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Everything posted by BFrank

  1. BFrank


    Sorry, Jim. It doesn't do much for me. Just sounds like some early 70's fusion experiment, that isn't quite working.
  2. That is a great album, although I don't know how rare it actually is. It hasn't been OOP for more than a year or two.
  3. Hey, thanks for the "Illinois" input! I was particularly concerned about the recording quality. It sounds like it's fine. Cool. BMG is really cheap right now ($7.99 & no S/H), so I went ahead ordered it (along with Wes' "Full House").
  4. Who would have thought that Wes Montgomery would get so few votes?
  5. One of the "moderators" on the EMusic message board said that there will be lots more to come from the "Beggars" labels.
  6. BTW........how is "The Illinois Concert"? I keep thinking I should get it.
  7. This Mortal Coil, Dead Can Dance, Love & Rockets, Peter Murphy, Kristen Hersch, Fields of the Nephilim, etc. They only have one or two albums for many of these artists, but still....nice to have. BTW, if you do a Label search for "Beggars" you get the whole 'family'.
  8. Dolphy does a take on this which I haven't heard. Actually, Bobby Darin does a pretty sa-wingin' version of this, too.
  9. Brad, I'm wondering which era of Wes you are referring to? I've always thought that Wes' reputation was tarnished and misunderstood by the commercial work that he did for Verve. Understandably, he no doubt did it for the money AND to his credit became commercially popular for the effort. Yet, jazz purists will continue to degrade his talents for that decision, I"m sure. It would be hard to say that Wes had no soul after listening to "Boss Guitar", "Full House" or "Portrait of Wes".
  10. Had to go with Wes, but only by a "string". As with the piano poll, there are too many "apples & oranges" here to make a logical decision.
  11. Bev - thanks for that link. It's Rory McFarlane on bass. I suppose the drummer was Earl Harvin, too. I'll have to have my ears checked soon.
  12. "Name your favorite pianist from this list" > No.
  13. Just back from the 2 1/2 hour - double encore sold out RT show. Tour de force! He played music from all eras including "I Want To See The Bright Lights" to "Shoot Out The Lights" to "Tear Stained Letter" to "So Ben Mi Ca Bon Tempo" (from '1000 Years of Popular Music') to "I'll Tag Along". For the second and final encore he brought out Henry Kaiser and they did staggering versions of "Crawl Back" and "Season of the Witch". The last tune featured an extended jam that rivaled anything from Trane's late period. The band was quite tight, too. Pete Zorn - multi-instrumentalist, Paul Harvey - drums and a bass player who's name I don't remember (not Danny Thompson, though). A show everyone should treat themselves to.
  14. I'm going to try and go see him tonight at the Fillmore. He probably won't be hitting the stage until after 10pm unfortunately, which is a little "past my bedtime".
  15. You can get "Grand Max" from Berkshire Record Outlet for $2.99.
  16. Yeah, "Impact" is really harsh. Practically unlistenable, actually. I've tried to enjoy it several times and always end up taking the needle off (yes, it's vinyl) before it finishes. To correct my earlier comment, "Drought" is the only tune that you don't get with the "Live at Historic Slugs" CD but is on the Volume 1 LP.
  17. You could probably put him in the modal/post-bop category if you want. The Strata-East stuff is definitely smokin'. Start with the "Live at Slugs" set(s). There are 2 LPs of this session or a single CD. You miss a couple of tunes with the CD, though. Next should be "Grand Max" (originally released on S-E as "Live at the Loosdrecht Jazz Festival") on Black Lion.
  18. Have you tried Dusty Groove? They have a fair amount of Strata East stuff - expecially Tolliver on both CD and LP.
  19. Max Roach - "The Loadstar" with Billy Harper.
  20. BFrank

    Jimmy Woods

    It's amazing how, over time, that Gerald Wilson Mosaic gets better and better. First off, you have Harold Land, Teddy Edwards and Charles Tolliver; then the recent revelations about Carmell Jones from his "Select" set; finally, finding out that Woods is there, too. BTW, I didn't mean to abandon this thread, but after Rooster pointed out the lengthy one already going in the Reissues Forum, I figured it would make more sense to post there.
  21. Even more surprising......that Joe Gordon album "Lookin' Good" is sweeeeeeeeeeet!
  22. So, they both turned down the gig for geographic/family reasons?
  23. Hey, that sounds pretty inspired. I'll have to check it out. I just wish it was a different show than Conan, but worth taping anyway.
  24. Thanks, Rooster. I didn't even THINK to search for another thread on this guy. I just stumbled on the album and didn't realize that it was a new re-release, either. It just looked interesting. ... I'm downloading both of the Woods' plus the Joe Gordon now ...
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