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Everything posted by edski

  1. I received this the other day, with, like @SMB1968, a sticker and a book of matches! The CD comes in a printed cardboard sleeve. Unlike the photo posted on the System Dialing site, the print is black and white (not black and gold/tan). According to the sleeve, it was recorded July 18-20, 2009. Sounds fantastic so far. So good to hear that Ornette Sound...
  2. edski

    Ornette at 80

    Happy Birthday Ornette! Does anyone think we will ever see re-releases on his post-Atlantic material? Artists House, Prime Time, etc.? It is a shame that most of that stuff is not readily available. I could envision a few box sets....
  3. James Blood Ulmer's "Odyssey" album is now available via iTunes ($8.) and Amazon ($10.). Was this recently re-released on CD? Or is this a positive sign that some previously OOP albums will see the light of day as digital downloads? emusic has the Odyssey band reunion "Back in Time" which I enjoy a lot. Curious about "Free lancing" and "Black Rock" too.
  4. Dave Thomas and 2 Pale Boys: Erewhon
  5. Nels Cline's new one, "Coward" and his brother Alex's "Continuation". Both on Cryptogramophone. Awesome stuff. I just love this label. Also, based on recommendations in this thread, d/l Mal Waldron's "The Seagulls Of Kristiansund" and "The Quest" - excellent! Thanks for the tip! I also got Ponytail's "Ice Cream Spiritual" - Sonic Youth meets Yoko Ono, maybe? interesting...saw them play in a laundromat on pitchfork.tv. oddly compelling.
  6. Thanks for the Mal Waldron and "Seagulls" recommendations. My account refreshes in 2 weeks....
  7. I just d/l Eric Dolphy and Booker Little "Live at the Five Spot" WOW!
  8. WD45, I recently discovered The Mars Volta and am enjoying the new one "Bedlam in Goliath" (actually I picked it up after seeing the album art and listening to a few samples) as well as "Frances the Mute" - I just ordered the remaining studio albums (from yourmusic) and d/l the "tremulant" ep from emusic. The music is very interesting and the lyrics (like any good prog rock) are indecipherable. I know they have their detractors, but I find them very intriguing.
  9. Thanks, BFRank, but that one "Live at Raji's" doesn't seem to be available...
  10. Thanks for the heads-up on the coupon. Of course, 40% off of a $18.98 CD is still ridiculous, so I ALMOST walked out with nothing. The music section at the (brand new) Albany (NY) B&N is pretty pitiful (although they had a very nice display of (pricey) music DVDs), but...I ended up with a few items anyway, thinking it was a not bad deal: John Coltrane - A Love Supreme [2cd deluxe edition] - $17.99 Otis Redding - Dreams to Remember [2cd] - $20.39 Arcade Fire (debut EP) - $6.59
  11. This month: Archie Shepp & the NY Contemporary Five Nels Cline "The Inkling" Mark Dresser "The Aquifer" Last month: The Dream Syndicate "The Day before Wine and Roses" Sonny Sharrock "Guitar" Major Stars "Distant Effects" Max Roach "Freedom Now Suite"
  12. I recently re-joined emusic. So far, I have downloaded: - Last Exit: Koln - Last Exit: Cassette Recordings 87 - Heartless Bastards: All This Time - Art Farmer: Blame It On My Youth Great stuff! Recommendation for the Art Farmer album came from another thread - thanks! Anyone have suggestions for the Charlie Parker albums? I have the Complete Dial and Savoy box, but want to delve a little deeper...
  13. Signed up for trial membership last week and thanks to this thread (esp. BFrank) I d/l some great stuff, including Last Exit, the Miles Isle of Wight track, Rahsaan Roland Kirk's "Brotherman" and Dewey Redman's "In London." Also got Greg Bendian's Interzone "Tribute to Jack Kirby" which is fantastic. Can see myself getting pulled into the whole "digital distribution" thing, esp. as local shops close up and the big retailers shrink their stock. Need to upgrade my hardware to have enough HD space for monthly D/L, but I am sure I will sign-up in the future, esp. after having discovered some great music! Thanks again!
  14. Dave Douglas: Strange Liberation. Am looking forward to listening to this one. The site has shown 6.99 for me since ~January 1.
  15. http://www.learnlicks.com/ A friend of mine set up this very cool, free educational video site for musicians - from beginners to seasoned pros. It is a searchable collection of videos highlighting guitar, bass and drum licks (with more instruments coming soon) with focus on instruction. Its all free - and contributers are welcome (free registration is required). If you have a webcam or video camera and want to share what you know, this is the place to do it. Enjoy! note: Flash plug-in is required to watch the videos and contribute your own videos.
