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Posts posted by jazz4u

  1. It's sad, and difficult, to write about the loss of a great musician, and a kind man - Sal Mosca was both those things.

    When I was living in Connecticut with my God parents, I got to see Sal and talk to him quite a bit. My God father, a man named Steve Silverman, was one of his students for over two decades. Sal would often come to the house for dinner. He was very dry, yet very direct; he always said what he felt. And, he had strong opinions about life as well ( I remember him once saying about his then new car, "It's going to be a piece of shit some day. All cars eventually become a piece of shit." He was on a roll about how things weren't as important as human beings.)

    During my time in CT , about 2 years after having begun to play the bass, my brother filmed me playing a new years gig at an Italian restaurant in White Plains, NY. The band I was with played a bunch of Italian tunes and some standards. Sal saw the tape , and said to me, "Besides the Italian stuff, it sounds pretty good.". My late father, Warne Marsh, died before I'd ever learned to play, so Sal was the first truly heavy player to compliment my playing. I was 21 years old.

    Sal was just that - heavy.

    Rest in peace my friend.

    Jason Marsh

  2. Hi!

    If you want to have more video footage from that TV session, and in better quality, "Geneva's move" (the Youtube clip) and "Subconscious-Lee" are available on the Lee Konitz "Live at the Village Vanguard" DVD, which has a Lee Konitz quartet concert from the late 80's and these 1954 recordings (6:45 min total), which are not identified as such on the DVD cover. It was a huge surprise when I watched the DVD for the first time. I wasn't aware this footage existed.


    Thanks. I had no idea this existed either.

  3. Warne's youngest here. Warne's brother, my uncle, Owen Marsh, was also a cinematographer for many a moon, working oneverything from, 'The Brady Bunch' to 'Night Rider'. He's also carpenter like his father and my father. (My dad built Sonny Dallas's shower!!). My great aunt was Mae Marsh, a silent film actress, who I believe made a few with Chaplin.

    Kc, my older brother, is an actor and writer, and I play the bass...madness is in the blood!!!

    I haven't posted in a while. Good to be here. Is everybody in good spirits? Long time no speak, Chuck.


    Mae info: http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0550615/

  4. I guess if you're not a little nervous, you're not normal. However, I think that ine my father's case, music was his life and his job. He just didnt know anything else, and couldnt do and didnt want to do anything else. Unrotunately, fasstrack and others, I dont know what level of anxiety he may have felt. But I do think that since recornding and performing was the only path he could have taken, and that that is really all he did with himself, that nerves perhaps weren't that big of an issue for him. I have this image in my mind of my father thinking 'shit' when he messed up while playing, and then forgetting about it and playing on.

    ctemplady: I wish I knew the answer. I think Bird and Pres were his biggest influences.

    Fasstrack: Nerves suck me dry, too. They hamper everything from improv jazz to learning new Japanese vocabulalry. And yes, my dad was inward...to a fault.

  5. Allan,

    Sorry for any misunderstandings and thanks for being a fan. Thanks to you too, c-lady and every ody else.

    I feel that using dope perhaps gives a glimpse of another 'reality', so to speak, but never really takes you there.

    Again, I think that a player like my father opens up a can of worms of serious questions about self expression. Whatever your chosen craft, how do you get to the point where you are in that 'zone'? From what I gather, at least with improvisational music, it appears to be a matter of accumilating skills enough to do it (skills relative what you want to express musically) , and being willing enough to be honest and take risks. But I dont know if the skills are getting inside you/becoming a part of you as you learn them and you're expressing those alone, or if the skills are a conduit (sp?) for what you have inside trying to get out, or some combination of both. And In the end, does a musician have to work that hard just to get to themselves? It almost doesnt seem fair. :( I sometimes think being made of flesh bones is a limitaion. Ive been playing bass for 16 years now and I still haven't been able to just 'let it out'.

    What do you all think?

    Yes, fasstrack, my father love Pres and Bach.


  6. This is Warne's son, Jason. I'm going to say this and then probably regret it later, but here it goes...

    I'm not goint to deny my father having done 'whatever', but he was commited to not doing anything that would ever result in sloppy playing, which is why he never got into booz. I also think my father was one of the few people who could use and still keep it straight, even seperate the sensations from reality. He never had any extravagant, violent, or off the wall behavior.

    As far as why he did so long into his life, well, my family has some of the many answers that question and you'll understand why I'm going to keep it all private.

    In regards to Allan's comment as to my father's playing being detached , Im not sure I agree. My father made a destinction between emotion and feeling, as did Lennie. And for every person who thought my father's playing was detached, there is someone that thought my fathers use of time and advanced melodic ideas brought them (the listener) closer to something above and beyond all of us. My father never played an emotion (happiness, sadness, etc.). What he played was everything he 'was' as honestly as possible. For that reason, I think my father's playing asks some interesting questions, like 'How does one get to such a space?' Warne wasnt an 'off the street/learned through the school of hard knocks' player. He came from means. He practiced for hours and hours, learned advanced techniques, studied with a master, and didnt settle for anything fake in his playing. Is this what it takes to express yourself at such a level? If so, then my father shatters the myth that you have to 'suffer' to be great. But, Im not the ultimate judge by any means.

  7. The Berlin concert is an illegal release. Please don' t purchase it until its's re-released through more legal channels (if that ever happens.)

    My more elaborate feelings -to put it mildly-on this matter were posted on a Marsh thread about a year and a half ago.

    In lighter news, Happy New Year folks!!


    p.s. Hi Chuck

  8. Been playing jazz on electric for 15 years. The acoustic's tone has a wonderful combination of warmth of articulation that the best electrics have yet to match, but the electric is right there across your chest, so improvising on it is a little easier. I say this even though I dont play the acoustic :mellow:

  9. You're right, ariceffron. It doesn't just revolve around me. It also revolves around my mother, brother, father and any decent musicican who tries to make a buck and an honest musical contribution. Don't take stabs at me, honey, cuz ya aint gonna win. But you are more than welcome to buy all the legal releases of my father's music that your little heart desires. :)

  10. Thats a great stroy, medjuck, and thank you.

    The Personal Statement CD is one of the albums released without the permission of my family. I encourage you not to buy it. And besideds, the cover is just a b&w negative of the Posthomus cover. How cheezy is that? Cheap is as cheap does.

  11. Hey Chuck,

    My brother got the disk and said he enjoyed them, but that's all I know.

    I like Apogee because the compostions were good. But it does sound like the massive production that it is...more of a "show" than a recording of imrpovised jazz.

  12. Slow release? That's nasty, but funny.

    I want to thank everyone for the continued support and good spirits.

    You may be interested to know that while I was living in Oregon, I met and befriended Steve Tristano, Lennie's eldest son. He looked and sounded EXACTLY like his father. He was studying dance and music at the University of Oregon at the time. A very sweet, sweet man.

    From what I can remeber, my father tended to shun electric instruments, except for the elec. guitar since that was/is the standard for jazz. The only recording of his that I know of that features electric keys is Chuck's "All Music". He probably wouldn't care for the fact that I play the elec. bass. :(

  13. I'm really not the one to ask about what recordings are available. I'm not sure what this says about me, but I don't even have all of pop's known studio recordings, let alone the obscure stuff. I've got pop in the blood, and I make my own music, so I guess I never felt the drive. The main reason why I'd like to get more is to give them to Warne's grand kids (when they come to be), and that's it. But thanks for asking :-)

    What's a B3?

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