I'm also very much against reliced or aged guitars. I hate when they are made old looking from their original state. They will come to look like that over time. But I'm not buying like this new. Something that has been damaged purposely. But this process costs much more than a pristine new guitar. Look at Gibson's Murphy Lab for an example. They all cost from 10.000$ upwards.
I've been eyeing one of those too. But maybe mine was the FMT HH. Plus points for me: it's made of mahogany with a nice carved maple top and a set neck, which is also mahogany. And its Duncans, one 59 and one Pearly Gates. I didn't know they carry P90s.
Wekanesses: its Indian Laurel fingerboard (no Rosewood), no case (it's Indonesian made and relatively cheap), Urethane finish, no Nitro (like in all Fenders for that matter).