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Everything posted by Parkertown

  1. Well this was a failure. And for some reason, I'm unable to delete the post/topic. Whatsup? How can I upload images from my hard drive? I'm soo confused!! But really, these pics are quite cool. Help?
  2. I'm stuck in here! For now at least. My poor wife is at work. They put them up at a nice hotel two blocks from her office last night, and again tonight. My snowblower was broken, but this storm motivated me to get if fixed...very motivated!!
  3. Here's a topic I have thought about for a long time: The piano in Rudy's studio(s) Since a piano is somewhat of a big, heavy, clunky instrument, does this mean that all of the recordings made at Rudy's studio(s) were all done...ON THE SAME PIANO? That's some historic piano if so. What type of piano was it? Upright? Baby Grand? Did everyone like it? I recall reading that Bill Evans dislike the piano at, was it, Reeves Sound? Who was in charge of caring for Rudy's piano?
  4. Clunky, It seems to me that the Dizzy "Afro" mini-lp was indeed in the flimsiest of jackets. The others are more sturdy, except maybe the Astrid Gilberto. I think they are replicating the actual dimensions and paper stocks of the original releases. And I've found the sound on these to be quite thrilling for the most part. I'll have to relisten to the Gillespie disc again as I've not spent that much time with it. Alice Coltrane's "Universal Consciousness" has incredible sound, on my system. It makes my whole listening room vibrate. In a good way B)
  5. I'll second that!! This place is very nice. Missed the BNBB at first, but now, after seeing this and the AAJ board, it illustrates all the shortcomings of the old place. I love all the functionality of this software. I'm having fun with it. Or is my colored text annoying? Thanks a bunch B3er, you should be pleased with your project here! I certainly am.
  6. Just now relistening to that Disc 4 of the Blue Mitchell set. Man, oh Man, but the Hands Up! set is just blowing me away. I am particularly taken with "Togetherness". It's opening and closing ensemble themes are quite attention-getting and, to me, very romantic sounding. And all three solos are masterful. Blue is telling stories, love stories. Junior is singing, singing happily. But Tyner's solo quite frankly caused my jaw to drop. This one track stands out, IMO, as one of THE great Tyner solos of all time! (Of those that I've had the pleasure to hear). The sound on this is great too. Quite punchy, it jumps out of the speakers! The tape actually doesn't seem like it's in the best condition, as I believe I'm hearing quite a few dropouts in the right channel on this track toward the close, but the sound has such impact that it is easily overlooked. All expectations exceeded! I feel this will prove to be one of my favorite Mosaic boxes.
  7. Last nite: Blue Mitchell Mosaic-Disc 3 & 4 Yes-90125 & Disc 4 of the new "In A Word" box J-Lo-This Is Me, Then Carmell Jones-Mosaic Select Disc 1
  8. A former video game junkie here! I actually quit my habit for about 12 years, but this last Christmas my wife got me a PS2! The only game I had was Grand Theft Auto-Vice City which I am kicking major butt on! I have completed 3/4 of the missions and now own almost all of the Asset Properties. But I have to admit, I wouldn't be anywhere close to this far without the Cheat Codes I found on the web! I did just pick up the game Spy Hunter this weekend, but have barely got my feet wet with it. I used to love the old arcade game of this. I'm also on the lookout for the PS2 game of Defender. Another old arcade favorite.
  9. Damn I hate Wingy!
  10. Man, I drive an '02 Xterra, and people flash me all the time, thinking I have my brights on. I'll ignore 'em the first time, but if they do it again, I give 'em the brights! We have an '03 Altima on order for my wife. It's gonna be a top o the line 3.5 V6, leather, all the shit. (But a 5-speed; she likes to stir her own). It will have those HID (High Intensity Discharge) Xenon lights, but I don't believe they're blue. We'll see if she ends up getting flashed alot. P.S. Several weeks ago, driving home, I pull into our subdivision. (It's kinda out in the boonies, ) and there is this guy in front of me. He drives some small little car like an Accord or the like. And he's doing like 5 miles below the speed limit, which is 35 there. And he's just watching me, instead of the road ahead. He's acting like I have my brights on him, and he keeps putting his hand over the rear-view mirror. Dude, the only reason I'm on your ass is because you're driving so freakin' slow. So he keeps doing this gesture of blocking his rear-view so after awhile I give him a little quick flash of my bright to show him that no, my brights weren't on. THIS COMPLETELY INCENSES HIM AND HE SLAMS ON THE BRAKES!!! I stop, the several cars now lining up behind us ( because he's going so slow) stop, and he won't friggin' move. He just stays there! So, finally, I begin to attempt to go around him, but he's not having any of that and he starts going and moves over as well. WHAT A FUNKIN' IDIOT!!! Some people just need to drive and quit worryin' about what other people are doing. To me, that's just a control freak. Opinons?
  11. Jan, Mr. Tanno got one for me a few months back. Perhaps he can still find you one. If not, send me a PM and maybe we'll work something out.
  12. I've really been enjoying the Verve mini-lp of : Gerry Mulligan & The Concert Jazz Band-Live at the Village Vanguard Great sound, and the band is tight with exciting arrangements. What's not to like?
  13. Hey Soul Stream, I really enjoyed the listen a couple of hours ago, but only got thru about half the first disc. I was noddin' along. But I must say, IMO, the sound quality is first rate. I'm listening to the RVG, and I would consider it one of the good ones. Treble is just right, not too much. But the bass is incredible! Jimmy's bass pedals, hell, even McFadden's guitar has an awesome tone. I'm diggin' this one alright, but sometimes I miss having horns. But, as you say, Jimmy seems to be singing like a horn at times.
  14. What do you guys consider the "standout" tracks? I've listened to this maybe twice, and it hasn't grabbed me yet. Think I'll go put 'er on, now.
  15. Jimmy will be leading his quintet at The Boulder Theater next Friday, the 14th. Can anyone tell me who is in his current band? I'm looking for recommendations. I mean, I'm sure it will be worth the $26 ticket cost (each). Just wanted to see if I could get the skinny on Jimmy's current band. Thanks!
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