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Everything posted by BFrank

  1. The only one that I can think of right now is Donald Byrd's "Free Form". Not really THAT "out", but for him it is. And for a lineup that includes Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock(his first recording?) in 1961, it's definitely "progressive". My only question with your list is that I usually think of Tolliver as a progressive, not a hard bopper. Interesting topic, though. I look forward to seeing what other people come up with.
  2. BFrank

    Yo La Tengo

    AfricaBrass - Don't listen to him. "President YLT/New Wave Hot Dogs" is a GREAT album - 2 albums, actually. It's different from the type of music they are doing now, but for a REAL good time, it's a lot of fun - especially the "Hot Dogs" tunes. "Ride The Tiger" is similar 'garage-like' rock. "Genius + Love" is a collection of singles and B-sides that is worth grabbing just for the "experience". Anyway, I'm really liking the new album. It keeps getting better - like a good album should.
  3. Nice work on the new skin, b3-er!
  4. Maybe this should have been a Charles Tolliver thread. ... not that there's anything wrong with that. B)
  5. BFrank

    Yo La Tengo

    I'm 3/4 of the way through this now. I LIKE it. "Late night" for sure, but very interesting. As usual, an album that will take several listenings to get the full weight of this thing. Yo La Tengo! Yo La Tengo!
  6. Brad - Are you referring to Florida? "The Gigolo" was my first exposure to Lee, so I have a sentimental attachment to this album. It's hard for me to put any others up top. If I did, though, I might have to move "Search For The New Land" to #1.
  7. Kevin Whitehead reviews this album on Fresh Air with Terry Gross. You can stream it from the internet here: Fresh Air
  8. BFrank

    Yo La Tengo

    I'm sure it's great. YLT is one of those bands that you just pick up their latest release no matter what. EMusic has it already, so it's just a matter of downloading it when I get the chance.
  9. I voted for the first one. I think the digital remix is much cleaner. It doesn't have that phasing sound of the other selection and the bass is more prominent. I won't even mention the squeeking drum kit!
  10. How about the "French, Frith, Kaiser, Thompson" albums? I have "Live, Love, Larf & Loaf", but haven't listened to THAT one in many years, either. Time to drag it out and give it a spin.
  11. BFrank

    Super Session

    Did not get the new live album - "Fillmore East - The Lost Concert Tapes". It seems to be more of a companion to the "Live Adventures of Al Kooper and Mike Bloomfield", which has also recently been re-released I believe. I wonder if it's equally as sloppy. BTW, the extra tracks consist of "Albert's Shuffle" and "Season of the Witch" (remastered without the horn section overdubs), as well as "Blues For Nothing" and "Fat Grey Cloud (Live)".
  12. Funny - that's the same reason I voted for "Night Dreamer". B)
  13. My vote goes for "Double Exposure".........except it's not on the list. I know it's credited to Joe Chambers, but credit should really go to both.
  14. "Maiden Voyage"............just because........
  15. Well, I lead it off with "Night Dreamer", if you don't mind! B)
  16. BFrank

    Super Session

    Just got the re-issue/re-master of this. Sounds GREAT. This version is produced by Al Kooper, too. I always thought this was a classic album of its era. An interesting combination of musicians and an interesting selection of tunes. This release also has extra tracks (imagine THAT!). Also, I never noticed Harvey Brooks' bass so much before. I can see now, that he was really key to this session.
  17. Finally grabbed Pentangle's first album. I never noticed how totally c-o-o-l this cover is. VERY trendy - 60's or 00's. The music is KILLER, btw. Gonna have to get "Sweet Child" soon, I think.
  18. 'Semi-Detached Mock Tudor' sure looks like it's gotta be a good album. I just picked up the newly remastered "Leige & Leif" which I haven't heard in MANY years. It still sounds great.
  19. Is this hypothetical, or does Mosaic truly have an Eldridge set in the works? Montg posted this on the AAJ board a few days ago: I e-mailed Mosaic this morning about the rumored Roy Eldridge set. Bless their hearts, they responed within two hours and here's the good news: "We are working on the Complete Roy Eldridge Verve Studio for possible release late this year"
  20. As long as they're still willing and able to release RVGs, Conns and everything else from the classic years, it's fine with me. Meanwhile, I'll open up a nice bottle of Opus 1 (HA! Fat chance)
  21. I had the Isham tribute once. I liked it at first, but repeated listenings didn't hold up for me. It might be worth picking up at this price, though. The one that I would recommend from this list is Tom Harrell - "Time's Mirror". An excellent big band session that is very contemporary sounding. I grabbed it from here several months ago - WELL worth the $$.
  22. You should definitely pick up "The Grand Wazoo", "One Size Fits All" and "Roxy & Elsewhere". Pretty much anything up until "Joe's Garage" is worth having. After that, it's hit and miss - but some good "hits" if you get the 'right' ones. I was actually at the "Another Band From LA" show. I've mentioned it elsewhere, but I didn't enjoy it that much at the time. It was a combination of lousy seats and my friend not liking the show at all. I do remember "Call Any Vegetable" as being the highlight of the show. It certainly ROCKS on the album, which I've grown to like quite a bit since.
  23. You can always sign up for a new BMG account and get it for practically free.
  24. I guess I didn't mean that we shouldn't cover Richard here. I meant that I wouldn't start out repeating myself, since we both were over there. My bad ... Anyway...........I agree about the overproduced glitz. It definitely takes away from enjoyment of the music. As for TNG&TR, "John The Gun" is a pretty striking tune and it also shows up on Fairport's live "Moveable Feast". ...and, BTW, Richard Thompson ROCKS!
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