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Everything posted by BFrank

  1. Also stunning how different his studio work was from his live performances
  2. Good album. One of a couple posthumous releases that were rumored to be his next studio album
  3. I know this group isn't considered his peak, but it marks a point of transition for him. It was pretty much the last time played the edgy, almost-out-of-control solos and fills that put him on the map with his guitar contemporaries at the time. Blow by Blow came next and he was changed forever. A lot of the songs are un-spectacular but the guitar playing IS.
  4. Thursday night: The Baseball Project ALWAYS entertaining!
  5. Jeeez! Again ... it looked fine when I posted it, and then checked back later. What's UP with that?
  6. Testing >>>>> Huh ... seems to work! Never did it this way.
  7. I used to be able to copy and past photos from my Google Photos web drive into threads here, no problem. But recently it's not working. I paste the photo into the submission box, it looks fine at first, but later converts to a bunch of text-based code for some reason. Anything change? Or any suggestions?
  8. Those ALL sound great! Looking forward to ALL the Threadgill shows, too.
  9. There was a VERY bluesy set by James Blood Ulmer this year
  10. NYT Terence Blanchard, Pushing Jazz Forward From a New Perch The trumpeter and composer follows the premiere of two Met operas with an appointment as executive artistic director of SFJazz in San Francisco and a Jazz Masters honor. By Giovanni Russonello Sept. 6, 2023 Two big announcements came down recently about the trumpeter and composer Terence Blanchard — both monumental, neither one a surprise. In June, the National Endowment for the Arts announced that Blanchard, 61, would receive a 2024 Jazz Masters fellowship, the highest lifetime-achievement honor available to a United States-based improviser. Then a month later, as if a reminder that this lifetime still has a few major chapters ahead, the nonprofit organization and performance center SFJazz named Blanchard its executive artistic director. Hardly any other musician has so solid a grasp on the scope of what’s going on in jazz today — and no institution is as committed to reflecting, even goading, its growth. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/06/arts/music/terence-blanchard-sfjazz.html
  11. They really captured the look of 60s bootleg LPs with that cover
  12. HA! Mayyyyyyyyyyyyy-be! 🤩 Saw them at Big Ears. You're going to like them!
  13. I give up. When I paste them in, they’re there. Even when I refresh the page. Sorry!
  14. Sorry about the pictures! They showed up when I pasted them in. Let me try again
  15. I'm actually not that familiar with this era myself, but the Mudd Club date is pretty excellent. Maybe because it's Zappa ... in a NYC club! A very tight unit he had there.
  16. A couple of "action" shots from Sunday's Zorn shows. 1) Cobra, 2) New Electric Masada
  17. Perhaps a little insight ... Posted by Malcolm Bruce “The following footage of LIFETIME has apparently just surfaced from the Beat Club archives. I’m wondering if there is more, although my understanding is that these in studio sessions were limited to 30 minutes. This was my Dad’s favourite band that he was involved with, for so many reasons I understand that notion, the sheer musical potential between them was self evident. Unfortunately it seems nobody really ‘got’ the concept, especially the industry. This I believe was the 2nd iteration, the first being a trio with just Tony, John and Larry, which without wishing to detract from them, was essentially a more conventional albeit avant-garde group. With the inclusion of my Dad it became something completely unprecedented. It was a time when real musicians who could actually play desired to be like rock stars as opposed to being pigeonholed by an industry devoid of insight into the potentialities of music making. And I’m not sure spiritually we have advanced since then, in fact I think we have regressed. Also, from the comments section: apparently some footage was shown in episode 61 of Beat Club, of McLaughlin rolling his eyes and the band stopping mid play, with presenter Uschi Nerke telling the viewers, ”Lifetime have behaved so badly and arrogantly in the studio that the work didn’t lead to any presentable results and had to be cancelled.” Read into that what we will, but I do hope there is more from this studio recording. The only other recording I have encountered from this lineup playing live is an audience recording from one of their U.K. shows (of which there were only a handful, some I believe booked by the late great Stuart Lyon) and it’s essentially unlistenable.”
  18. Coincidentally I was just listening to THIS
  19. BFrank

    Tyshawn Sorey

    SFJAZZ had an open house today and we were allowed backstage to see what it's like. One of the walls is lined with signed drum heads from those who played there
  20. This is unbelievable! This high quality footage was just posted by Jack Bruce’s Twitter account of the Tony Williams Lifetime w/Jack Bruce, John McLaughlin and Larry Young. I never expected to see anything like this. Enjoy!
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