fats, which is certainly worth viewing. Q
  22. Right. I have the Dutch release comprising 12 tracks, 1-6 from 9/17/55 & 7-12 from 9/18/55. Excellent playing from all concerned, and a very nice production. Q
  23. I don't feel there's any blame or burden ... things move on, for better or worse. But you know and I know how good it was/ is. Q
  24. I would have thought most people who bought this did so because of the '39 jam session. The sound and quality of the music is excellent. The remainder I have (mostly) and the sound did not bother me. Allen got this whole deal off to a bad start by bad mouthing before he had listened to it ... Q
  25. Agreed - so, were 2 & 4 ever released by Cosmopolitan - (your question, I guess ). Q
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