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Everything posted by Leeway
Can't help you with the technical questions, but you might try the "Vintage" forum over at www.audioasylum.com Audio Asylum Vintage Gear But it's a nice coincidence that you mentioned trying to recreate your old system. Today, I picked up a pair of AR-2ax speakers, $1.00 for the pair, and I was thinking of doing the same, but thinking I needed to get a vintage receiver for the right sound. Your Pioneer would do nicely ! I have a lot of vinyl and was thinking I needed an old acoustic suspension speaker to get that "vinyly" sound that I grew up with. I'll have to scout around for a good receiver.
"Out" but probably not nearly as "out" as it seemed when recorded.
"WORST OF THE JEFFERSON AIRPLANE" - RCA It felt good to hear some kick-ass, Sixties, sex-drugs-protest, psychedlic, take-it-to-the-street, ROCK 'N ROLL JA music from 1966-1969. Marty Balin, Grace Slick, Jorma Kaukonen, Paul Kantner- a great band at its height.
Thanks for the site. Some drool-inducing vinyl gear
Doesn't the Funny Rat thread serve that purpose already?
I have a mild prejudice against albums that consists of sessions widely dispersed in time, and with different personnel. You can't really call it an album; it lacks the coherence and consistency of a unified effort. That said, "Jackie's Bag" is a pretty good Mclean album. The first three pieces (I have the JRVG, so arrangement may differ), with Donals Byrd, Sonny Clark, Paul Chambers, and Philly Joe Jones is enjoyable. Clark comes into his own on "Fidel." Mclean is always good in a blues number, as he is here in "Blues Inn." I felt Byrd was playing more to show off his chops than to make himself a part of the group. "Jackie's Bag" really comes into its own with the next session, with Blue Mitchell, Tina Brooks, Kenny Drew, Paul Chambers and Art Taylor. I prefer Mitchelll to Byrd. Tina adds a great feeling to the session, but it's still clearly Jackie's session. The songs themselves, as well as the playing, seem to me superior to the first sesion. "Appointment in Ghana," and "Isle of Java," particularly stand out for me, but it's all good-- really good. This session has a really compelling quality.
Another EBAY seller selling "rare" Mosaic Selects, so rare that they can be ordered drectly from Mosaic EBAY Rare Mosaic Select Another Rare Mosaic Select At least the opening bid price is eminently reasonable. If it stays low, might be a bargain.
Well, I guess that's just the equipment he had available at the time. Back in those days there wasn't much available in the way of audio recording equipment. Nobody made mixing consoles and such. You had to make stuff yourself. I agree with you, but if you listen to the records from that era on Atlantic, that's just how they sounded. Kind of like how those old Motown records are sonically not that great, but later on, when they sold records, they made money and updated their gear. I've read that Rudy Van Gelder modified or built much of his recording equipment, and treated the equipment and his methods with more secrecy than nuclear missile plans. I suppose that's what separated him from the rest.
Penguin 7th ed.
Leeway replied to clandy44's topic in Jazz In Print - Periodicals, Books, Newspapers, etc...
Curious to know if anyone has noticed either a change in the style of the writing in the Penguin Guide from the 1st to the 6th edition. Or, a change in outlook or opinion by the authors? Just wondering if over their years of listening, Cook or Morton have undergone some noticeable changes. -
My wife and I went to Paris a few years ago and loved it. I had been there many years befoe as a wandering teen, and loved it then too. When we last went, we went to a jazz club, La Cave Huchette (?). The place was packed, lots of young people, and many people dancing! When have you last seen that Stateside? A pretty good French combo was playing. I'd love to spend a lot more time there, maybe even, after retirement (Lawd, will that EVER come?!) live there part of the year. Maybe then I will have a chance to find Jackie's tabac.
St. Germain? Montmartre?
I want to make something perfectly clear...
Leeway replied to undergroundagent's topic in Miscellaneous - Non-Political
Jazzypaul posted: I'd be glad to, but the mail service around here hasn't been too good lately -
Despite it all : Blue Note later issue (blue label, white "b").
I want to make something perfectly clear...
