This is unbelievable! This high quality footage was just posted by Jack Bruce’s Twitter account of the Tony Williams Lifetime w/Jack Bruce, John McLaughlin and Larry Young.
I never expected to see anything like this.
I wish Berne would come out to SF more often. He probably hasn't been here for at least 5 years. I asked him about that a while back and I think he has trouble finding venues for his brand of jazz.
Big Zorn Fest in town this weekend. I'm going to 2 shows: Cobra and Electric Masada.
Saw him do Cobra at Big Ears this year - totally outrageous! Looking forward to this one, for SURE.
I saw them in 72 opening for Poco, but I don't remember anything about it now.
Saw LaFlamme about 5 years later with an IABD-like band and I remember they were pretty good.
What?? I would have LOVED to see that!
Been a BIG Billy fan since I first saw him with Max in the late 70s. Probably seen him more than any other jazz musician - with his own groups, Randy Weston, and the Cookers.