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Everything posted by BFrank

  1. Cool! He has quite a following. And celebrating his 1,000th video tomorrow with a live YouTube conversation. He's one of my oldest friends. We were roommates in college.
  2. My friend Mazzy (who posts on a lot of vinyl topics and hosts discussions) got to speak for an hour with Joe Harley recently. You might like this conversation
  3. Great show tonight. An impressive lineup. Picked up her recent RogueArt album after the show and will listen to it tomorrow. They're recording another one this week for release sometime next year.
  4. Looks GOOD! 👏 BTW, we now have a FULL compliment of emojis!
  5. BFrank

    Zappa 1972 box

    I like them both! Other than the one track, they're very different. I wish there was more Leon Thomas on Welcome, too.
  6. Great! Thanks for the heads up!
  7. Sunday at SFJAZZ Myra Melford's Fire and Water Quintet with Ingrid Laubrock sax, Mary Halvorson guitar, Tomeka Reid cello, Lesley Mok drums
  8. Combo Chimbita: "Colombian psychedelic-heavy metal-soul-funk" Should be interesting!
  9. BFrank

    Zappa 1972 box

    Interesting how much great jazz there was in 73. Especially since the 70's were generally not considered great years for the music. As far as rock in 73, I think there was some great stuff there, but not by established artists.
  10. This is the Chameleons UK. Their core albums came out in the 80's, then released some live stuff in the 90s, and put out this one in 2001. Surprisingly good after spending so much time off.
  11. Saw them last night in a small venue here in SF. Great show!
  12. BFrank

    Zappa 1972 box

    I saw FZ at UCLA when they recorded "Another Band from LA" - just before this period. But enjoyed him much better a few years later with Duke and that Roxy-era band.
  13. There's a multipart interview between those 2 on YouTube about what Grissom looks for in a guitar.
  14. BFrank

    Zappa 1972 box

    Hot Rats? Good to know. If I find a cheap copy, maybe I'll grab it.
  15. BFrank

    Zappa 1972 box

    That looks like a box worth having! I was excited when they announced the Hot Rats box, but after streaming it a bit I was really disappointed by all the random noodling and excess studio chatter. I decided that I didn't need that one.
  16. Tomorrow at SFJAZZ: Kurt Ribak Plays 'MINGUS AH UM'
  17. Exactly! I picked up the virus about 2 weeks ago even though I've had all 3 boosters. But the effects were minimal. At first I thought my allergies were acting up (headache, runny nose, etc), but something didn't seem right so I decided to self-test and I was positive. It turns out those symptoms were about the worst of it. My doctor prescribed Paxlovid for me, but I probably could have gone without it. Why take that chance, though? I'm sure my "illness" such as it was, was reduced considerably by getting vaxed. BTW, I'm over it now and have recently re-tested Negative.
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