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Everything posted by BFrank

  1. I couldn't find out anything, either. But there aren't any other "Steve Jordans" with a high enough profile to be in this show.
  2. Thanks for that link. Will be seeing him next month at the NYC Winter Jazzfest: STRATA-EAST RISING A Landmark concert w/ Charles Tolliver, Cecil McBee, Billy Hart, Billy Harper, Christian McBride, aja monet, Endea Owens, Steve Jordan, Keyon Harrold, Camille Thurman +more TBA
  3. Had the good fortune to see her at Big Ears in 2022. She gave a very lively and heartfelt presentation. RIP
  4. Another from the recently unearthed photos I took at Montreux Jazz 1978
  5. I was at one of the shows the week they recorded that album. Everyone at the shows were given a voucher to receive the album when it was released. Never heard of anyone doing that before or since. Very special. Now playing:
  6. You're right about Dick Allen. I always liked him, though. I remember at one point when he was playing first base and was heckled by fans, he would scratch "BOO" into the dirt next to the base with his cleat.
  7. I lost track of them a long time ago, too
  8. Saw them 2 nights in a row in a small club in SF in 1976. They were on fire! Epic released a promo live album "Jukes Live At The Bottom Line" recorded just a few weeks before those shows. It might be worth tracking down.
  9. Always quality prizes from GA! 👍
  10. Just ordered the new McCoy/Joe Hen CD set from BN because they had a 30% off sale. Unfortunately, after tax and shipping, that 30% disappeared pretty quickly.
  11. I was there. Quite an experience.
  12. I think you’re right, but it kind of negates the “festival experience”. I spent 10 years going to SXSW, followed by 5 seasons of Big Ears, and a big part of their appeal is seeing many different artists in different kinds of venues.
  13. I'm going to have to listen to her I did one of the Marathons in 2019. Nothing wrong with the music, but the venues were pretty spread out around lower Manhattan (and now in Brooklyn). Not a great experience as far as that goes, especially the long walks in January.
  14. That means I have to find them again 😁 I'll try this weekend
  15. LEE MORGAN - THE COMPLETE LIVE AT THE LIGHTHOUSE, List $76.98 SALE: $53.89 Today ONLY Blue Note website
  16. Surprised I couldn't find any existing threads about this festival. Some interesting shows this year, not the least of which is: STRATA-EAST RISING - A Landmark concert w/ Charles Tolliver, Cecil McBee, Billy Hart, Billy Harper, Christian McBride, aja monet, Endea Owens, Steve Jordan, Keyon Harrold, Camille Thurman +more TBA. Seems like a can't-miss, once-in-a-lifetime chance to see all these great musicians together. I'll be there.
  17. Wow - I recently found a set of these stickers I collected when I was a kid. Don't know if they're valuable or not.
  18. If I remember correctly when I was at SB High School around 1970 she appeared in play there. The theater department head had somewhat of a reputation in the industry. In fact, I'm pretty sure that Tim Bottoms stayed on an extra year just to work with him.
  19. You figured RIGHT! 😎 Now playing ... (seeing them in a few weeks)
  20. Riverside and Ray Wylie ... Excellent!
  21. I guess I didn't win this year 🥺 I had the right number of points ... WRONG team There's always NEXT year, right?
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