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Everything posted by BFrank

  1. Nice
  2. There's now talk that the current employees are searching for a way to buy the brewery and run it as an employee-owned cooperative
  3. The scene today at the Tony Bennett statue in front of the Fairmont Hotel, SF
  4. True. Birkin is memorable, but not in the center of the film. Amazing you saw her in person - on the street!
  5. Blow Up - one of my favorite films
  6. A friend of mine who's currently selling off a vinyl collection for someone just sold that Thunderball album today
  7. Just heard about this group. VERY much in the Fairport Convention/Steeleye Span mold. So far, I like it!
  8. Can never go wrong with James!
  9. That was quite a while ago, AGGGGG! I should check it out again.
  10. I should check out Hoffman again. It's been several years since I dove into it.
  11. Yeah - those are the primary reasons. I was concerned when they sold out to Sapporo about 6 years ago. And then really surprised when they changed the label design - that was part of the charm.
  12. I think that's one reason I don't follow the Hoffman Forum.
  13. Prime Day deal on this box: 35% off ($51.96)
  14. That's a good one. As are most of her recent albums with Leventhal.
  15. I have a good friend who dived back into vinyl in a BIG way. I've seen lots of videos he sends me and live chats and the discussion almost always turns to packaging, mastering location, vinyl quality and everything except the music. Pretty frustrating. As far as the new Clark box, I'm definitely thinking about it. The only album I have is Cool Struttin', so this would be a good collection for me.
  16. Seems good. But only one quick listen so far.
  17. A friend of mine in Seattle is going
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