  16. Sunday at Newbury Comics in Framingham, MA: John Coltrane - Complete Live at the Village Vanguard 4CD set King Crimson - Eyes Wide Open 2 DVD set Today from cduniverse: Don Cherry - Mu Parts 1 and 2 Jethro Tull - Christmas Album
  17. Great photos, Dmitry! Thanks for posting them!
  18. You can read a review of the show here: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/22/arts/music/22ORNE.html I had never seen Ornette before, and have really taken to his music (or, his music has taken me) so the experience for me was amazing. His "program" was printed in an insert in the "playbill" (Ornette referred to it as the "bilboard") and consisted pf 10 songs: 1. air raid 2. song world 3. crying without tears 4. help is on the way 5. when a question can't be answered 6. city people 7. once only 8. atm 9. minor business and 10. those that know before it happens. "Air Raid" sounded like a transcript of 9/11 and started off the concert better than I could have imagined. As the NY Times article says, the 1st half of the set was probably the most successful, but to me, it was all fascinating. The last tune seemed to take part of its melody from "city living" (i think that's the one.) I can only hope that we will all see the same song list on the back cover of a new Ornette album in the near future. The sole encore, "Lonely Woman" was more beautiful than words can say. Abbey Lincoln was interesting, but I am not a big fan of jazz vocals. Again, I am still exploring the jazz world. What disappointed me about the show was that it was not sold out AND people left the hall during Ornette's performance. Is this normal? Isn't an Ornette performance a rare gift nowadays? Did people come just to see Abbey Lincoln? Yes, Ornette and the band rec'd many standing ovations, but it was still sad to see people darting out between songs... edski
  19. I got into Pere Ubu by way of 1995's "Raygun Suitcase", still a favorite. Their cover of "Surfer Girl" is great (yes, DT is a Beach Boys fan) and another song on the album is called "Beach Boys" (chorus: "Marchin' on the home of the blues"). From "Raygun" its a short trip to "Pennsylvania" and "St. Arkansas." Great stuff. I would also recommend "Apocalypse Now," which is live in 1991 - sort of Pere Ubu unplugged - its a fun album, Pere Ubu at its most accessible. The DT box "Monster" has a GREAT live album included by DT and two pale boys called "Meadville." IMHO, it is well worth the price of admission. One of the best live albums I have ever heard. Really. The two pale boys albums are great - "EREWHON" and "Surf's Up" - (yes, another great Brian Wilson cover). Plus they have a new one coming out - "18 Monkeys on a Dead Man's Chest." Should be interesting. You can get more info at DT's official site: http://www.projex.demon.co.uk/ Enjoy! edski
  20. I think Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower" is definitive. Some other good ones: PJ Harvey did a great take on "Highway 61 Revisited" on her 1993 album "Rid of Me" (and played it live before that) by adding a "Highway!" chorus as only she could do. Sixteen Horsepower's "Nobody 'Cept You" is also great; thats on "Secret South" (2000). Television performed "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" live numerous times and Warren Zevon's version (on "The Wind") is very affecting ("Open up...open up..."). edski
  21. Thanks for the info. I just wanted to make sure the 2cd version wasn't recorded at the wrong speed or anything like that. When I get some audio equipment that will let me hear the sonic improvement, I'll spring for the RVG. Right now, I am all about quantity over quality (music over sonics) unless of course, the sonics were really off in some way. Now, I can buy the IASW box with confidence. Thanks!
  22. Today: Old and New Dreams (1979) Eric Dolphy - Out to Lunch Naked Lunch soundtrack recently: Ronnie Earl and Friends Catherine Wheel - Happy Days John Menegon - Search Light (w/Dewey Redman) Howlin Wolf - Chess Box
  23. OK, I'm here. Thanks to B-3er for getting this going. I am fairly new to jazz so this is a pretty basic question: Should I opt for the 2cd Complete Birth of the Cool set or is the RVG edition better in any way? Also, I am curious about the "In a Silent Way" box set - is the IASW album represented in the box entirely? Will I also need to buy the album to get the original release? Thanks in advance, edski
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