Leeway replied to undergroundagent's topic in Miscellaneous - Non-Political
I thought there was a tacit agreement to wrap this up, but I guess not, so: You write: I sent you my e-mail after my previous inquiry to you was met with a less than pleasant response- you were obviously bugged that I even asked for information about when and how the CDs were shipped. Maybe this was because you claimed to have sent them out on Sept. 10 (not 8 or 9), as you eventually told me. Your tone didn't encourage me to communicate further with you. I did want to check with others who bought from the same thread, but you had deleted the thread, so that option was out. I then checked with others from organisimo, and they filled me in on some background- let's just say they weren't signing your praises. That started to ring a bell me. I have already posted what I found on the Board. Then you posted your "Adieu" thread, and that really bothered me. That's when I sent you my e-mail, figuring this whole deal was going south anyway. Yes, I was pissed (still am), but after I sent it, I figured, fuck this, it ain't worth it. If I had wanted to start a thread I could have done it there and then. I didn't. I had decided to just let it go, figuring something like this would happen. There's an old saying, "lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas." I didn't care to have any more to do with you. I also thought your Adieu thread meant what it said (I should have known better), that you were leaving the board. I figured "good riddance to bad rubbish." I didn't know you started a thread until someone PM'd me. You released my e-mail without my OK. YOU have chosen to make this all public. You have dragged me though the mud. You are used to such doings; I'm not. You also use it as a tactic; who else, caught in such a situation, would want to say anything or go through this. I come to the board to talk jazz, learn and have some fun. You use the board as a business proposition. From what I can tell, you have a pretty spotty record, to put it mildly. Since YOU went public, I had, and have, no choice but to respond to you. I have only posted the facts of my situation, and what has already been posted previously by others who have had the misfortune to become entangled with you. I have never cheated anyone, and I resent the imputation you have made. You're trying to bring me down to your level, but I won't go there. Why don't you just drop it. If your CDs ever arrive, I will send you back your money. Then I will throw the damn things out, because I wouldn't want anything in my house that was associated with you in any way. BTW, just for context, I bought a CD from jacknife on 9/5/09, had it on 9/9/09, no fuss, no mess. -
A funny thing happened on my way to the vinyl forum today. I was waylaid into another thread and got caught in a mudfight B-) I needed a "ritual purification" (maybe I spent too much time at the opening of the American Indian Museum this week), so, to "clean off" I spun the following: Columbia PC 9875 (not 9857, as AMG lists it). I just recently picked up the Mosaic LP set of this title; got it from a used record store, but the set is new, still shrinkwrapped. It will be interesting to compare sound quality. Then, for further cleansing: Blue Note BST 84017. Side B has a track "Baghdad Blues." Didn't know Horace was quite so prescient! Then, to finish up the ritual: Blue Note BST 84255. That felt GOOOD
I want to make something perfectly clear...
Leeway replied to undergroundagent's topic in Miscellaneous - Non-Political
I believe it was Jane Austen who said, "what are we for but to make sport for neighbors." Well, amusing as that might be, I am not inclined to further the fun. You can put your popcorn away I will say that I already laid out my reasons for my e-mail to UA. I gave some history why I didn't feel right with this transaction after nearly 4 weeks had passed. I believe I made it clear that I did not start the thread or make public comments about the situation. Allan had his say. He also made a refund. I accept that. I am not "still complaining," except for the fact that a resolution could have been achieved without the public spectacle. Will I acknowledge receipt of the CDs if and when they come? Absolutely. But if I don't, should I proclaim that equally loudly? I don't feel I owe anymore than that, since it was UA's decision to go public with it. If I had started the thread, then I could be faulted for "jumping the gun." As it is, I rest my case. Now I need to go listen to some jazz. -
I want to make something perfectly clear...
Leeway replied to undergroundagent's topic in Miscellaneous - Non-Political
UA, you (and others) ought to read these threads and ponder how you have become tangled in so many doubtful affairs. They all sound a lot like the current situation. You're own comment indicts you: I was puzzled by your comment about payment, but, checking my e-mail, I see that you have sent a payment through Pay Pal. You could have done that, or made an agreement to do that, before YOU started this thread. -
I want to make something perfectly clear...
