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Everything posted by Quasimado

  1. Ted apparently in the hospital over the last few days - best wishes, Ted. Q
  2. Miles had already recorded two or three space-age bachelor pad albums with Gil Evans by the time of Kind of Blue. One of them before the Space Age even began! How did THAT happen! Uh oh, Claude, look out for the no oxygen zone! Are you saying Miles plays on this? Q
  3. The company that Jazz Records appears to be linked with on some CD sites (Orchard) would seem to have a NY address, for what it's worth ... Q
  4. Not to my knowledge. Perhaps James knows. However it did appear a couple of years ago on a Warne Marsh - Jazz of 2 Cities - compilation CD on Fresh Sound (FSRCD342). Q
  5. The Warne Marsh Quintet is presented on "Stars of Jazz" - March 11, 1957 - Show #36 - a classic session. Ann Richards completes the program. Thank you James. Q
  6. Looks an interesting site - couldn't read it all ... I think Neil Swainson is from Toronto - fine musician. Q
  7. Paul Chambers not mentioned? Peter Ind Q
  8. Hadda Brooks "Hadda's Boogie" Lee Konitz, as; Warne Marsh, ts; Hadda Brooks, p; unknown, b & d. NYC, c. March, 1950.
  9. Pretty dumb name for a jazz group ... what were they thinking? (Or am I insensitive?) Q
  10. For the Tristano people it was the other way round - eschew the ego, let it flow from the id. Q
  11. Great News!Order sent! Q
  12. Bud's *Round about Midnight* solo from Bird, Bud & Fats at Birdland. Q
  13. Great Work! I thought I had it all. Looks like I need to search for "Young Lee" - which DOES have it all. Q
  14. Love to see Charles before I kick ... looks a good deal. Q
  15. Saw Richie live in the 80's. He was a fine player. Q
  16. Whatever - there's an interview here: http://www.local802afm.org/images/allegro/mar10/Bertha_Hope-Booker_Interview.pdf Q
  17. Still, you seem to be trying pretty hard, Larry. Watch your blood pressure. Nobody cares. Q
  18. I'd like to hear Bertha - any news on that? Q
  19. John L wrote: "I would be inclined to believe that the New Yorker would not publish something called "Sonny Rollins in His Own Words" without a disclaimer unless it was just that." That is very, very close to the legal wind ... sarcastic humor or not ... would anybody here like to have their name used publicly in such a way without permission/ disclaimer ... and be expected to laugh it off?  Q
  20. Seem to be up to 105 Bird CDs/ CDRs according to the site - a remarkable resource. Sorry to hear it may have gone. Q
  21. Very original tenor for any period - the sides with Fats are excellent, especially considering he was just a kid at the time ... the fast company caught up with him, unfortunately. The comeback Heps are also very nice. This looks like one to find ... Q
  22. Enjoying it - looking forward to part 2 where the real action lies - and Stanley's take on that. Q
  23. Maybe the government and Lincoln Center together in a joint conspiracy.... Q
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