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  1. Sonny Rollins @sonnyrollins "Greetings, everybody. 'Sonny Rollins is alive and well and living in upstate NY!' Not only living, but learning. For instance, in this world there is a big picture & a little picture. I'm all about the big picture, and therefore it's all good all the time. See you later. –Sonny"
  2. [earnin adout petes death made me very dad
  3. RIP
  4. update from constellation Parker and Lytten wil play a trio set with Josh Abrams on bass.
  5. here is an update re Mr Schlippenbach's attempts to invade the country. was looking forward to hear them we. no updates yet from constellation @BruceGallanter Tonight at ROULETTE: EVAN PARKER / MATTHEW SHIPP / PAUL LYTTON at 8pm! Alexander von Schlippenbach was supposed to play but was denied a Visa. No one knows why Mr. Schlippenbach was denied a Visa but we can imagine. EVAN PARKER & PAUL LYTTON rarely make their way to New York so..
  6. meanwhile treasury secretary Mnuchin has his own problems trying to do good in China https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/14/us/politics/mnuchin-china-trade-hollywood.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur#commentsContainer
  7. uli

    Doug Hammond

  8. Cellist Naomi Millender one of 8 Bold Souls passed October 31. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/post-tribune/obituary.aspx?page=lifestory&pid=190697179
  9. I'd recommend the alto player and the cellist could enjoy it together
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