Leeway replied to undergroundagent's topic in Miscellaneous - Non-Political
The following post might be of interest to those still interested in this subject(maybe even UA might benefit from it): From thread: "Do not do business with Underground Agent unless you like to be abused" 11/14/03- posted by Jazzhound: Posted by UA: Posted by UA- who complains about HIS PM being published Soul Stream, Forum post 11/15/03: Also, those interested (and if you're not, I can't blame you B-) ) might want to check the thread from 11/17/03, "Things are never as simple as they appear" posted by grey" UA posted: Posted by grey: Posted by UA-- the man himself--apparently I'm not the first to have a problem with him: And same tactic: UA's statement says itall: "I've had problems with many people buying/trading with me on here, AAJ, and back on BNBB that were either resolved, or let die because it simply wasn't worth the hassle." Just a little history for fellow Board members. -
I want to make something perfectly clear...
Leeway replied to undergroundagent's topic in Miscellaneous - Non-Political
I do not doubt that UA has had many transactions that went off OK. So consider my chagrin when I ended up in this sutation. I have tried to be patient with UA. Before the e-mail he quoted, I asked him a couple of times when and where he mailed the package-- he ignored those questions, until I insisted he tell me. Then his response was- well, "snotty," in my view. I felt trying to put me on the defensive, rather than recognize my concern. I didn't like that. I wanted to be patient, and I think, actually, I have been--but he doesn't make it easy. I held off putting anything in Org because I didn't want to be accusatory in public. I wasn't reassured by the fact he had deleted his sale thread, and also his curious announcement that he was leaving the Board (I guess he has changed his mind ). I was told on good authority that he had done this before in similar circumstances when something went sour. Is that correct? I was also informed that he had tried to post under different names when a similar controversy broke out? Is that correct? I have no reason to doubt these board members were telling me the truth. It was only at that point I sent him the e-mail he quoted (without my knowledge or consent-- that should tell you something about his character). I felt that after 30 days, possible redress in my case might not be possible. So I was candid with him. So now it has come to this. Allan, keep the CDs or the money or both. What goes around comes around, as they say. -
I want to make something perfectly clear...
Leeway replied to undergroundagent's topic in Miscellaneous - Non-Political
Ahem...THIS IS REALLY WHAT BIG WHEEL WROTE! Well, Big Wheel is a damn lucky fellow then But I have been advised PRIVATELY that I am not the first person to go through this with UA. Since I do not reelase private messages without the others consent, I will hold off for now. -
I want to make something perfectly clear...
Leeway replied to undergroundagent's topic in Miscellaneous - Non-Political
I want to point out that I did not "blast" UA in a public forum. My comments were made to him in an e-mail to him personally. HE has chosen to make them public. I suppose he figures the best defense is a good offense. Now that he has chosen to air his dirty laundry, I'll let the facts speak for themselves. The bottom line is that I paid him the same day I bought the CDs, 9/1/04. To date, I have not received them. Apparently I am not alone in this type of situation: Big Wheel: I have been told there are others as well. Whether they are willing to bother with further dealings with UA is another matter. I have no proof that UA mailed them, and , of course, proving a negative is tough to do. I suppose UA counts on that. A bonafide seller would make every effort to check with postal authorities, produce receipts, offer to resolve the situation, etc. That has not happened in this case. I too have bought from hundreds of sellers by mail, Internet, and Org, etc. These have been positive transactions on both sides. I've had a bad vibe about this one for the last couple of weeks. What a waste of time and effort it has been dealing with UA. Maybe some have done well with him in the past, but, then again, you might end up in my situation as well. Do you really want to be bothered in this way? -
But how much of that is due to the mastering, rather than to the "gold"?
I see people paying a premium for "gold" CDs. Somehow it seems that people assume such CDs are a premium product. Is that true? What exactly is a "gold" CD? How is it different than a regular CD? How is it better, if it is, indeed, better? Or, is this just another hype designed to part suckers-- er, I mean customers, from their money?
Your quip about "freedom" reminds me of a T-Shirt I saw in DC the other day at the Native American Procession and opening of the American Indian Museum: Picture on T-Shirt of council of Indians, above it "Homeland Security"-- below picture, "Fighting Terrrorism Since 1492"